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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Now, that's the poll I love. I run 1.0.5 only to record some vids and take some pics of the assets in my old save. 1.1.2 performance is too good to give up in favor of stability and 15 FPS.
  2. "Waiting" may seem good on user side, but it is very bad on business side. Unity released its latest version only 9 days ago, though maybe Squad went on holidays because they waited for it.
  3. It was not known to be a buggy engine, the post I linked from Unity is from 22 March 2016. The efforts on moving the game to Unity 5 started in mid 2015. When an engine is buggy workarounds is the way to go which Squad did to the extent of their abilities.
  4. I'm talking about the Unity version. Unity admitted that it was unstable and tried to fix most of the bugs in 5.3.4 http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/5-3-4-released.393187/ Plus waiting for another engine update when so much work has been put into the game already is pointless.
  5. I doubt that it was known. KSP is the game the pushes limits of the engine to the levels the Unity devs never thought of. Squad filed numerous reports to Unity guys and they're working on fixing that, because KSP is still the most famous game which was ever created on their engine.
  6. @steve_v Most people just don't understand what it means developing a game on a foreign engine. Unity developers have never imagined that something as grand as KSP will emerge from their engine which was meant for simple indie games. Here's a good post by taniwha which gives good insight into what KSP really is:
  7. My lander looks legit after seeing this :3
  8. @JebsDead @KAL 9000 Yeah docking ports retain their "docked" state when a part was detached from them via KIS. This makes them unavailable for docking until you attach something back via KIS and undock/decouple the usual way. The KML save editor can detect and fix such docking ports.
  9. @Diddly Feelerino This bounce flip happens mostly on small planes. To avoid flipping you have to land on all wheels without flaring. Align your plane horizontally at the last second.
  10. Collider is a general term in modelling, it doesn't have to collide We usually use a pill shaped collider to define a kerbal's position on the ladder, it also triggers the "Grab [F]" function when a kerbal's body intersects it. I suppose that some models have this collider intersecting with the main collider of the model, a kerbal's body tries to occupy the pill collider but hits the main collider of the part and starts to drift.
  11. It noticed that it depends on placement according to the orbital prograde vector. Horizontally my kerbals drift, vertically not. EDIT: This might also be a collider issue, when the ladder collider interacts with the adjacent part collider. So it probably also depends on the part the ladders are placed on.
  12. Those are EVA struts by DMagic. They're KIS independent.
  13. @IgorZ Meanwhile, my station maintenance crew :3
  14. @RW-1 That's very inventive @Snark One the outer edges of the SOI the orbiting speed is so slow that one can send vessels in pack one by one matching the velocity of the leading vessel. It's gonna be very hard to send a synchronized fleet from the low orbit.
  15. I see currently two mass+distance checks, one on mouse hover with 'G' key pressed and second on 'drag complete'. I think that the mass+distance check on 'drag complete' is unnecessary and it wasn't there in 1.0.5. The first mass check on mouse hover will disallow grabbing the part anyway. Carrying an item under your mouse cursor and having full control of a kerbal was very convenient.
  16. @IgorZ Here's the way I've been doing it in 1.0.5
  17. @NathanKell I've been testing different configurations and by the looks of things the texture tiling in PP was designed with 4x symmetry around the tank (uScale = 4), other numbers make it stretch. Plus I couldn't stretch the texture past 2.5m in the tiling (autoScale) mode, PP puts limit on that. 2.5m is the current maximum possible length of one texture step. Here's the texture without the black circle: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1pmtsxofq22jylc/KHPlanes1.dds?dl=1 I have in mind one more texture with bigger panels, I'll ping you when I make it. Unfortunately decals don't look nice on tileable textures, so it will also be plain.
  18. @IgorZ I ran into an issue some time ago: Happens when I grab a part and walk some distance away from the grabbed part before releasing my mouse button to spawn the hologram. Is it intended? Was working for me in 1.0.5
  19. Lol Place this .cfg file into your GameData/KerbalHacks/WrapperTank folder. It will add two lesser sizes.
  20. @shoe7ess Make it Small became stock in 1.1.2, open the settings menu in the game to see all the tweaks. @Stone Blue Texture Replacer is not a bloated mod, it just has access to most of the ingame textures. The .dll is just 64Kb. You won't notice it in your game. I believe you never tried it.
  21. Did you download the latest version? it has 2 sizes and supports tweakscale.
  22. @Dizor Lovely work! Would you mind giving some eye candy to your SpaceDock page for this mod? The markup there supports youtube vids, imgur albums etc.
  23. @Dizor Welcome to the modding community. Your EasyBoard mod is a blast! I grown tired of the tedious ladder grabbing before boarding long ago. Your mod is such an elegant solution which saved me loads of time.
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