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Posts posted by Freshmeat

  1. I have done some practical work inspired by a similar thread around Christmas or so. The outcome was that refueling at Minmus had substantial savings due to lighter payloads sent to orbit, and the drop to a periapsis did indeed save some dV, the savings where rather small due to steering losses, wrong inclination of Minmus (this could get very bad), and the fact that it is quite a challenge to find the exact escape orbit from Minmus to get the correct argument of periapsis.

    That being said, figuring out how to calculate ephemerides where quite interesting, and as a bonus I know the launch time for heading to Minmus with the correct inclination.

    PS: Writing this I just realised that there must be a way to launch from Minmus to get a low inclination  on the Kerbin orbit, by tilting the orbit from Minmus. Investigation pending.

  2. I managed to land on Tylo for the first time :D Note the resources, I had 22 m/s left upon touchdown :cool:


    The craft is a recycled Vall lander. After transferring the crew to their return craft I examined the specs if I repurposed the equipment, life support and ore containers as fuel tanks (and a kind thought to @Angel-125 for making Wild Blue containers reconfigurable on the fly). Then I mounted the lander to the side of a tug as the front docking port was another type:


    I had to shut down most of the engines, limit the trust of of two of four still usable and distribute all fuel to port side to get a linear thrust, netting an acceleration of whooping 0.55 m/s^2. The image is taken during the 13 minute capture burn at Tylo.

    The landing operation itself took two tries, thank Kraken for F5/F9. Unfortunately, all science equipment was left at Vall, but I still feel as proud as when I touched down first time on the Mun.


    And given the ISRU onboard, take-off to orbit was perfectly doable.

  3. I got a mock up to work with Win 7 and a Due, just sending some simple telemetry. Coming from KSPSerialIO, the code structure takes a little change of mindset, but this shows a lot of promise. I consider rebuilding my controller (again), using WS2812 led strips instead of MAX7219 for annuciators and make a matrix keypad that will be used both for the plugin and the Due keyboard library instead of having an old keyboard IC mounted for commands that does not go through the plugin. I will probably do this in stages, and I just agreed taking a few weeks of on a trip with my family, so it can take a while before I get around to bother you with questions and requests.

  4. Good luck on the endeavor. There has been a lot a talk about the hardware in Mulbins thread, but I have not seen a software solution anywhere. I don't want to bother the esteemed gentlemen, but Stibbons have done a lot of work on a navball display and Richfiles has been giving advice on the hardware side.

  5. @moeburn The quick and dirty way of getting time to do everything is to raise your refresh rate in the init file. I use a refresh of 0.125 instead of 0.08, a value gotten by raising it until the disconnect problem went away. Further, consider if you can live with the display updating every half second instead: I have a counter that updates every 250 ms by comparing to a timer. When the counter is 0 and 2, LCDs are updated. When its is 1 and 3, indicator lights are updated. Additionally, on 1 real time clock and all resource gauges are updated, and on 3, some floating point operations for navigation happens. Every beat updates my terrain altitude gauge. Thus I manage to not get my Mega swamped.

    Setting the baud rate higher would transfer more information to the Arduino, swamping it earlier. If you have a larger board (Mega), you can increase the serial buffer, but beware that the tutorials on how to do it are all outdated. I think I managed to do it but I am not really certain. In fact, the larger memory is the real reason the Mega is preferable, I only use a fraction of its pins.

  6. @moeburn First of all: Windows 10 is only partially supported, but since you get a handshake I guess that is not your problem. If your TFT is to slow overall, you are pretty much out of luck. But if the problem is long loading times on the KSP side, there is a setting, handshakedelay in the init file in the plugin directory. Try setting it to 5000 or something like that.

  7. I mostly use vernors instead of monoprop RCS, with vernors for x/y translation and backwards, and a very low throttled engine for forwards. I am a big fan of magic and use it whenever I can. Docking Port Alignment Indicator is one of my must-have mods. I dock quite a lot with heavy equipment, as my larger ships always refuel in Minmus orbit.

  8. @Lo Var Lachland @ansaman We are not talking changing planetary or munar orbits, they are on rails and cannot be changed. But if you want to orbit around a planet really fast, you can in principle thrust inwards while keeping a high prograde speed. From any High School textbook, the force needed for a circular motion is:

    F_circle = m*v^2/r

    Where F is the radial inward force needed to keep the circular orbit, m is the mass of the vessel, v is prograde velocity and r is the distance to the center of the circle. From the law of gravity, you get an inward force of:

    F_inward = G*m*M/r^2

    M being the mass of the body you orbit, and G being the universal gravity constant. Solving for v, you get

    v = sqrt(G*M/r)

    Which is the velocity you have when you orbit a body in free fall. However, if you want a higher velocity, you can obtain it by adding an additional inward force F (not outward, @magnemoe was below required speed for orbit):

    F_inward = G*m*M/r*^2 + F

    How much you need for given r and v is a simple matter of combining above equations

    F = m/r * (v^2 - G*M/r)


  9. I play career for the extra fun of doing things as cheap as possible, and the contracts get me ideas for wild stuff I would not have thought to do otherwise. I have played some sandbox as well, to do specific projects. But each to his own. Try it out, you already paid for it. And nevermind spending a couple of weeks going in the wrong direction, KSP is a game for years.

  10. Check this

    I cannot give a full answer, but on the top of my head: v squared gives kinetic energy, distance potential energy. Your semi major axis is dependent on only mechanical energy. From the velocity vector and distance to center you get angular momentum which is conserved. Thus you should be able to get ap and pe by solving for a velocity and distance that satisfies both angular momentum and mechanical energy. I'm off to bed, and will be off for a day or two, but I think it is doable using only algebra.

  11. I made a double Minmus rescue. Nothing to write home about normally, but the vessels where orbiting in opposite directions. However, this is Minmus, so orbital speed for the craft furthest out is 110 m/s. Quick back of the envelope calculations says that if I EVA the kerbonaut I can cancel out the relative speed of a craft going in the opposite direction in something like 8 km, so why not do an Iron Man? Five tries later the maneuver is perfectly executed and the kerbonaut is saved, and I turn to OBS to watch the screencast and edit a short video.


    Turns out a freak checkmark has downscaled to a quarter of the screen size, making the video unreadable. No pics this time :-(

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