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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. Put this into your launch commands. -force-opengl -popupwindow . Or you can try deleting Scatterer ive heard it helps memory problems. But yes it has to do with ksp 32bit running out of memory.
  2. Proot i cant thank you enough. This literally changes the game, no joke.... Here are some pictures showing most of the planets. Enjoy! Edit #2 Forgot Eeloo XD
  3. Heres a idea. Aldis - A planet that has just developed life so it still has a poisonous atmosphere maybe something like titan and eve mixed?
  4. Decided to make a video using the Scatterer mod, enjoy!
  5. Also i decided to make a backgroundish type of photo. Tell me what ya think I dont know how to create a album sorry!
  6. So whats next on the list of things to do mr hawks?
  7. I use windows on the UR version and when i record these are the mods i use And i average a constant 100fps or more.
  8. I can do one. What is the height and width?
  9. Keep up the amazing work man! Heres a few photos from my last play through Not sure how to create a album sorry
  10. With the oceans done and the multi planet support done, whats next? Loving this update! Something like aurora things?
  11. I can't remember if somebody asked you already, but do you plan on replacing the sun asset file to make it look better? Btw... Someones a bieber fan LOL On github XD
  12. [quote name='pingopete']I've been working with Blackrack to try and get it fixed, we appear to still have issues with the Earth naming system and scatterer, getting null refs and scatterer not loading for Earth. Blackrack is looking into it, but don't worry as soon as it gets fixed I'll be sure to switch over entirely to the proper naming system; everything but scatterer now works with it so not long! :) Yeah most other planets haven't been adressed yet. It's the next thing on my todo list, just waiting for some multiplanet support and naming fixes for scatterer, then will launch straight into it. (On that note, does anyone know the best means of producing custom rings now? I was using kitopiatech before but that was a while back?)[/QUOTE] Pretty sure Kopernicus works the best now
  13. [quote name='SancoPanza']Hi rbray, I played a pit around with your mod, and I have to say, it's sooooooooooo awesome!!! I really love the terrain shader, it makes the surface look so real. Thanks to everyone how is involved to make such a great game. [URL]http://imgur.com/a/UmuLp[/URL] Ps.: This runs on KSP 1.0.4, whit RSS (4k textures), RO (with all dependent and recommended mods), Scatterer, and EVE, in OpenGL and hits a RAM peak of about ~ 2,5 gb.[/QUOTE] Are you using RVE or is that your own config?
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