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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Khan was a great suggestion. Also in that realm, one among MANY others, MIT OpenCourseware ... https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/ https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/
  2. I don't know if you live in the States, but just about any dry-cleaner (laundry service) has them. If you went to one and asked they might just give you one, or let you buy one cheap.
  3. Try a coat hanger loop... not the hook end, the loop end.
  4. I kind of figured that's what you were looking for. We could sit here all day listing stuff, as you could sit all day listening for stuff. lol One of the things I often do is, for example, listen to SomaFM (Groove Salad). They play a lot of new and different stuff (new and different to me anyway). They cover a number of genera too, as do other stations... like CalmRadio, which, being a tinnitus sufferer, I also like. When I listen to SomaFM, when I hear something that strikes me, I check out their listing for what's currently playing and note the title and artist. From there, I explore further.
  5. Get well soon. You have youth on your side, you will heal quickly! Stay away from that ZzzQuil, that stuff is no good. While I am not deaf, I did learn the ASL alphabet back in the late 70's. I'm guessing you use the same? I understand there is a two-handed version. Might that be helpful?
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Eclipse_of_the_Heart#Composition Ha! You've been Rickrolled!
  7. I mentioned this over a year ago already (right here in these forums). Nobody paid it any mind then. Why pay any mind to it now? Edit: Found it (not over a year ago tho)...
  8. Catastrophic failure at 30km, staging gone awry. Boom. Capsule survives, but main chute is lost, only drogue chutes. Still falling too fast, capsule will never survive ocean landing. What to do? What to do?? EVA at the very last second before impact, and survive the fall. That's what to do. Done! Go figure.
  9. In that case, I've one more link saved... KSP Aerobraking Calculator
  10. Space Ghost: Coast to Coast voice actor C. Martin Croker passes away
  11. This is a bit outdated, but I still find it useful. The graphic it provides gives me a quick on-the-fly example of what to shoot for. Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator for KSP If you're looking to get deeper into the math of such, this might help (I've never used it, but saved the link none-the-less). Launch Window Planner for Kerbal Space Program I don't know what version you're running, but if it's v1.1.3 you should check out [1.1.3] Hullcam VDS Continued. It has a night-vision camera which you could mount beneath your ship (and other places for other angles as well) which makes night-side landings possible and exciting (at the very least lol). I don't know if this mod works with the Pre-v1.2 release, I've not tried it yet (nor any other of the mods I religiously use).
  12. I don't know why he's smiling... that's gotta hurt.
  13. LOL!... true! I'm sure I'd be frowned upon for overbuilding, but all of my trips thus far to Moho have included plane changes (matching) before a leisurely rendezvous burn... LV-N's. Other than that, I'll agree Moho is cursed. Some tell me it's just the game's physics involved; Some the Kracken. Same difference if you ask me. I have lost 2 SCANsat probes in the past in high orbits around Moho. Left them there, happily orbiting, scanning, only to check back later and they're gone ... G.O.N.E. Nary a trace. Spooky. Frustrating. Low orbits aren't a problem. In other news - Playing a science game in Pre-v1.2 (of course), I managed to drop a probe on Mun and do science. It wasn't really that big of a problem. I just put 2 radio relay satellites into orbit first. Worked like a charm. Next will be manned missions.
  14. Gave it a whirl. Yes, Advanced Tweakables must be enabled. I find this very helpful for being able to 'zoom in' on science experiments, or, say, selecting components on large vessels docked at large space stations for refueling purposes. As a "docking camera" however, no... in my book it doesn't cut it. I've been spoiled, and once tasted..........
  15. This is new to me. Must have missed that in the update notes. How is this done?
  16. Maybe someday before I die, docking cameras will become stock. I'm not holding my breath though, as I'd like to hang in there a few years more.
  17. Ok, I'm officially creeped out. I used and deployed the LT-05 Micro Landing Strut pretty much for the first time (in Pre-v1.2), and instantly I'm whisked off into the dentist's chair. Unfair, Squad, unfair.
  18. I'm on my 5th time around playing a Science game; So I'd say that's a "yes". At least, I'm convinced of it.
  19. And here all this time I thought that stood for the International Integrated Reporting Council. Apparently your Google-fu is lacking... ISRU <-- was the very first thing Google brought up during a search. Links from NASA are the next 6 following.
  20. If Smoking Report Underwriters
  21. I'm not sure of the reason for the 'where and why' of the bolts being placed, but I'm sure there's an engineering answer in there somewhere though... maybe distribution of stresses?... maybe because of the design of the mobile launcher platform (accommodates more than just the shuttle)? More on the posts / bolts.
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