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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. I wish someone would remake travert's optimal engine charts. Those things were amazingly educational. This still works, but it's 3 years out of date:
  2. That's so well done, I kind of hate you...
  3. The way you get around this with RCS Build Aid is to move the stage you want to the bottom of the staging list. It's not necessarily obvious, but it works.
  4. @Jirokoh How about doing the basic training of your machine learning program as a simulation inside a simulation? The physics of vacuum rocketry are fairly basic to model, and you could account for the varying thrust and ISP with altitude. The big kicker is: flight().simulate_aerodynamic_force_at(body, position, velocity) If you did that, you could run hundreds of iterations without leaving the launchpad. At least well enough to set you up to do fewer, more accurate iterations on real flights.
  5. PM me your steam ID and you'll get it for free. Or if you didn't get it on Steam, we'll find a another way.
  6. I started smoking 7 years ago, back when I thought physical addiction was a silly concept. I don't think it's silly any more. On another note, I'm burnt out on the forums. At least half of that is the insistence on applying rules without considering context. (The other half is the influx of stupid, rude children) So, I'm leaving. I'll log in to finish out a project I'm working on for somebody, but I don't feel the joy of participation any more.
  7. I believe Ivan said somewhere in the thread that he’s using KS3P, which I just confirmed can do DOF. Note on the main content: I definitely need to make a map with all the geographical feature names. This thread is just so dang entertaining.
  8. I’m hoping the legacy ports (in Util I think) still work, because the resource transfer hose reel is horrifyingly ugly.
  9. Could you be more specific about the exact name of the mod? There’s more than one result when googling. Or you can link to the source you got it from. All of the solar system modification mods depend on the Kopernicus mod and possibly the Sigma Dimensions mod to do the “under the hood” work to make them function. Do you have those installed as well? As a test case, you may want to try installing a standalone mod like Kerbal Engineer Redux to make sure you’re installing mods correctly. (I picked this one because just about everybody has it, and its extra useful. You can always uninstall later.)
  10. In space, no on can hear you play Wonderwall?
  11. I always do long posts in a text editor (Notepad) and copy over for this reason. I like the new boat! I've been tempted to offer to design you a new one, but I didn't want to take away from YOUR story. Are you getting about 250km of range out of this one?
  12. Ah, of course. I figured you mechanical guys would be all over this, but I figured it would be friendlier to mention it than not. It's a shame, Squad shouldn't be pulling this crap this late in the development. EDIT: I just watched the Construction vid with Castille. It's a thing of beauty (I work adjacent to the industry).
  13. Drag is proportional to density, and water is ~1000x as dense as air, so you're absolutely correct. I strongly recommend hydrofoils. 3 to 5 degrees angle of incidence on the foils seems to be around optimal (just like planes), and 5 to 15 degrees of dihedral. I try to the smallest amount of wing and thrust I can--Enough to barely get the craft up onto the foils when fully fueled and loaded. Otherwise, you can easily end up with an accidental plane. Balancing your lift can be a real challenge, because you're designing a craft that's operating in two different "worlds" at the same time. There's a lot of trial and error involved with hydrofoils, even if you're using RCS Build Aid, CorrectCoL, and Editor Extensions. Vessel Mover can speed the design process by getting you to the water faster for your testing iterations. My best results have come from designing the craft to be passively stable, driving without SAS, and using only trim to keep the nose pointed at the horizon. I have a very solid hydrofoil I can PM you if you'd like something to test out.
  14. I had the thought that someone must have already come up with a solution to visualizing the machine learning process...BAM: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-visualizations-of-machine-learning-algorithms It looks like there are several Python libraries available.
  15. It's GORGEOUS--I wish Photobucket would let me zoom in more. I have concerns about the practicality: Hydrodynamic drag is three orders of magnitude less forgiving than aerodynamic drag. Little changes can make a huge difference in speed and range. I'm pretty sold on hydrofoils for longer range water work. I'm guessing the top speed of yours is in the low 20s or below? Cargo vessels in KSP need to be able to take a lot of abuse. Those ore tanks are going to get destroyed without very gentle handling. Below is a craft I'm working on for @Hotel26. It will carry 20 tons of cargo at a minimum of 40m/s for at least 300 km. Without cargo and nearly dry on fuel, I've gotten it up to 196m/s before it involuntarily departed the water. I've transitioned from the beach to the water at 50m/s with no damage. Slightly older version showing the loading procedure (Also, I dig the 50s convertible aesthetic):
  16. Man, all I want is a Pachinko machine that I can drop Kerbals in.
  17. Folks, We need to have a chill party on plug.dj. I tend to avoid "gimmick music" unless it's Steel Panther, which I absolutely, positively shouldn't even mention on the forums.
  18. The character Severian from Citadel of the Autarch, by Gene Wolfe. One of the most challenging fiction authors to read even if you have a Literature degree. Anyway, I'm not religious, but I can appreciate a strong spiritual epiphany. Huh, I went to link his wikipedia page and found out he died yesterday. Funny bit of synchronicity.
  19. Kiss that dev on the lips for me. They've got the right attitude. It's probably easier to list what's NOT/LESS fun. If I had to summarize it: The barriers to entry to having a crazy idea, engineering it, and having it succeed are much higher than they used to be. I could go into excruciating detail on this if you like. Any pre-1.0 CupcakeLanders video perfectly encapsulates the "Spirit of Old KSP". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Tyye4s_I4 This would be much more challenging to pull off today. Peak KSP for me was 0.25 + ScanSat + Kethane + RemoteTech + informational mods. Other fun stuff: The Kerbin Cup Mod: Those soccer balls had something like 999m/s impact tolerance, and there was no re-entry heating. I used to drop them from orbit on a big plateau with a notch in it. About half the time, they'd come to rest on the plateau. The other half, they'd find their way to the notch and roll the rest of the way down the mountain. Many hours of giggling were had. The official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaHM8DmC84I One of Overland's trains relying on innate part flex to hug the terrain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qir6X0K1fbU There are several animated GIFs of a racecar suspension located here: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77-Racing-R1Azi1-High-Speed-Rally-Car How chill and how great is this infiniglide video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QumEQ8W1TLU
  20. This game has gotten progressively less silly, and we're all the worse off for it. I remember someone doing what was nearly a grand tour (minus Eve and Tylo) in 2 or 3 tons, using airhogging and ions, and a lot of cubic octagonal struts.
  21. Impact Tolerance: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You know one of the things that's got me interested in KSP was all the parts with "off-label" uses--The things that make you say, "Oh, that's odd, what can I get away with by using this?!?" RCS thrusters with stupidly-high impact tolerances are some of those. This change will necessitate a redesign of every vacuum rover I've built in the last several years, and will probably cripple everyone's Space/Seaplanes by ensuring that ventral RCS blocks get destroyed during takeoff and landing. Lightweight stock combat missiles are now ineffective as well. If we're going to continue creeping towards "realism/literalism", all non-structural parts should have impact tolerances of 5m/s or less..because that'll result in so many fun and unique craft. /s I've been a stock parts purist for a long time, but I've finally reached the point where I would fully support a developing and hyping a community balance pack, intended to supplant stock as the preferred version for the majority of players. Nertea's Restock would be a wonderful keystone to build this around. I'm sure takeovers like that have been done for other games, but I'm not conversant enough in gaming culture to come up with examples. If anyone knows of such a situation, please PM me, so as not to get the thread redacted for a derailing.
  22. One of these two: The following two mod sites/utilities are better than Curseforge. Personally, I use CKAN. https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program
  23. Quite possibly the most accurately-named mod in KSP history.
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