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    Cheap & Cheerful Rocket Architect

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  1. @Lucky Spacer Make sure that your payload is as light as possible, and consider using three or four stages if your first stage is still ethalox. Think Juno with three solid upper stages.
  2. I agree with this plan. Launch Complex branch is too much of a moving target atm.
  3. If it's your first game in a long time but you've played RP-1 before, I'd try normal difficulty. The contract progression and physics are all the same, it's just that easier difficulty settings provide more funds for each contract, as well as more time to complete each one.
  4. With RSS and RO, your best bet is the ROCapsules mod. Everything is properly configured, and many of the capsule and service module parts are sourced (with permission) from BDB.
  5. The recent changes look awesome. Here's hoping that work calms down enough that I have the bandwidth for KSP sometime soon.
  6. Not yet. Keep in mind that RP-1 is more than a mod - it's a complex and fragile creation, dependent on a suite of other mods, all of which need to interact in very specific ways. Some of those dependencies only work on KSP 1.10.1 or earlier at this time. The great thing with KSP is that you can have multiple installs, using different versions with different mixes of mods. See here for instructions on how to get started: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.10.1
  7. RP-1 isn't really designed for science-only. That said, I've heard people say that starting a career game then cheating yourself several million funds as needed during play does a pretty good approximation of a science game.
  8. Most flying low science has been removed. Make sure your sounding rocket gets above 40 km altitude to start gathering science.
  9. I've got 6 GB on the video card and 32 GB on the mobo, so hopefully I'll be good. Of course, the system is a bit long in the tooth (i5-6600K), so hopefully parts will become available later this year so that I can build a new system for realz.
  10. Very good question, and I don't know the answer for certain. However, the pack generally works correctly if the starting homeworld is third rock from the sun, as in either the stock Kerbol system or RSS. GPP had issues (Gael was fourth rock from the sun), and JNSQ worked fine. Since Kerbol is still the center of the universe in Galaxies Unbound, it should think that all the other systems are merely outlying planets, and consider each planet in a different system as a moon for contract purposes. I hope to find out for certain myself soon.
  11. As someone who rarely visits asteroids and has never visited a comet, the ability to disable asteroid generation (and the attendant computational overhead and inflated file save size) while still being able to use a fully upgraded Tracking Station would be seen as a feature.
  12. This looks pretty awesome. Is this in KSP 1.9.1, or did you get things working in 1.10.1?
  13. I have fond memories of playing Star Frontiers back in the day...
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