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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Accusing me of ignoring it is a bit of a low blow there. I'm not happy with what I've seen. I shouldn't have to jump on discord, I'm not on their discord and I don't intend to join it. I'd rather have more information here, at least it being properly mirrored. I'm at a loss as to why that's a bad thing to ask for?
  2. Then you're not paying any attention to all the upset devs, and we do not agree.
  3. Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed at the moment at the near radio silence, or the complete lack of communication. The dev chats are fun and all, but where are the weekly posts from Nate? Why are we back to having to look at Discord and getting nothing here? Can we have something please? About 1.5? Or am I just not seeing the communication that was promised? Can we have something please?
  4. So, let's talk about this statement shall we? You purchase a game, a small indie unity game for 19.99$ Steam, will take 30-33% of that which is roughly 6.66$ Epic waves the fee on the store and will take roughly 9%, which is just a bit under that 1.99$ If you have a publisher, they're taking anywhere from 20% to 50% (especially if you have a horrible contract) Then, Unity is charging you 0.20$ per Install.. What's the actual developer left with?
  5. Would could certainly make an educated Guess on "insider Trading" having happened, also, Trust me, as someone whose worked with Unity since 2011 when I first learned it with the help of my former KSP 1 team mates (I was just a community manager so I didn't have a lot of reason to be in the engine doing things, but I got to watch and learn a lot.) This is not okay and sine then, I've worked on 3 other unity games, and this is an horrible decision. I suggest people watch this video.
  6. So, here's some additional information, https://unity.com/runtime-fee - This is the actual policy on the Unity Website. Here's the "Per Install" rate, you'll notice that unity personal and unity plus plans pay MORE per install but it's a flat rate that never changes, than Pro and Enterprise. Also, as a note, this only "Kicks In" Jan 1st, and they start charging for all installs after that date. Epic, as a note, charges a 5% Royalty Fee for everything over 1 million in revenue, per title, and sales on the epic store are excluded from this. Also, another note, the CEO of Unity and a few other "C Suite Execs" sold shares before this announcement, and then Unty's stock took a nose dive.
  7. I'm starting to worry about a project cancelation myself.
  8. The delay in communication here on the forums, and the focus on other platforms first again, as well as not hearing from Nate for nearly two months is very disappointing and disconcerting. Also, the fact that we're now nearing 6 months post launch and we're still no closer to any understanding of science mode, new parts, and the rest of promised features has actually made even me question what's going on. This isn't a good luck, 6 months later and we've still not seen a fully delivered major update. This is just, really disappointing. Instead of a Q&A, can we please have a more concrete more full update from Nate please @Dakota?
  9. *is reminded of running the experimental testing team way back when she was CM* Don't I know it... lol TY for the hard work there RTB <3
  10. Anyone else having black rings around the stars or having the stars shine right through planets?
  11. I would imagine so, given what I know of the first version of PQS. Though, PQS in KSP 2 is a whole different beast. Just speculation though.
  12. I've not kept an eye on this thread because I'm working on my own project at the moment in a different gaming market space. So, sorry for that. I'm not sure if there's much for me to add really, or answer, at least from my personal experience and please remember that I do not work for IG/KSP 2 Team. (Though I wish I did, yes, even with things being a bit rough.) Anywho, let me know if there's anything else I can attempt to answer. (I'm not a subject matter expert as a note, just a former CM and QA lead with some experience and study behind me.)
  13. Great update, but if I have one single nitpick, it's that the last titles have been a little... well.. concerning/dark/etc? Not sure how to put it really.
  14. Wonderful, honest, straight forward. Thank you Nate.
  15. I have no idea honestly, If I had to wager a guess, it's not something we're going to see within the next 3 to 6 months. Again, that's a GUESS, I have NO CLUE and I don't work on this project, and I'm not an expert on HDRP and CBT at all. I'm just assuming several working months ahead here.
  16. Updated with Community Fixes as suggested by @LeroyJenkins
  17. Oh, I just, didn't understand why you mentioned me is all Joe Just confused.
  18. So, if you want to see that for yourself, here's a space game using HDRP - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/ Nebulous Fleet Command also uses HDRP and has an incredibly demanding simulation on the backend - https://store.steampowered.com/app/887570/NEBULOUS_Fleet_Command/ Hmm?
  19. I literally wrote in my post that I do not work on KSP 2. I do not work for IG. Did you read it?
  20. HDRP or the High Definition Render Pipeline.. What is it? HDRP is a hybrid rendering solution that supports a lot of modern rendering techniques, things such as rasterized ray tracing and path tracing. Among many other modern rendering features and solutions. The move to Unity HDRP has me (as a lay person, remember I'm just a QA lead that knows enough to understand the very basics here) very excited with the future goals of this project now. Let's see a few nifty bits about HDRP and what it can offer to any projects utilizing it shall we? Let's take a look at some lighting, atmospherics, and terrain videos. Lighting Clouds and Atmospherics Enhanced Terrain Systems Unity HDRP Workflow Demo and Terrain Demo by JaniYa For CBT or "Concurrent Behavior Trees" I'd like to showcase something from SIGGRAPH 2021, Remember, this is a year + old and has advanced much past this demo video. Here's some nifty Photos with HDRP, In short, the move to Unity HDRP and moving forward with a CBT based terrain generation system, that those of us in the industry have seen studies and early tech on, is one that has me extremely excited for the future. While I'm not even remotely capable of explaining this like Mortoc, would, or even truly capable of understanding all of it myself... I hope these videos and some of my own research can help you all get a little more excited about the future as well. This is just me, as a note, exploring and researching and keeping track of tech in the industry and not me saying "This is coming for ksp!" I don't work for IG, I have no clue what they're doing anymore than you do outside current communications, my goal here is just to just educate and excite people and maybe inspire others to pursue a career in game development. Please take this post at its core meaning, education.
  21. That's just like, your opinion man. It's also one I don't agree with, and one I think you are absolutely wrong on if you bother exploring any of the planets and see things that KSP 1 could not generate.
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