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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Add missing modules to PorkJets revamped Mk1 Pod @PART[mk1podNew]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 5000 optimumRange = 2500 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } } @PART[mk1podNew]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface]] { MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = False deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35 liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom disableBodyLift = False omnidirectional = False perpendicularOnly = True transformDir = Y transformSign = -1 nodeEnabled = True attachNodeName = bottom } }
  2. Colliders are simple shapes for performance reasons. 3D gaming fact of life.
  3. Um, your 1.4 release on GH does NOT have those changes in the cfg. Looks like you zipped up the wrong files.
  4. I too had a "Hey! What the ... Oh right" moment with that... Suggestion: I have texture replaced installed too. That has a setting where Kerbal have no helmet in atmosphere. Would there be a way for chatterer to know there's no helmet, and to not have the breathing sounds?
  5. Meaningful commit log entries!? MADNESS!!! Thanks for keeping it alive. I lofted a MOL-alike mission tonight. This still doesn't quite feel like "the one" (tho it's closest) but it really makes it obvious how much this game could use a 2 Kerbal capsule.
  6. AWESOME! As I said before, this is how it shoulda worked stock!! You should edit your original post to read [1.2] so folks know when they see the title.
  7. So what did you do and why? I did grab your version - and it's the first time I've tried it. Kinda nice. Discovered I can recover it on 4 radial drogue chutes too - so I can pop a jr port on the nose and not have radial chutes that are as big as the pod... LOL
  8. I've been beating on this most of the day, and while I can get my code to move the point it's aimed at, I can't get it to point in the direction I want. I once picked through Hullcam and other mods to gradually gather the info I needed but we are in brand new territory now. Since v1.2 (and as a guess, because of the new ability to "Aim Camera" at parts with advanced tweakables turned on) the code that once did the trick now does not. I need a hand here, something to study since the API is basically mute on the subject. My source is here: https://github.com/TedThompson/Kerbal-Optical-Alignment-System It pains me greatly to be so clueless about this - but I just can't find any damn info "out there"...
  9. Ah this is going to help me try to dope out the changes to the flightcamera - 1.2 broke the docking camera in my KOAS... I'm new to VS so thanks.
  10. v1.2.1856 and it works. I don't know what "the object browser" is (Although I'd love to know) but sunTracking = false works. Meanwhile, that TrackingMode looks intriguing....
  11. Yep, it's in the wiki and stated as "believed to control panels pointing at he sun" or some such. I found it by googling ModuleDeployableSolarPanel. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Module#ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
  12. Turned out to be way simpler (this didn't work) What did work was @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] { sunTracking = false } } So you got me started!! Thanks! Now to make stationary duplicates.
  13. Any of you MM guru's know of a way to shut off sun tracking in solar panels that track? Used to have that with stock bug fix, but I don't know if it took special DLL to accomplish it or what... Rather then delete, you might want to change the category to = none. If you do, they won't appear in the VAB, but you can still load craft that use them...
  14. I also compiled it against with no problem. I also agree this is how it should have been in stock!
  15. Kerbal stuff? Huh? Also - Is there a way to have the camera without panning? I'd like to knock up my own "hullcam" as it were, just looks straight ahead.
  16. Sorry I got the forum wrong, maybe a mod will move it? The are (were?) Two of them. .setTarget And .SetTarget I, and others, use .setTarget and simply changing to .SetTarget doesn't work. It results in an error stating it's ambiguous. Saying it can't tell if it's FlighCamera.SetTarget( part ) or FlighCamera.SetTarget( vessel ) According to the API docs FlighCamera.SetTarget was a static void method, and FlighCamera.setTarget was a void method.
  17. 1.2 gives sats a purpose. Like remote tech.
  18. Tiny moon base: Thanks, inspired by similar parts I've seen in a mod and my recent re-watcthing of the 80s miniseries V.
  19. Nobody? Seems to still appear in the docs, so I don't know what to make of it...
  20. So 8 large drills saturate 1 (which one?) ISRU, and right now I have 12 small drills which would equal 2.4 large drills. Right?
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