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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Use fins Turn SAS OFF Gturn as soon as you launch and ONLY 2-3 degrees Let aero and gravity do the rest.
  2. No idea - I know I bounced back and forth between the VAB and the Space Center and the R&D building, and I unlocked a couple of nodes - thought that cost me funds, but later when I got more funds and unlocked other nodes it did NOT cost me funds so.... I dunno what happened... :/ I think I figured it out, I hired a kerbal... However, I doubt I had EXACTLY the right amount of funds so that still may be a bug...
  3. ....and my funds just vanished.... 62,000ish went to 0
  4. Um, it seems to go nuts ALWAYS spinning like mad between modes.... > It is actually making me sick... - - - Updated - - - Now I see [F]: Grab [F]: Climb
  5. Place a mk1 capsule on the pad, just the capsule, and hit V Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! *barf* (Camera rises to straight above the capsule and spins at incredible speed)
  6. Nowhere.... yet. I'm already reworking it with 4 LV-N engines and modular center resulting in 3 variants: SAS Cargo (Mk2 Freighter), Personnel Transport (Mk2 Transporter), and 2 x payload bays (Mk2 Cargo). If I get it to a releasable form it will appear on KerbalX.com
  7. Yes yes! Oh I wish we had a box like command pod like the cabin at the front of that shuttle! Which reminds me... is the COM of any given part assigned to it's origin?
  8. It's got 2800m/s delta V, but unlike it's inspiration it's NOT fit to enter atmo, at least not with DRE installed.
  9. Meanwhile, in the realm of the not so realistic... Buran departs from Mir to make way for the new Orel münar lander, refueling before heading to Salute M. Orel's arrival at Salute M station.
  10. Thanks for the [redacted] advice, but the whole idea is to avoid the trouble in the first place - to anyone new to modding, and anyone else who hadn't encountered this before, it's a very easy trap to fall into.
  11. I think it would be wise to, as a community, agree to avoid the inclusion of "agencies" in mod packages. As of .90 KSP does NOT gracefully deal with contracts offered by agencies or involving parts belonging to *removed* mods. We should be able to "test drive" a mod and not have it break a save game, IMHO. For those mod authors who feel that "part testing" of their custom parts are a must, may I humbly suggest the following: ArchiveRoot-\ Agencies-> GameData-\ [*=1]Modname-> readme.txt Place an explanation in the readme.txt to put "Agencies" in the Modname folder, with the caveat that if they do they risk savegame corruption if they later remove the mod. Those blindly copying the gamedata folder will get only the mod, those who bother to read will get the full experience. Of course ultimately I would wish for the game to see the mod is missing (nonexistent agency or part) and simply remove the contract but until it does I think this would be wise. Signed - A poor blighter who just spent a few hours trying to figure out why KSP had gone totally t**s up...
  12. Personally I think we'd get a more realistic result at launch if there were just some way to mod the launch pad to eject large clouds of "smoke" from transforms in the blastways below the pad and just leave that all behind on ascent...
  13. Thanks for the now [more] incoherent thread...
  14. Pointing to a real life example, Soyuz has a fairing that is split both horizontally and vertically. Vertical splits during an abort. Horizontal during a regular launch. Note it does not split into 4 pieces - not on purpose anyway.
  15. Man I wish you'd flip that TKS docking CM over so the nav ball would work correctly when using it to dock... (your previous objection to that idea was that you didn't want to break save games or craft files, but that ship has sailed with the Soyuz revamp, so... reconsider?) Either way, it's looking sweet - as is it's LES! Oh - and are you sure you want to model all those grid fin "wires", as opposed to using a texture with transparency, seems like a TON of polys for what is arguably a minor - albeit VERY WELCOME part.
  16. I made the one I posted - combo of an old Lifesavers ad and shots I took of the tank in the VAB.
  17. That is all. (reworked Lifesavers ad circa 1954)
  18. That is all. (reworked Lifesavers ad circa 1954)
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