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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I'm still digging to see if it's a mod or what, but while I am I thought I'd send up a flare and see if this is a "known thing"... Station in orbit of kerbin - RCS on. EVA Kerbal Press W OR S As kerbal moves up/down ladder (hatch really) - Starboard RCS fires and station starts to rotate While W and S move kerbal in different directions, they both fire the Starboard RCS. Spacebar to "release" Kerbal W and S still make station rotate Hit "R" to enable EVA jetpack W and S still make station rotate ??!?
  2. BTW - to the Authors: I think the "Cyclone" would be better as a "Thrust Plate" with four bottom nodes, and individual engines. Thinking on it, this along with greater gimballing would do a lot to help balance things during launch. Further, throttle controlled avionics could also be used if there were 4 separate engines.
  3. If you mean what I think you mean it's the blok c tank from ALV found in tantareslv.
  4. Well I was going to make a video showing the behavior but I couldn't resist tinkering before I did and if course it flew fine. It boils down to how mj behaves with a craft that lacks pitch authority. It does the same thing with planes as well. But I guess in the end what it is really showing is a design flaw. In the craft that is. I still wonder tho what in the logic makes it give up and start over when it can't attain the desired pitch/ flight path.
  5. Update: Added SpaceY 5M SAS collar, and upped the large engine's gimbal to 15 degrees. Successful Launch Video Vid cuts off a touch early, but here it is in orbit: That's 90 tons into a 74km x 77km orbit! Boosters waiting for recovery:
  6. It starts getting unwieldy as it nears empty! LOL My Polyus is, as most of my "copy stations" are, a fuel depot in disguise. The TKS part is made of custom LFO tanks made from your TK RCS tank, and the ALV C fuel tank, and the other half is the shortest 2.5m AB Launcher tank and the ALV B tank - it's fully loaded, so it weighs in at 90+ tons!! I've gotten it to orbit - using MechJeb. I fly to 10K before the gravity turn, then around 40km I start using "limit throttle to XX%" to cut back on thrust - all the while watching that I don't get too close to my apoapsis. At around 60km I have about 4 mins to apoapsis, and my periapsis is nearly 0m. I disengage MJ, decouple Polyus, switch control to an inverted LC-01, and swing it 180 degrees before re-engaging MJ to finish the ascent. It's a very manual automated ascent!! I also use SpaceY's 5M SAS collar on the tank now (not shown in that video). It does indeed help. FWIW I based my 8 degrees gimbal on something I read, which was that the RD170 had a 6 degree gimbal, but was shown in tests to achieve 8-10 degrees of deviation. At 90 tons, (86 tons in orbit last launch) those asymmetric bits are the least of my troubles!
  7. Keep shutting off RCS thrust? I have a "shuttle-esque" asymmetrical lifter and as it nears burn out it needs thrust from the RCS (vernors) to stay true. I *think* it would be fine if MechJeb didn't keep shutting off the RCS thrust only to reactivate it at full force to try and recover from the inevitable spin. If I manually goose the attitude controls on the way up it seems to help, but I don't understand why MJ seems to "reset" application of corrective RCS thrust on a semi-regular basis.
  8. Still working on it... Increasing gimbal to 8 degrees helped alot.
  9. Date code the name? 1504021400_something_descriptive would be April 4, 2015 2pm. Just a thought, assuming it is now alphabetical. I can't recall...
  10. Perhaps I can make a smart mm patch for this... I'll have a look tomorrow.
  11. Hey now! I use that Hamal pod as a probe core for other things besides Progress models. I'd like it to stay as is. JMHO. Speaking of: how is the resize bug fix accomplished? I've got a few sats with midget Hamal cores because it's the root part.
  12. Well I give up - I can't seem to "get" the Energia at all... the booster offset looks like it's 100% backwards from what you'd want with an asymmetrical payload - by all appearances Polyus at least was unpowered - by which I mean it offered no thrust for ascent, I know about it's backwards mounting and it's on board thrusters for orbital insertion. I just can't wrap my head around it. At least with the Space Shuttle, you can SEE the vectored thrust from the shuttle's engines, which of course Buran didn't have... GAH! Giving me a headache just thinking about it to write this post LOL....
  13. Trying to do energia with a dummy payload, typical flipping with an asymmetrical thrust/load. Seems like a powerful 5m SAS ring would be a good idea :-) I offset the strapon boosters like it is typically shown in drawings of polyus/buran
  14. He tried that but the game physics made separation erratic. I think its available tho somewhere back in the thread.
  15. Playing with the parts in the VAB I got a look-alike Saturn V put together - sadly, while the big 5m engine got it off the ground (barely) the 7 nozzle could not boost it any further (.5 TWR I noticed when I stopped to look LOL). Made me think, with 2 engines (a wide 5 nozzle like the F-1s, and a 4 nozzle with more thurst and a fairing) it would make a nice Saturn parts set too! All that aside - while I can find plenty of prototype examples of the energia and it's derivatives, I can't find any thing with the 7 nozzle engine - where did that come from? Imagination or is/was there a real world prototype (or proposal)?
  16. My issue with the red star wasn't its political affiliation but it's planetary one. It just seemed very Terran to me. Now some folks want "kerbalized" versions of Earth flags and so forth, but I don't really - and it seemed to my eye to "jump out" as a known symbol. I still prefer my proposal: Mockup:
  17. Thanks! And yes there was a rover! It did come with some assembly required tho :-)
  18. CYCLOPS I In true Soviet tradition, the aborted launch didn't count For years (3 to be exact) Werner Von Kerman and Sergeilev Kerman have been each other's top rivals. Both were accomplished engineers, but Sergeilev was not such an accomplished self promoter. As a result it was Von Kerman who held the spotlight, and was the early darling of Mortimer and the other administrators at KSC. While Sergeilev excelled with stations in LKO - it was Von Kerman's Munar program that caught the public's eye. Today is a new day. After an expensive 3 launch Janus mission to Mimus under Von Kerman's direction (one for a heavy rover and 2 more for crew and redundant landers), Mortimer announced he was tired of Von Kerman's "wanton disregard for budgetary constraints" and so for the first time, Werner and Sergeilev have been forced to combine their talents. Using a combination of Von Kerman's lifter and capsule designs and Sergeilev's construction techniques and overall reliance on automated surface exploration, a nearly identical mission to survey the gravimetric features of our 2nd moon has been executed at a fraction of the cost. Launch Video Coverage Still Photos from the Landing
  19. Spica Sidebar: I notice you have "staged = false" for the Spica Engine config, within the decoupler node - however, staged=false has no effect in stock. AFAIK it only applied with Starwasters "animated decoupler" plugin. The decoupler needs to be a separate piece... as it is an engine appears in the staging totem, but the action is decoupling the command module from the engine (Expect to hear from the law firm of Kerman, Kerman, and Kerman shortly - negligent kerbicide, etc. etc.) For the time being I simply disable the staging using "tweakable everything" settings on the pad and right click for both engine and decoupling. Another video, and screen shots will be coming soon for that Titan-esque thing I made, which due to Specter's single window I call "Cyclops I"
  20. My latest design, a combination of Tantares, Stock, and AB Launchers. LK Lander has relocatable cargo boxes and is loaded with a Build-A-Rover™ kit facilitated by KAS. Obviously VERY influenced by the Titan IIIC (I call this launcher GOLIATH), and before I am asked - the nesting SRBs on the GETOUT LES tower are fired along with the LES decoupling and chute deployment action group to pull the tower away from the capsule during an abort.
  21. Which launcher and how heavy a payload? I find these launchers (Proton and R7) to be a touch overpowered when used for their historical launches (Salyut / Soyuz)
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