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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Beale, I know it would be a tremendous pain in the butt, but.... would you consider changing from the old "part.cfg" for every part to the new "partname.cfg" for your configs? I'm trying to do Coolrockets configs, and having several of your "part.cfg" files open in Notepad++ is *really* confusing. Squads choice to switch over to "partname.cfg" makes editing/comparing configs way easier... Just a thought. ____________________________________ / ALV_Engine_A.cfg\/ALV_Engine_B.cfg\ much better then ____________________________________ /part.cfg \/part.cfg \
  2. As far as I know this is a "known" issue, and frankly the process of bug submission is a PITA - starting with "Carefully replicate it". Been down that road, redoing hours of gameplay, as best I could, only to have it NOT happen.
  3. Dock and TADA!!! You can't go back to the space center, or anywhere else for that matter. Hit ESC, click Space Center and be amazed aaaahhhhhzzzzzzz..... Nothing Happens. GAH@!@!$^&!@#$ Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Somewhat Kerbal Content: Am I correct in thinking that the ONLY way out of that situation is to "force quit" the game (meaning right click and "Close Window")?
  4. That's what I did. The "Stilts" are Infernal Robotics pistons, and totally optional. I raised the base up because I had set up a ladder on the MPL's hatch on the bottom to allow entry/exit to the surface.
  5. You can assemble on the ground. I did so with stock modules for a Minmus base.
  6. Kraken, duh. But more seriously my first question is "define temperature spike". As in how much over what time period? 1000 deg in .5 sec? Or 100 deg over 30 minutes?
  7. I vote yes and to be more specific I think a Monolith sized replica of the torpedo from ST:II/III with no writing on it and with the same shiny black texture on Laythe would be fitting. A subtle, stealth nerd tribute, just lying on the ground and no more or less "out of place" then the current monoliths or saucers.
  8. The weirdness continues... I turned on my computer last night, move EVE back into the GameData folder, fired up KSP and.... It ran fine. Big ol' ....... I don't get it. EDIT: So the letters W, T and F in a row get filtered? Wow.
  9. All I did was let Windows update some things... This is very preliminary - basically I'm just posting this to see if anyone else has had the same experience. Output log: http://sourcebox.federalproductions.com/2015-02-27_131954.zip If I pull EVE (Environmental Visual Enhancments) I can get to the main menu, but with it installed I get a crash after the loading screen and before the main menu. As I said, it ran find yesterday and I haven't installed/updated any (new) mods. Here's my Update History and GameData directory: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gm5pizr7r8v92rc/Screenshot%202015-02-27%2013.35.53.png?dl=0 I'm suspicious of the XML update, or rather that it might have triggered an error in something.
  10. My grandfather was part of the Talos missiles project. First prototype flew off the launcher and promptly turned nose down into the ocean. Seems they installed the pitch gyro in place of the yaw gyro and vice versa. After that they changed the connectors so they couldn't be interchanged. ;-)
  11. Real rockets use sepratrons - well, not sepratrons but small solid rocket motors, to push the booster clear of the main craft. The key is knowing where the COM of the booster will be when it is jettisoned. I build up a booster alone in the VAB - use "RCS Build Aid" to show me where the COM is and to place the Sepratrons. Once I see where they need to be I "eyeball" Sepratrons onto the same location in the VAB on the actual rocket I'm building. 2 Sepratrons will easily push the booster directly sideways with NO rotation save for some roll (spinning along it's long axis) if I'm already doing my gravity turn.
  12. The N1 Block A mess gets you to Apoapsis and can do about 1/2 the circularization burn - the rest is the "plane". I think it has a very Von Braun look to it myself.
  13. Just so you know. There were plans for four pads at LC39 A, B, C, and D. The two never built to be north and further from the VAB. This was in anticipation of larger Nova rockets for Mars as well as supporting Earth rendezvous profile moon landings (at the time the exact method of reaching the moon has not been decided.) At least as of the shuttle era, there were 3 traffic lights showing the status of the pads to workers labeled 39A, 39B, and 39C. Also, the crawlerway had/has obvious extension where it turns toward 39B which would have led to 39A. You read that right, originally the pad we know as 39A was 39C.
  14. Erm... First successful mission of my N1-MOK. Delivery of an adapter docking port to the "Salute" station previously launched by ROMBUS.
  15. Mk II, in final testing stages. I have not yet perfected the landings, and had to add a fair amount to allow control in all phases of flight. (I can't help but think, "Wouldn't this be CRAZY expensive?!?")
  16. I think they are "suspended" pending new IVA's being modeled. In the mean time, you can use my mod, Crew Portraits, to at least see them in the lower right corner again...
  17. Just so you know, I have no block d what so ever and I'm throwing away many many tons of fuel when I discard blocks v and g (stages 3 and 4)... ^^ That was last night, this morning I decided to do this: A "Blok D" cobbled together from stock and TurboNisu parts. However, I still don't *need* it to get to the MÂÂÂÂün...
  18. Yes, it's within the lower fairings. Though now that I see kopapaka's pics I realize I didn't put antennea on anything :/ Also, jettisoning the fairings in Munar orbit will leave debris. You could settle into a high orbit of the Mun, lower your Pe below ground, eject the fairings and then EVA/Transfer/undock and raise the Pe of each ship individually I suppose. I didn't bother with that though. The idea of the lower fairing (over the LK lander) is to carry the force of Stage 4's thrust through the fairing to push the Soyuz on top, rather then it being carried through the LK Lander. I imagine the IRL design called for the LK to be so flimsy that directing the force of Stage 4's thrust through it would put the LK lander in danger of being crushed. Also, for the purest... N1 Stage 1 = Block A Stage 2 = Block B Stage 3 = Block V L3 Stage 4 = Block G Stage 5 = Block D (omitted in my design) LK Lander = Block E/LK Soyuz = Block I/LOK LES = SAS Excellent diagram here ->http://www.russianspaceweb.com/n1.html
  19. My N1: REQUIRED Tantares REQUIRED TantaresLV REQUIRED Procedural Fairings OPTIONAL FASA Launch Towers CRAFT HERE - 2 files; one with launch towers, one without. MISSION PROFILE as performed by me, based on my memory of the actual N1-L3 plan. Launch: Stages 1, 2, and 3 (use Action Group 1 to jettison Soyuz fairings between 40 and 50 km) Circularization: Stage 3 & 4 (I use stage 3 until my Pe is around 10 to 20 Km, where I stage and finish with Stage 4. This drops Stage 3 in atmo and destroys it; no garbage rule) Transmunar Injection: Stage 4 Munar Orbit Insertion: Stage 4 Jettison fairings around LK lander EVA Transfer to LK lander Separate LK Lander from Soyuz by right clicking female docking collar Deorbit Burn: Stage 4 Braking: Stage 4 until 1km above surface Jettison Stage 4 around 1km above surface Land on LK Engines. From here it's like Apollo. Launch, rendezvous and dock with Soyuz. EVA Transfer from LK Lander to Soyuz (Don't forget the science, if any). Cut LK Loose (Optional, burn to lower Pe below the surface, undock from LK, then burn to raise Pe back up to a stable orbit - LK Disposal). Burn to return from the Mun to Kerbin. Once close to atmospheric interface, jettison the orbital and service modules and land in the usual fashion. ACTION GROUPS: 1 - Ascent jettison of Soyuz Fairings and LES tower BACKSPACE - ABORT!! (fire LES engine and pull CM and OM skyward) 0 - Eject CM from fairing and deploy parachute ABORT EXECUTION: During abort, hit Backspace and then once at apogee press "0" (Zero).
  20. I'll see what I can do tonight. Right now it's still a little wobbly on the top end, which is why I have no shots between pad and orbit - too busy controlling the thing It does have a functional abort sequence however.
  21. But... can you transfer monoprop to them when "docked"?
  22. So I'm fiddling with this and added a little "leakage" to the stock launch clamps. When I went to test them I noticed that some times KSP loads the craft onto the launch pad and does a good bit of wobbling around once physics "kicks in". And on the occasions where the wobble was more pronounced, the tanks would shed ice and the cryo effects would stop - as if the plugin "thinks" the rocket was launched. Other times when it didn't seem to buck around much or not at all, the effects keep right on churning until I actually launch. Makes me think that the plugin's method of detecting when to shed ice and cut off the smokey gasses is flawed - at least in light of the rather rough way physics gets applied upon startup of the launch pad scene.
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