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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Is there a plan to update this to .90? It works, but AVC generates an alert that it's not for this (.90) version.
  2. I came to report this, but seeing as it's reported, I'll just offer my log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6BVIFMeRP1anhZRDhibVBndzQ/view?usp=sharing
  3. Although it doesn't appear to have been your issue, it is possible yo run out of electricity before reaching a preprogrammed manouver node.
  4. My own Mir moved a step further today as the Quantum 2 module docked and relocated to it's proper position on the hub. MechJeb guidance was jettisoned by design with the ALV 3rd stage. Rendezvous and Docking were handled manually. The Core (Salute 7) has an AR-202 aboard and I don't want multiples on the station, so this will be the technique for the remaining modules as well.
  5. You beat me to it. I have felt that the efficiency should decay over time. Maybe for batteries too.
  6. Interesting... Am I correct that nothing could "attach" to the vacant VA end once the VA detached? I think I'm getting the picture here. The FGB stays with Almaz or Salyut (what purpose would it serve? Storage of the supplies that it brought?). While the uncrewed VA returned perhaps with reconisance photos aboard or whatever else. Experiment results etc. I know a crew could be aboard but that never happened according to what I've read.
  7. Could the FGB be sealed after separation? I had assumed it was like Soyuz orbital module.
  8. So the idea was to leave the FGB docked to a station and to decouple the VA and fly it away on its own? Interesting... I've been undocking the whole TKS, lowering its orbit, decoupling the VA, deorbiting the VA, and after landing returning to the FGB via the tracking station to perform a "disposal burn" to crash it into Kerbin.
  9. Question now is... Why leave the FCB to deorbit seperately? I know that was done on test flights but to what end? It's rather useless with no crew and no crew can return once the VA capsule is detached...
  10. Or keep it. I've already made a custom 2nd inverted DCM using just a config file as well as an ALN decoupler to use rather then the included separator. (I don't like leaving debris behind.)
  11. According to my research, Kvant 1 was delivered to Mir using the FCB module of TKS. It had no cargo and the docking end was replaced with an aerodynamic cone so it was called Functional Service Module (FSM). At launch Kvant faced down and the cone was the nose of the rocket. I built it was two cargo holds and the TKS tanks with an ALN control module to permit detachment and deorbiting the tug. Since then I lofted a proper TKS with your hub in the hold which I docked to and the docked with my station, so Salute 7 is gradually becoming Nir! BTW I was surprised that Kvant doesn't do what the stock mobile processing lab does given its presence in the science tab... (?) As far as the Docking and Command module go, perhaps take a page from Hullcam. Hullcam has "Aerocam" and "Aerocam 180" The first one is perfect for looking down the side of a rocket, but "upside down" when on the belly of a plane - that's what Aerocam 180 is for. Maybe made a 2nd Docking and Command module with a different name that is flipped? Folks wanting to make a proper TKS can use it, while those who have already used the current DCM will have no troubles.
  12. Settings are accessed by switching to action groups and clicking the part.
  13. OK I was right then! Very interesting "outside the box thinking" for the design. Part of my confusion came from the fact that the available craft file for Tantares has the FGB engine firing the wrong way! And the docking end is also backwards in its orientation. I plowed ahead rebuilding the TKS and editing the config file so that in the end I had the engines facing the right way and a ship that was doubled ended so I could dock in IVA mode from the docking end of the ship. Nice to know my conclusions were correct! I guess the 2 crew left in the VA just get slapped into their restraints during orbital maneuvers!
  14. Did that but there's much specific info on how it worked.
  15. The ALN Docking and Command Module needs to be inverted. What I mean by this is that right now, the Nav ball is inverted from the way it should be to use this module to do docking in an "TKS" clone. I have to stay OUT of the IVA mode and choose "Control From Here" on the docking port to be able to use the nav ball correctly for guidance. Should be a simple matter of flipping it over - in fact I bet it could be done in a MODEL{} node in the config, but I tend to try and avoid making mods myself on things like this that are being so actively developed. Comfirmed: MODEL{ model = Tantares/Parts/TKS/Alnair_Orbital_B/model rotation = 0, 0, 180 } corrected it... Now you have to flip it over in the VAB to build a TKS/FCB but when you get to orbit and "control from here" on this part (or jump into the IVA for it) the navball has it so THIS end is the front. Making the vessel in essence a "dual cab" ship, to borrow a railroad term.
  16. Thanks to Tantares I have recently become aware of the once proposed TKS spacecraft. I've read the Wikipedia article and I know it was tied to Almaz and so forth. But there seems to be little technical info around about its specifics. I know there were four uncrewed launches to Salyut stations (as I recall the Almaz stations were done with by the time the TKS was ready for flight). But there are no pictures I can find. The oddest thing is that it appears to have flown on its rocket (proton or energena) with the return capsule in the traditional orientation, but it appears that for docking and orbital maneuvers it flew "backwards". Maybe even having to flip over to circularize it's orbit!!? Anyway, I'm quite confused about how this worked and I'd love to find more info on it.
  17. That is interesting! I knew about the "we could reboost it and use it with the shuttle" idea, which included folding 2 of the 4 windmill solar arrays for docking clearance, but never about a joint space station like a Skylab/Salyut. It gives me ideas for KSP! As a side note, my Salute 7 station is on a 52 degee inclination. That's the first time I've done that for manned missions and surprisingly it makes for even moar dramatic scenery! (MechJeb is your friend for this, if only to get the planes aligned at launch)
  18. My biggest beef with the radial decouplers is that you CAN'T set them to "push" through the center of mass of an empty tank/engine. It always goes for the physical mid point which is WAY higher resulting is enormous torque being applied... So, I use Sepratrons at the right points and zero out the ejection force with "tweakable everything" mod. Meanwhile... I've be kvanting around.
  19. And yes, if you like it, please do use it - my small contribution to this awesome mod set.
  20. No, watch closely, it's the Moon that's giving J002E3 a boost.
  21. Personally, I won't touch .90 in earnest until RealChutes is compatible. This is meant as a sincere compliment and a testimony to how much I value it, not as pressure to get it done. I'm fine with .25 and I can wait.
  22. Bit of a backtrack at this point, but here's my Boctok 1 mission It's an unedited take, from launch to landing with only a few time warps so it's 23+ minutes long!
  23. Well I can launch a Salyut into a 500km orbit with 99% of my 3rd stage fuel remaining, so I'd say go for it!!
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