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Everything posted by tg626

  1. It's a worthy pre-TOS design. No moar words....
  2. Hmmm. Having several "incidents" and reverts with an A9/A10 I'm playing with spurred me to try. So I made an MM config like this: @PART[PSR_Control_A]{ -MODEL,* {} mesh = V2_Control.mu } This removed the MODEL node and added "mesh=V2_Control.mu" - Bug squashed, no ill effects observed. Thanks! Thanks to you I'm now visiting the A9/A10 concept as well... Your PSR Nose cone is on top, and the Engine is tucked in there on the bottom providing 1st stage thrust. (BTW earlier, before I stuck it on a FASA launch clamp and it was "sitting" on it's engine, it seemed to stay stuck to the launch pad until the TWR got to 1.9 (started at about 1.3ish) don't know if that's a KSP Bug or a collider issue...)
  3. Far as I can tell, it triggers BOTH "Activate Engine" and "Decouple" EDIT: Oh and the 2 Kerbal Capsule needs ablative shielding...
  4. It's a very modest mod that addresses a nagging little detail. Even worse then some parts having no IVA is some parts not displaying when some poor Kerbal is aboard. I can't tell you how many I've accidently left orbiting in a Mobile Processing Lab or worse, left aboard when I deorbited the station!!!! No more. Leveraging the incredible capabilities of ModuleManager (Which is REQUIRED!!) I've created a config that will add Squad's own "Placeholder" IVA to ANY and all parts that can hold a crew but have no IVA model. Best of all, it checks first and runs last, so if you have some other mod attaching an IVA to part X, my config will see that and leave it alone - now and in the future. Download: KerbalSuff.com GitHub SpaceDock Dependencies ModuleManager Optional (Recommended) KSP-AVC - Automatically alerts you to updates to any AVC aware mod. Licence GNU GPLv3 CHANGELOG 1.3.1 - Put AVC file back in... Uploaded to SpaceDock.info 1.3 - KSP v1.0.5 update, Removed AVC, follow on Kerbastuff.com for updates 1.2 - Fixed bug that was causing "Rescue" contracts to stick Kerbals inside probe cores!! (oops) 1.1 - Updated readme
  5. More @ Encyclopedia Astronautica Includes parts from Tantares and FASA with tank recovery made possible by the StageRecovery mod.
  6. Quick helper - the previous Module Manager CFG that added placeholder IVAs to the command pods spurred me to make one that will add placeholder IVAs to ANY crewable part that does NOT already have an IVA. So it's automatic and will catch Tantares AND stock parts that are IVAless. @PART [*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity [*],!INTERNAL [*]]:Final{ INTERNAL { name = Placeholder } } Copy/paste this into a text file named "MM_AddIVA.cfg" and let do it's automagic work for you (ModuleManager required, of course) - - - Updated - - - Then I know what's causing it. It's because Squad can't/won't fix a buggy command Beale keeps using the buggy command In a part config file you can reference the model mesh file in one of two ways. First (Older) mesh = meshfilename.mu Second (Newer and Bugged) MODEL{ model = path/meshfilename texture = filename, path/filename } When the second version is used, and the part is the ROOT part of the vessel, AND you revert to launch or reload in any other way - the part shrinks and gaps appear. If the first version is used, this doesn't happen. As far as I can see, the ONLY advantage of using the MODEL{} construct is that it can reference a meshfilename OUTSIDE the folder that that config file is in. If the config file and the mesh file live in the same folder, then there is no advantage to using the MODEL{} construct over the older "mesh =" variable. Therefore, if you wish, you could edit the config files and comment out the MODEL{} part and replace it with "mesh= meshfilename.mu". I can't speak for ALL cases, but I have done this with a few of the Tantares parts with no discernible ill effect.
  7. FASA Large Station Panels - basically they are skylab side panels. I grabbed FASA just for the launch towers, but when I dug into their files they had both the launch towers and some solar panels in a "MISC" folder - so I just copied the misc folder over and got both the towers/clamps and the panels. - - - Updated - - - BUG! Pavonus Nose cone Build a ship, launch, revert to launch - now the cone is floating over the rest of the craft.
  8. That ROMBUS link got me thinking... Here I'm using your V2 nose and Tavio tanks. That engine acts as a heatshield with DRE installed The parachutes do blow up though...
  9. That's it. Sometimes I have something on the pad and go to the "gods eye" view of the space center - seems like we ought to see the rocket on the pad, or maybe a generic one? Seeing in though the VAB doors would be nice too. (I know, to much work/GPU cycles for too little return, but no harm/no foul to dream)
  10. ALN Decoupler overlaps attached parts - misplaced nodes ALN Decoupler does not fire via Spacebar Capella Engine makes funky sounds Capella Engine looses all sounds and visual effects Capella Engine exploded from over heating with no overheat bar showing at about 175Km while doing a deorbit burn Capella Docking port appears to be an attachment point (yellow arrow and X - looks like you are supposed to place a docking port on it?) and not a docking port, although it does work as a docking port.
  11. The ALN decoupler needs it node moved a hair. It overlaps attached parts.
  12. On the staging not firing, its a simple set up. Last stage engin . Next decouple . Next engine and so on. However! It is using Beale's tantartes proton. What I wonder is could there be 0.00001 units of LF or LOX remaining that is preventing the staging? I don't know of anyway to see such a small quantity, but is that even possible given the code?
  13. Some had the "checkered" paint job it seems, but this "Variant" which I think is the R-1V looks kinda cool with the extra stage and those side pods...
  14. Hard to tell since the few photos I've seen are horibly low res blank and white ones... I was just keeping with the "Soviet/Russian" theme.
  15. It's not a V2!!!! It's an R-1! http://www.energia.ru/en/history/systems/rockets/r1.html
  16. Bug? I've been noticing something with auto staging. One is that sometimes it won't decouple a spent stage. But if I space bar it will move on and fire the next stage engine. Tanks are both showing 0 contents. The other is that with RealChutes installed a successful seperation won't arm the chutes. They do arm if I space bar myself but when mj does it they don't fire at all. Makes me wonder if there's a difference between hitting the space bar and mj commanding a stage to fire?
  17. Quick note for those with craft flying in game. THIS IS DANGEROUS and you could corrupt your game if you make a mistake - you have been warned. I managed (so far) to keep my old craft going with the NEW Tantares (15.5) by doing the following: Save my game under a new name for future loading Close KSP Move OLD Tantares folder to my desktop Unzip NEW Tantares folder into my Gamedata folder Start KSP Load my savegame Upon reaching the Space Center scene, I get several boxes telling me "Craft name was not loaded due to missing part some.part.name" Write down all the names Close KSP by right clicking the taskbar and clicking "Close Window" (This prevents your savegame from being overwritten). Open the OLD Tantares folder on my desktop and hunt down all the missing parts. Renamed all those part folders by adding "OLD-" to the beginning of the folder name. Open the "part.cfg" in each of those folders and change "Category = somename" to "Category = -1". Move all the "OLD-" folders into my own custom folder within Gamedata (gamedata\oldtantparts\). Start KSP (Thanks to using "Close Window" I won't need the backup I made in step 1) No more error boxes, and thanks to the -1's the old parts don't appear in the VAB/SPH!! The only issue I've had is the rather unimportant one of a craft with the old TKS engine has a part that WAS attached to the end floating above the end. YMMV Sidebar: Beale, it appears that the panel below is now missing from the pack. While I like the new panels very much, I also like this one and it's 6 panel sibling. Am I overlooking it? Will it ever come back? What's your position on other's using it?
  18. Once again Beale's Tantares pack help my little green men to greatness. Here, ALV parts are used in a rocket, and TKS parts combine with HullcamVDS' Orlan Telescope to create a "scientific" satellite for a Jeb's Junkyard contract.
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