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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I think one of the biggest hurdles for new Linux users is all the options. With windows it's largely only one choice and if you get say home and later realize you need professional you can upgrade. With Linux it's Debian unbuntu red hat mint peppermint and on and on and on. And the what desktop? Kde gnome blah blah blah. I'd LOVE to use Linux. But I don't have the time or the energy to install and eval distro after distro to figure out which one I want. Probably sounds ridiculous. But there you have it.
  2. Yes. Usually using mechjeb. Testing staging and so on. Let's me crash and not loose kerbals or cheat/revert. The shuttle being crewed from flight 1 was an oddity historically speaking.
  3. Just a quick thing I whipped up, rather than change the core RealChute files, I made this and stuck it my own folder, naming it "Tantares_Extra_RealChute.cfg" @PART[Alnair_Parachute_A]:FOR[RealChute]{ @MODULE[ProceduralChute] { textureLibrary = StockReplacement currentCanopies = Main chute } } @PART[Tantares_Parachute_A]:FOR[RealChute] { @MODULE[ProceduralChute] { textureLibrary = StockReplacement currentCanopies = Main chute } } That way, when (if) RealChute gets an update, you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting your fix.
  4. In game the black background is transparent. I also made this before I decided that making patches for each mission was going to be too much trouble. Gemini 11 Patch with the names changed.
  5. That was a Saturn V not the SLS. That was clear on 1st stage sep, engines in "pods" around the fuselage with aerodynamic fins on the pods.
  6. I'm curious, why host the source at GitHub but the compiled version on what I'm guessing is your home server? I get why not Curse, but I'd think you'd put the plugin on GitHub too.
  7. Folder structure is incorrect. .version file is in the game root directory where AVC never sees it. I'd recommend moving the .version file, License, and Source into the RCSsound folder EDIT: Just checked that bug above by deorbiting a fuel tanker. I have MechJeb installed, so my SOP is to "board" the tanker ([ key), turn retro grade, hit "Z", and then jump back to my space station. Then I watch as it flies away at full RCS forward. I checked the AltF2 log and as it gets beyond 2.4km from my station I get all the standard "unloaded:" and "Packed for orbit" messages but NO errors. No trouble going back to the Space Center either.
  8. Freon powered rockets? No. That's a pic from a page someone made who happened to still have theirs. Selling these things today would have the EPA on your head in an instant.
  9. I found that the docking AP benefits from periodic "off/on", esp when it's obviously headed in the wrong direction. Force Roll seems to throw it off too.
  10. Download link doesn't work, and it appears that you only have the source on GitHub. >
  11. Atmospheric Studies Kerbal Space Center, Kerbin 626 Dr. Wernher Von Kerman, Director Gene Kerman, Mission Control DATE: 141/01 TEST VEHICLE: K2 MISSION PROFILE: Launch a K2 rocket into a 68km orbit and observe, through ground tracking and telemetry, the duration and trajectory of it's subsequent ballistic flight. Observations to reveal data about the properties of Kerbin's extreme upper atmosphere just below the Kerman Line. SUMMARY: Vehicle was successfully launched and briefly established a 68.4km x 68.1km orbit, a testament to our engineers ingenuity and the new AR-202 Flight Control Computer. Following this all active control was suspended and the vehicle was passively observed. Vehicle began to tumble at a rate of approximately .8 RPM however it remained aloft and after 1 complete trip around the planet had only descended 10km. Of course increasing atmospheric density resulted in an exponential loss of velocity and the attendant loss of altitude resulting in ground impact before a second circumnavigation was completed. Our staff will continue to analyze the detailed data from this mission in order to improve our understanding of Kerbin's uppermost atmosphere. DBNR
  12. Wow... Was I that unclear?? I have MechJeb, I have Kerbal Engineer. I want to be able to see the inclination of orbits without flying whatever I want to see the orbit info on, hence the part where I said "in the Tracking Station"
  13. AFAIK, the SM/LM lowered it's PE to somthing very low before the LM was "cut loose" to begin it's descent. Not sure if the CM then raised it's PE to wait for the LM's return or not...
  14. This? http://www.videorocketry.com/Vashon/vashon.html
  15. Is there / Could there be a mod that would show the inclination of an orbit in the Tracking Station? Perhaps as another line below "Altitude 13,890m" in this screenshot: Something like this:
  16. They look like this: Dunbree Kerman
  17. Yeah, it just seems to be more of a fight with these parts then the stock ones. I grabbed it for the skeletal 1.25 to 2.5 adapter tank but I too use most of the parts now. Why does "TurboNisu" make you giggle? What does it mean, beyond the name of this pack's author of course.
  18. That's a good call. I really love the Onion, Radish, and Spud but since .25 I've cut them and KW Rocketry from my mods like to play "mostly" stock parts (I did re-install TurboNisu's parts because I use the "Skeletal" fuel tank for my otherwise stock SLS knockoff's ICPS stage) - and I WOULD love to use this little gem to get a 2 kerbal pod into my stable. TurboNisu's parts and this would pretty much fill in all the parts gaps in my mind.
  19. I use MechJeb, and it starts a 100% - my designs usually go 100% up to a few KM then throttle back to around 75% until the gravity turn where it goes back to 100% again. Rarely, it will start pulling the throttle back as I near MECO to limit acceleration to 40m/s.
  20. +1 for Zoidberg! I suggest Janus as a name http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus Whats wrong with the one [two seater] you have now? (Radish I think it's called)
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