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Everything posted by tg626

  1. A game mode where all facilities are level 1, and remain level 1 until all level 1 tech has been researched. Once all the level 1 tech has been researched, all facilities upgrade to level 2. Repeat for all remaining levels. Contracts/Strategies would be available too, REP would determine how good the contracts were, rewards would be Rep and Science only (obviously). This would add the element of limited craft size, limited abilities (EVA, Surface Samples, Action Groups, Et. Al.) while not introducing the need to maintain and operating budget. My √0.02
  2. SAS in all modes but "Attitude Hold" suffers from "Hunting" - So that's all I use. I then "self limit" myself to whatever modes are available in SAS and use those modes only in MechJeb's SmartASS.
  3. Meanwhile tweak able everything adds a button to the right click menu to shutoff the crossfeed.
  4. I've cherry picked the Gemini capsule for my game and I notice today during a trial flight that the "Ablator" doesn't "Ablate" the resource is still 100% after landing... Have I found a bug?
  5. Sadly, I find they break the built in scenarios too and in flight craft. (misplaced parts, frozen uncontrollable pods, etc.) I had expected based on descriptions that it wouldn't do that.
  6. OMG! How did I not know about this... As soon as I saw the parts in game I thought "This is what 1.0 SHOULD have looked like". Bravo! Oh, one tiny thing... AVC complains that the mod is made to run on 1.0 and not 1.0.2
  7. Well, she's up. And in a post launch promotional video, they declare that the X-37B is the FIRST unmanned vehicle to land on a runway. Um... BURAN? - - - Updated - - - Love Steve's Space Shuttle tie!
  8. I think I'd add a slider to settings. Max EVA Fuel, choose between 0 and whatever the max is now, default 100%.
  9. If you give a part a category of -1 it doesn't appear in the vab (except maybe using the filters) I wonder if such a "hidden" command pod would appear as a stranded Kerbal's ride? Further how about making an "unlisted" SM/CM using a welding mod... This requires some experimentation!
  10. An article about the proposed ROMBUS design (google it) said it was an SSTO but wasn't due to its jettisoning of 8 external tanks during ascent. So I'd say it IS an SSTO but it isn't.
  11. I'm not so sure I'd call it a bug either, rather as I said a hallmark of a lack of forethought or as others said poor design. However, now that the term bug has been raised I think I will report it. While we're on that subject (bug reporting) another thing I think squad has missed the mark on is providing a clear path to make such a bug report. I'll fully accept I might have missed it, heaven knows I sometimes can't find my own butt with both hands and a map, but if there's a directive on where to file a bug report I haven't seen/noticed it.
  12. This... Mock me you will, but it does show a lack of forethought. Just happened to notice the folder and opened it, noting that it had craft I had deleted and prefixes for sandboxes I had also deleted.
  13. Logical: Store thumbnails in the same directory as all your CRAFT files and SFS saves - have them all get deleted when deleting any given save game. What we got: Thumbnails are not deleted when save game is deleted, and they are all stored in the same folder "thumbs"... Squad, I try not to jump on that bandwagon, but you make it very hard...
  14. I voted based on where I've been since I started in .24 - I haven't been beyond Kerbin in 1.0.2
  15. Before I start posting a lot of info, can someone direct me to the undoubtedly already existing thread about the following issue? Revert to Launch. Staging Icons disappear. If I am informed that I am the first one to ever report this, I'll followup with detailed info.
  16. Today I EVA'd for the first time since installing FF. Today I tried to grab a ladder. Today I discovered that F is the hotkey for FF. I can't find anywhere to change this keybind, not in game, not in a cfg...
  17. I second this suggestion That's all well and good, but it doesn't address how the inflatable heat shield stows for launch or deploys.
  18. Scenario: Multiple Kerbals are scattered across KSC Scene: KSC Overview (looking at all the building as a god) Action: Recover Kerbals, but do NOT close the FF Summary widow Result: After recovering the 2nd Kerbal (and for each kerbal to follow), the summary window becomes a very small box in the location that had been the upper left corner of the report window. Stock windows showing XP and Science recovered are unaffected. I can supply a Video if desired. BTW - this is a great mod, I only wish you could see it in the Astronaut Complex - it seems natural for it to be there, kinda like going back and seeing similar awards in (fill in the name of your favorite combat flying/navy/tank sim here) or the old Xwing series.
  19. Sounds like you might have it installed. Open the folder where the game is and click ksp.exe and you can skip the launcher.
  20. No. Knowing the CP would allow you to know your Static Margin and therefore the stability of the craft. (You do know what Center of Pressure is, right?) http://exploration.grc.nasa.gov/education/rocket/rktcp.html http://ftp.demec.ufpr.br/foguete/bibliografia/tir-33_CP.pdf
  21. Read As in see the post right above yours....
  22. . Since some of the voices are from sts missions I'd wager they are already there...
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