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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Wow, I'm embarrassed to post this... Not only is it NOT Mk3 - I also used HyperEdit... I was trying Mk3, but I just couldn't get it to like up right... How you managed it is beyond me... Crew Capacity: 294
  2. I updated this evening. So, what's the best Linux Distro for a media PC?
  3. I like it. Except, low fuel blinking other color that shows status. So dark=off, green=on making power, blue= on standby, blinking green= on making power + low fuel, blinking blue = on standby + low fuel.
  4. Ok, find em at http://sourcebox.federalproductions.com/KSP%20Logs%208-2-15_/output_log.txt I loaded a Kerbal X, removed all the radial boosters, launched then after a few seconds cut the thrust and staged - whereupon the fairing vanished.
  5. IRL it would simply go in the corner, at 10:30, 2:30, 4:30 or 7:30 if you imagine that view as a clock face.
  6. Hey! No misogyny in my thead buddy!
  7. Around the whole craft. So yeah it makes sense they'd behave like that. Yes the stock heat shield fairings are quite an eyesore, so I always do this.
  8. I looked over and saw this: Actually it got worse, her eyes appearing through her upper lips as her carefree grin became maniacal expression bordering on tortured macabre... well you get the point... Her teeth appear through her lower jaw from time to time too. Has this actually gone unnoticed so far? It kinda freaked me out actually...
  9. Chutes, Y U No Spread out?? Seriously tho, this was a check of recovering boosters, so I staged which armed the chutes and jettisoned the boosters and then "["ed to the descending boosters - should the chute "fix" work under those circumstances?
  10. I discovered that my engine fairings were vanishing when I staged... I found that it stopped happening if I removed TweakableEngineFairings.dll and cfg. Duh forgot to say, if that's a KnownThing then cool, but if you want more info let me know. List-o-mod (folders) 000_Toolbar ALaCarteParts AntennaRange AsteroidDay BoulderCo Chatterer CoolRockets CrewPortraits DPSoundFX EngineLight EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements FASA FederalProductions HGR HullCameraVDS Kerbaltek KronalUtils KSEA KSP-AVC MechJeb2 NavyFish Nereid ProceduralFairings RCSBuildAid RcsSounds ScienceAlert SmokeScreen Squad StageRecovery StockBugFixModules StockClamshellFairings TacFuelBalancer Telemachus TextureReplacer ToadicusTools TurboNisuReloaded TweakableEverything
  11. Not yet available for Jr and Sr ports, that's one reason this is v0.1. Expanded support coming soon.
  12. It's out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130258 As far as an offset COAS goes... Maybe, it looks like we might get one with the next hullcam update though, so i'm waiting to see how that pans out.
  13. Visually align your craft for docking for a new level in docking precision. This mod adds the white/black circle and cross seen below to allow you to visually align docking craft. Red lines peek out from behind the cross if you are misaligned, cuing you on which way you need to move for proper alignment. HullCameraVDS view: RPM View: Video: Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/478/Docking%20Target CHANGELOG 0.1 Initial release 0.2 Minor revision to be compatible with HullcamVDS, which now has it's own built in Docking port camera. 0.3 Added KSP-AVC Support - uploaded to Spacedock.info 0.4 Corrected file locations (derp)
  14. Awesome! I am Groot. No wait I'm Ted.
  15. Agreed except the in game name for the star at the center of the planetary system is called "the sun" - although I think it would be better if it WERE officially "Kerbol" and It's MOON. While the umlaut is not always present, it does appear in some cases as MÂÂÂÂün and therfore has the ue sound so it is perhaps at best Mewn. Certainly not Mun as in rhymes with one. EDIT: Thinking on it, I've been saying Duna more or less like Scott Manley does, even before I ever saw one of his videos and even though I don't have a Scottish accent.
  16. MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface was a universally agreed upon way to interconnect keyboard instruments and various devices that could record their output and play it back later. The fact is that a so called "MIDI" (file) can sound just as authentic as the synthesizer/sampler it's connected to, but the term has come to mean a recording of such a file being used to trigger an older FM synthesizer which, like so called "chip tunes" can be easily identified by it's unique tone which at times bears little resemblance to the real world instrument it was meant to replicate. Today, MIDI has been largely supplanted by the use of USB.
  17. Today's update: A Demo Video - now with 100% moar reticle!
  18. It's called "historian" it's a great mod! https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/821/Historian
  19. I never saw that mod, but safe to assume we were inspired by the same prototypical source.
  20. The target is a physical object grafted onto the stock docking ports, but this view is indeed an external view made possible by HullCameraVDS. As its implemented now, all you have to do it place the docking port on your craft, the target and camera view is automatically added. During my tests I just press the "-" key to switch to the docking view.
  21. Today's views - didn't have much time to spend on it. Reflectors based on Apollo's LM Docking Target. Note also the red behind the center X - my diagrams don't show that, but the Orbiter AMSO had it and since it attempted to be as accurate as possible I can only assume that there's some source out there specifying the red bars that I simply haven't seen.
  22. Present version - not that it appears anyone is following this, Next up will be adding "emissives" so it "glows in the dark".
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