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Everything posted by tg626

  1. Yep, 100% functional. You should update the KSP version over at Kerbal Stuff.
  2. I can't comment 1.04 vs 1.05 BUT I do know that ever since 1.0's new aerodynamics/atmosphere, I have to be very careful doing a Mercury-Redstone mission (launch into space then reentry). If I do it too steep, I can't get the chute open between aero braking to a safe speed for the chutes and splashdown. IE the more straight up and down the trajectory, the better the chances of R.I.P. Jeb. I have to do a long downrange trajectory so I can slow enough to pop the chute before splashdown. Watch the icon colors, they tell you if it's safe to open the chute / might not be / definitely not safe. Also you can right click the chute part and you'll see a line "Safe to deploy?" that tells you the same thing.
  3. Great question! Seems everyone assumes that if you have Linux, you have the Steam version of KSP. Which is odd to me given that most of Steam's library seems to be Win only. Sooooo..... Where does one extract the "KSP_Linux" folder to for starters...
  4. Here Kerbals from Kerbin first set foot upon the dusty shores of Duna. We came, we saw, we ate snacks.
  5. Omg this!!¡! My OCD thanks you!
  6. Unless I missed something, v1.1 has is ETA=unknown, so ....
  7. Is that DUCT TAPE on the helmet? Genius!
  8. KSP-2 results. Attempts 2 Failures 1 2nd attempt only worked because I pulled a Split-S to get down to the runway. Very Kerbal I suppose
  9. The biggest and most glaring issue that I see is.... Its TOO good... built in RCS and Hi-rez texturing puts the Mk1-2 and Mk1 to shame. LOL I would suggest: Remove the tiles and make it have the "lego nub" bottom like the Mk1-2 so it can better use the Mk1-2 heat shield. Fix the node. (-1 in cfg) Maybe make a low res, more stock alike texture, as an alternate (or put those awsome skillz on the Mk1-2 and make it look BETTER) ??? Profit!
  10. Took many tries and this was ONCE so who knows if I've really got a handle on it.... I still have to F5 on final in case I bork it up - OTOH even tho the final and flair was done by hand on the real shuttle, there were incredible amounts of guidance that KSP simply does not have. Here's my method, using MechJeb from a 100km x 100km orbit: Landing Autopilot: Set to "KSC Pad", click land at target. Wait for the predicted landing to get < 1km and hit abort. Check "Show Landing Predictions" and turn retrograde. Now burn OMS for a 30Km difference (which means, were you in a capsule you'd land 30km short of the VAB). Close Landing AP. Use Smart A.S.S.: SURF/SVEL+ and make sure ROL=0, PIT=0, YAW=0 Preload your reentry angle into PIT by typing 40 in the box. At around 50km altitude you'll start seeing heating. Now hit the "0" button beside YAW or ROL and MJ will "take" the 40 in PIT and nose up the shuttle. Watch pretty fire. You should be passing through ~1000m/s as you pass over the mountains west of KSC. Flip on the "Spaceplane Guidance", set the Autoland Glideslope: to 20*, and check "Show landing navball guidance" (DO NOT CLICK AUTOLAND). This is where I F5. As your speed drops below 300m/s switch Smart A.S.S. off. As your nose gets near the flight vector (Orange W overlays the green O) hit "T" (SAS on). (NOTE: I fly with a keyboard, if you use a Joystick, you might do better with SAS off?) From here fly it like a glider to get it onto the runway. Possible helpful hints: Click the nose hear and click "Light On" it helps you judge your alt above the runway as it lights the tarmac. Set the body flap (below the main engines) to the brake action group, and set "Deploy" to inverted. You now have a speed brake, which I think is what that control surface mainly does (did) IRL. This approach does NOT make use of S-turns, mostly because I found the MJ could not keep her steady if I programmed it to bank during reentry. Download the demo at http://www.space-shuttle-mission.com/ and fly STS-1 (the only one you can in the demo), going through reentry is very educational.
  11. One thing I used to like about tantares was that it was more kerbalized soviet-alike then replica. For some time now I've felt its lost that flavor and become more replica. As a result I only install spica because its still a great 2 crew pod and skip the rest. Just one long time user's 2¢.
  12. Hmmm, tried columbia and I'm lucky to get 10k appo to say nothing of COM shift causing flips if I don't move fuel around....
  13. I'd be interested in seeing the details on how you built it. Always looking for new ideas/techniques ...See you around, space kerbal
  14. I agree, excellent work! Apropos of our earlier PM conversation, it works great with my target: I did notice one bug tho: This happened when I pressed "C" while in docking camera view (and double clicked the view port of course). It seems the overlay doesn't get cleared. Oh, I also notice that the "readout" of distance and relative velocity doesn't appear if you target a docking port, only when you target the whole ship.
  15. No. Alone it slaps a docking target on the docking port, with hullcamvds it adds a docking camera OR with RPM, you can use that view you mention and sight the target for docking alignment.
  16. No idea. My mod has corporate flags but they aren't a separate mod. Being a part of ckan (which I don't use) only happens via my uploading it to kerbalstuff so its a mystery to me.
  17. Maybe, but I'm out of town at the moment.
  18. That jazz is for hullcamVDS, best to ask over in that mods thread. I just reused code from its own cameras
  19. Specify an sfs file. Go 88mph boom load savefile. Don't know why you'd want to, but....
  20. I have a buran/energia over at kerbalx with no engine on buran (has oms of course) flew well in .90 but I did have to increase the gimbal range on the a/b engines to keep her from flipping.
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