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Everything posted by tg626

  1. You may have hit Alt-F9 by accident, that brings up a list of save files to load.
  2. Now I wonder what the issue crew would do if ,say a shenzou pulled up and started mucking with the station...
  3. No, I mean that the game UI (Nav ball, altimeter, etc) appear in the screenshots unless I manually toggle them off (F2). I thought this mod toggled them off briefly when the screenshot was taken.
  4. Tantares went through this when the launch pad smoke was introduced. I don't know the exact cause, but I do know the author had to produce an update to fix it.
  5. Paste the link and hit return, it automagically becomes an embedded player
  6. Love the mod, but can you take a tick and drop by Cybutech to updated the AVC entry?
  7. This has indeed cured it's ills. Good to know. Is the author still around? I found at least one issue, the .version file included is for RKE Joystick, not Kanadaarm (KSP AVC) plus Kerbalstuff could stand to be updated to show this mod DOES work in 1.0.5
  8. Once I'm happy with the atmospheric flight performance I'll be releasing this via KerbalX.com, but until then, Pictures!! My last mission, deploying 2 sats that would go on to polar orbits of the Mün and Minmus. A Buran derived shuttle, for the same reason as another Buran-alike I saw here on the forums. Namely not being able to drop within gliding distance of KSC. I can get closeish, but I always need those jets to make it to the runway. Mods Used MechJeb ][ Cormorant Aeronology
  9. My only gripe with the vector as a shuttle engine is that I wish I could lockout roll and only have it gimble for pitch and yaw. Those nozzles look silly swinging all around as I roll my shuttle "upright". It would also be nice if all engines stopped gimbaling when the engine was shut off.
  10. It's still a bit fiddely, but yes once I've worked a few kink out. Cormorant Aeronology is the only mod (although it also has and is designed for MechJeb). It adds a shuttle nose and belly to the stock mk3 parts in new parts that snap onto the mk3 parts. The rest is stock, and due to my inability to reenter close enough to glide to KSC, it is based on Buran/Energia.
  11. Yes that is what I'm saying. Move apart, together, at odd angles. So, how do you know which end is which in the VAB??? I didn't even know there was a wrong way to assemble them. Just saw this, never mind. I think it would be a good idea to color the texture on the root end to make it clear... Guess I'll have another go at it.
  12. It's a damn shame that there seems to be a (floating point?) error that slowly but surely corrupts these arms until they look like an ERTL model someone put in a microwave. I don't think it's this mod's fault, as I've seen the same sort of part migration with the small truss from Squad as well. First I had to make on that had the joints I needed. Check! Then I had to figure out settings that didn't make the whole shuttle wobble it's self apart if I moved the payload. Check! Then I used Time Warp and...... My God. The Horror. Just wanted to vent, put blame where it belonged, and praise the greatness of these parts - cause these are great, Squad and decimal places? Not so much.
  13. Updated design. - dropped stock mk3 tail. - added 3rd wheasley engine - repositioned wings The 3rd engine allows 100m/s at 6km, which allows me to get clear of the peaks west of KSC if needed.
  14. I just read up a bit on that on net. Thanks tho, it was confusing me. Right click on the tank in the vab.
  15. Is there a trick to the body flap? Mine always defects the opposite direction...
  16. OMS pods and nose default to monoprop. And I think all can be configured individially via firespitter for fuel/oxidiser, fuel, oxidiser, or monoprop.
  17. I'm going about my orbital business when POOF a grey cloud spreads out from my craft... HUH?! Hit's F3 Big-S Wing Strake Colllided with launch pad. This a known thing? Modded install 1.0.5
  18. Core deployed! And the update didn't shred my existing craft. We'll see how she fairs on reentry.
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/101710-10x-rke-kanadarm-v0110-may-24/
  20. I wonder, would it be possible to have a tweakable to toggle axises on rocket engines? Like we have for aero control surfaces? I think I'd like it if I could, for instance, disable roll on those vector engines.
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