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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I dunno if real chute is the problem here, but I do recall it causing similar effects long ago following a ksp update. Cam stayed centered as if the discarded parts were still teathered. Usually ending in a kraken attack. Point is, make sure your mods are up to date.
  2. Science Platform And Roving Terrain Assessment - SPARTA SPARTA I thru XVIII were largely identical, landing and transmitting science while a rover detached and hunted for a nearby flat region for a future crewed landing.
  3. Wish he'd get that EVA chute done... Back on topic... are these different transparency options an image thing or a model thing? I make my flags by making a png on a transparent background and I don't recall there being any options regarding *how* the png is transparent.
  4. I've seen it, dropping ap and pe while orbiting with a personal within the amosphere, but the craft well outside atmo. 67km pe 900km ap with vessel altitude around 200km, hovering over the pe or ap marker in the map showed both ever so slowly dropping...
  5. Yes, but I had hyper edited to orbit for testing, so I thought it was that....
  6. One thing that threw me at first was the pop up that says blahblah was built for 1.1 when 1.1.1 came out. Turned out that was avc but at first I thought us was ksp complaining. My own mods disappeared from that window once I logged into cybutec and updated my "max version" to 1.1.1. I think that window needs a clear title that says it's AVC and not the game generating that window.
  7. I didn't stage them first, I just right clicked and activated it. I'll check on that again.
  8. No sound effect when activating the oms engine... no highlight when hovering over it either. Flies well and works well however... Does the MMU dock with the Clamp-o-tron Jr? No MMU here but...
  9. Last shuttle I made I put on two rudders, about half clipped into each other, then set the deploys appropriately and linked then to the brakes action key. Worked like a charm. Oh, and the drag chute, I think you can get a real chute to attach on the base of the rudder, or you can pop a regular one on the center attachment node between the engines.
  10. I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know that those models are high poly and meant for "rendering scenes" more then being used in a game. If you do manage to make it into a part, you may find it either lags like mad or crashes the game...
  11. Thought of that, so I changed the description to check what was getting loaded. Changes in the description= of this file appear in game...
  12. I stuck a lauchpad at KSC2 (kkrocketpad2) and made it a launch site. I exported it, then cut/paste it to a new folder. Result is GameData/FP_WhallopTestRange/Statics |-- kkrocketpad2.cfg \-- WhallopTestRange.png and the cfg file is: // Exported custom instances by Kerbal Konstructs STATIC { mesh = kkrocketpad2.mu module = Part static = true author = AlphaAsh DefaultLaunchPadTransform = kkrocketpad2_spawn title = Rocket Pad category = LaunchPads cost = 100000 manufacturer = KashCorp description = Rockets explode here. DefaultLaunchSiteLength = 20 DefaultLaunchSiteWidth = 20 DefaultFacilityType = None DefaultStaffMax = DefaultProductionRateMax = DefaultScienceOMax = DefaultFundsOMax = keepConvex = pointername = kkrocketpad2 name = KSC-2_KSC2_kkrocketpad2 Instances { CelestialBody = Kerbin RadialPosition = -468073.1,211888.1,-310740.2 Orientation = ,1, RadiusOffset = 420.438 RotationAngle = 342.999 RefLatitude = 20.66346 RefLongitude = 213.579 VisibilityRange = 25000 Group = KSC2 LaunchSiteLogo = WhallopTestRange LaunchSiteName = Whallop Test Range LaunchPadTransform = kkrocketpad2_spawn LaunchSiteDescription = First launch site established before the well known Kerbal Space Center, Whallop was so named when a booster under test exploded and Wernher Von Kerman remarked "That packed quite a whallop!". LaunchSiteType = VAB Category = RocketPad LaunchSiteLength = 20 LaunchSiteWidth = 20 OpenCost = 100000 CloseValue = OpenCloseState = Open FacilityType = None CustomInstance = True TrackingShort = TrackingAngle = StaffMax = ProductionRateMax = ScienceOMax = FundsOMax = LaunchRefund = RecoveryFactor = 50 RecoveryRange = 100000 LaunchSiteNation = } }
  13. I did. Made a 150x140 png, stuck the parameter in the cfg file. No joy. The cfg and png are in the same folder GameData/FP_WhallopTestRange/Statics
  14. So I tried this, but it doesn't appear in game. I still get the default "no preview available" image.
  15. Is there an in game way to get a base "preview" image? That is to set it or make it? Or do you have to edit the instance in it's cfg file and add LaunchSiteLogo = somename and then create a 150x140 image in that directory called somename.ext?
  16. On the matter of the biplane type fixed gear, I found some improvement by running a strut between the wheels. Cuts down on flex and hence bounce. That said, the small and medium gear often cause a spinoff with the slightest provocation.
  17. Time for me to say that this is truly awesome. I skipped it in the pre 64 bit days fearing for my already overtaxed memory (lots of mods), but grabbed it now and I love it!
  18. I've noticed that in a few threads, a table of contents that used to take you to the relative info just loops you back to the op... >:( Looks like it's here Btw, Round Range has trees in the runway with 100% ground scatter (I assume there is no way to remove them) too bad there's no way to define an occlusion zone for scatter or terrain height like Flight Simulator had...
  19. I like it, great for a quick head count before undocking or staging (soyuz/shenzou-alike re-entry) Super awesome with the mk1 cockpit, you can see the kerbal piloting your plane screaming his/her head off!
  20. So I see a folder called "ExportedInstances" and it makes me think there's a way to export a base I've made as a separate set of cfg files, if so, how do you do that?
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