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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I don't know which is worse, when someone berates others for not reading the thread, or when they provide an answer which implies the assumption that they haven't read the thread... If I wanted to use it with BDB's lifter, I'd just get that package... rather I am pursuing the OP statement that by asking for full clarification as to which part in Tantares would be the 1.875m to 2.5m so I can cherry pick that out of the rather large Tantares set of (admittedly wonderful) parts to accomplish what I want to do, which is use this with a 2.5m Titan-esque stock lifter. So I ask again:
  2. Which Tantares part would be the adapter to put this on a stock 2.5m rocket?
  3. Ok, I've picked thru some of the source code for mods like "HullcamVDS" and DennyTX's "Docking Camera", but I'm a bit lost. Both mods are STUNNING in what they bring to the table, but for me they bring too much. HullcamVDS gives us those cool views like when you watch a SpaceX launch live + a full screen KURS like view for docking. DennyTX's Docking Camera gives us a full on popout window with KURS (and then some) HUD, but I want something more primitive... I want to simply have a full screen view with the viewpoint at x/y/z relative to a parts origin. I want to put the players eyeballs right outside the docking port door. That's it. No overlays, no data on screen like KURS, just looking. See I've already got the optical parts for COAS in place, I just need to be able to move the viewpoint and I have no idea how that's done. I've got the DOCKING TARGET and the COAS GENERATED RETICLE IMAGE, what I want to do is code a plug in for the ASTRONAUT'S EYE, so to speak...
  4. I JUST discovered this earlier today, and it's pretty damn cool. But, no, I meant REALLY old scool... My mod provides the "DOCKING TARGET" and "COAS GENERATED RETICLE IMAGE", HullcamVDS provides the viewpoint (Astronaut's eye, so to speak) with a screen spanning cross. This is REAL eyeballing!
  5. 1.2.2 released (FOR KSP 1.0.5, NOT FOR 1.1) - I messed up the folder name and didn't test until now (too caught up on 1.1 hype) so this fixes it. You can fix it directly, just rename FP_DPSoundFX to DPSoundFX.
  6. Lander I cobbled together based on this design using the parts I had available. Really cool someone is doing a proper model of this!
  7. Kick it old school and install hullcamvds and my mod, no ui changes at all! /shameless_plug
  8. That was the all important clue!! Thanks for the info, links, etc. I find I can commit and push just fine from within Monodevelop so I'll stick to that. Thanks a TON for pulling the gauze off my eyes so I could see clearly how it worked.
  9. Ok folks, we have a v1.1 compaible version at https://github.com/TedThompson/DPSoundFX/releases Works the same, sounds the same, just compiled and bugfixed for unity5
  10. Using MonoDevelop to compile my plugin I decided to try and stick it on GitHub. Last year, GitHub looked to intimidating to mess with, but now I'm trying to get it to work. I finally uploaded my code to GitHub via the website and then managed to download it in MonoDevelop. However when I make edits to my plugin and try to "Commit" it, it doesn't show up as changed in the website interface, even after 20 mins or so. I can only assume I'm doing it wrong. (Yes, I put in my name and password, and MonoDevelop seems to think it worked fine) I also have no idea how "versioning" works - so in short I'm looking for help on this. As always, I prefer a link to resources, but I'll take any advice I can get. I had assumed it was all very nicely integrated and wouldn't require things like manually uploading it outside of the IDE once I got the git information setup properly, but maybe I'm expecting too much? MonoDevelop 4.0.1, BTW TIA!
  11. For those of you following along, thanks to that link above and many modders more knowledgeable then myself who posted therein, I cam to realize that the plugin DLL needed to be recompiled for 1.1 Some changes had to be made, all minor, all having no effect on the finished product (adding references to more DLLs in the KSPdata/Managed folder and changing a setting from a discontinued method to it's new equivelent). So as of now, I have a working 1.1 version which I am testing out and should be posting soon.
  12. I was disappointed, the first airfields were just that, fields. I was thinking the runway would just upgrade with the SPH, starting off as no runway (use the field luke), then a grass strip, paved, and finally the full blown one. Each one getting LONGER and having higher Weight Limits but NOT getting smoother - they should all be smooth.
  13. Thank you! It certainly should help me get a handle on the changes!
  14. Man, 1.1 borked my plugin... >:( Some undocumented change I'd bet, and I hardly got it working last time.
  15. Hang in there! I can't tell you how many hours (and how much hair) I lost just trying to get my docking port sound mod to work!!
  16. Ok, But the old version (KerbalStuff like) has bad colors in the editor that makes it unusable in Chrome at least. Black on dark grey, White on white, that sort of thing. I actually installed an extension that allows me to toggle CSS on and off JUST so I could work on my Mod entries... :/ EDIT: Just (re)discovered the ittybitty toggle for "Enable Dark Theme". Once I UNchecked that I can see again!!! Seems it's the dark theme that needs work, as it impliments a dark background, but leaves the editor text the same old colors which were meant for a white background.
  17. Would that include the "black on black" and( in full screen) "White on white" editor colors?
  18. Updated and uploaded to Spacedock.info (see OP)
  19. This one is updated - http://spacedock.info/mod/474/Docking%20Port%20Sound%20FX Thank you all for your patience. I've been away wandering the Capitol Wastland, Driving trains, and writing code! I'll be getting my other mods updated soon too!
  20. Hang tight, it's coming to Spacedock. AWESOME! Thanks!
  21. Yeah.... I never really moved forward with that. Tho I might come back around to it, it won't be too soon (for one this, Realchute was making big strides at one point toward an EVA chute and I wanted to see what that was going to be...
  22. I'm hononered good modder. (I'll be uploading my jazz to the new Spacedock shortly)
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