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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. The easiest way to modify planets is kopernicus, however it's still not updated for 1.8.1 We are working on updating it (mostly thomas actually), but there is no ETA Having the image visible from kerbin would be possible, however getting it to glow is more difficult Depending on what image you want, you could use the "glowing" feature from kopernicus expanded. But that will only work on 1.7.3 because it might not get updated to 1.8.1 at all
  2. as @SingABrightSong said, you can keep an eye out for Kopernicus, when Kopernicus will update the SigmaDimensions release should follow pretty quickly
  3. I used to have them in my mods but at a certain point I was getting burned out by the "release chore" that's why I stopped using the forums, version files, and other stuff like that. I don't exclude they might make a comeback in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath
  4. The latest versions have been compiled against 1.8.1 I haven't tried if they are also compatible with other versions
  5. SigmaReplacements: Description was the only one that needed an update as far as I can tell, but I decided to update them all anyways. I've also added support for the "new" suits introduced with Breaking Grounds, and I've also added a couple of new requirements for the suits now that I am thinking about this, I didn't check if SigmaReplacements: Descriptions is compatible with the breaking ground suits, I'll have to give that a deeper look
  6. the kerbals themselves don't have names, but in my mod I assign names to them in order to get the custom heads and suits to show up in the mainmenu correctly and on a more relevant note, I updated all SigmaReplacements to 1.8.1 if anyone is interested
  7. I have been working on a Kopernicus update that should reduce the amount of bugs with solarpanels, I can't guarantee that's the case here, but it's an option
  8. I like the approach... > Parts are overpowered in KSP, someone should make a mod to fix this. - Should we make the parts less powerful? > Nah, just make THE WHOLE UNIVERSE bigger
  9. I dont know if this might be your issue, The latest version of SD has a bug that has already been solved but I haven't had the time to publish a new release If you go to https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases/latest You will see a warning I recently added with a link to a temporary version that should work Edit: SD is now updated, latest version should work fine
  10. just kopernicus mm and SD on KSP 1.7.3 use Kopernicus 1.7.3-1 MM 4.0.3 and this version of SD
  11. SD is not available for 1.8 yet the latest release for 1.7.3 has a bug, I haven't managed to publish a proper release yet but the fix is already available here
  12. this solution is just a temporary workaround, I am working on a more consistent fix on the Kopernicus repo but that will take a while in the meantime, enjoy your scaled AKR
  13. I think it's satelliteMap rather than satelliteColor
  14. SD still works but I stopped updating the forum thread because it was becoming a pointless time sink you can still find it on github
  15. I will need to install the mod myself to check on this, I will let you know... it might just be an issue with SD moving the KSC to a slightly wrong position do you use Rescale! ? or do you have custom SigmaDimensions settings?
  16. it seems like there is an issue in generating the cachefile for AKR/Vall does standard AKR come with included cache files? if yes, can you try loading AKR without those cache files this might be a Kopernicus and / or AKR issue rather than a SD issue @birdog357 your issue seems to be the same try removing SD and RESCALE, then go to GameData/AlternisKerbolRekerjiggered/ and delete the folder called "Cache" let me know if KSP loads fine like that, or if it has issues
  17. this is the math error that comes from using the latest SD with MM 4.0.3, using 4.0.2 will solve most (if not all) these errors I'll take a look to this logs and let you know EDIT: That file is not enough for me to figure out what the issue is about, there's a guide in my signature that will tell you all the files I need to help you. First of all, please confirm that your install loads fine without SD then you can move on to generate all log files with SD installed and upload them
  18. there is a known issue between the latest MM and the latest SD, if you roll back to the previous version of MM (I think it's 4.0.2) it might solve your issue I can't guarantee it without giving it a longer look, but it's worth a try
  19. there is a known issue between the latest MM and the latest SD, if you roll back to the previous version of MM (I think it's 4.0.2) it might solve your issue I can't guarantee it without giving it a longer look, but it's worth a try
  20. Hey @GregroxMun nice seeing you are streaming again. I'll watch the VOD as soon as I get some time!
  21. this sounds great, however I wonder if this can be integrated with the current gameplay (providing apo/peri -apsis, orbital period etc)
  22. I would be surprised if the "custom solution" he talked about is the solution I adopted for SB. Rask/Rusk look like they have more or less the same mass, this doesn't really give a nice result using SB. it's possible but a bit weird. I think they developed a tech that allows both bodies to be equivalent rather than having to choose a primary and a secondary (like SB does) My guess would be having two spheres of influence with the same "priority" so that the craft is under the influence of the closest body, and maybe a third sphere of influence once you are far enough so that the craft orbits the barycenter directly instead of just one or the other. something like this: Either that or a completely new system with only one sphere of influence (the barycenter) that "automatically" tracks the two bodies and the craft and switches the orbit when needed.
  23. yes this is because the old MM used to replace tabulations with spaces, now it will replace tabulations with "\t" so the math will break and generate an error I already have a fix that will be included in the next release of SD, in the meantime you can stick with MM 4.0.2 and it shouldn't be an issue
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