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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. Nope, the Kerbol system is just getting an art pass. No new planets.
  2. If you happen to see aerial pictures of a nuke plant, the reactor(s) is usually housed in a small building(s), the rest of the complex is for the support equipment for power generation, cooling, and nuclear fuel storage. It would make sense to see buildings that large if everything needed was contained in one structure.
  3. What do you expect to happen if one of these reactors fails? A massive explosion and mushroom cloud? That's not what happens with fission reactors. The reactor will burn with any explosions being pressure vessels rupturing. You won't get a nuclear explosion. A fusion reactor would probably be a similar event.
  4. To expand on what Master39 has said. The only definite thing we know is there will be more resources in the game, and you will be able to manufacture them in the colonies. The rest is just broad ideas with no definite system mentioned or explained. I don't think it will be as complicated as like MKS or Pathfinder, but it will be more complicated than what is currently in KSP.
  5. The typical conversation between technical feasibly and the actual ability to build whatever. Also the practicality of the different ways to get stuff into orbit. You can add the need of some to have whatever in the game for reason of "just because" to the people who don't think it fits within KSP and shouldn't be added. Personally, it's up to the devs if they want to add space elevators to the game or not. I can see this one going either way.
  6. Star Trek is fiction and has it share of handwavium, but a lot of the technology is based on real life theories. You can't dismiss all technologies on Star Trek as handwavium. The time lines for technology is up to speculation, fusion reactors has been "within the next decade" for the past 50 years. But personal computing devices which was said to never happen, are everywhere now.
  7. I would have to say yes and no. The hard parts (orbital mechanics, rendezvous, docking) should stay the same. The rest is learning what the new parts are and how to use the new systems that will be introduced. Not overly difficult, just can be time consuming and frustrating.
  8. When you have to carry several years worth of fuel, the tanks will become quite large.
  9. If you find the Jool colony pictures. The massive ship that's docked, by my estimate, the largest spherical tanks are 60 to 80 meters in diameter. As for the cylinder shaped tanks, the Orion drive is ~20 meters in diameter. So I would think that up to 15-20 meters in diameter would be likely.
  10. Both seem fairly reasonable to me. I'm not thinking of what KSP1 has. I'm thinking of what can come in KSP2. If you look at the little jump ramp attached to the colonies, it would be perfect for an electromagnetic catapult system. Since water is a premium on a colony, you wouldn't want to waste it driving a steam catapult system. My rational is making a comparison to the catapult systems used by aircraft carriers to fling the planes (or whatever else is attached to it) off the deck. Plus, I do think the Kerbals would enjoy that type of ride.
  11. We can't draw parallels on advanced functions for parts between KSP 1&2. Different studios are developing the different games. One dev may think this function is fine for whatever part, where the other may think it doesn't need say function, we're going to use this part instead.
  12. A: this technology already has been proven in RL. It can be used as a catapult or as basic light rail transportation. (Whether it's on the ground or on an orbital platform is irrelevant.) I can't see why the Kerbals wouldn't use it. B: even though it is technically possible to do this, the level of timing and precision required would make carrier landings look like child's play. If you mess up, you don't just go around for another pass, you would end up destroying the craft and the hook itself. C: you're basically saying the same reasons why mag rails are useful for this one. So I have to ask, why do you think mag rail isn't thesible but a mass driver is? The only difference between the two is where the object sits when it's propelled forward.
  13. We don't know. Since the release date is still at least a year away, no info on recommended specs yet.
  14. Don't know. Nothing has been said about that.
  15. That's actually a very good idea. What good in collecting all that data if you can't put it to use. @crenelatedcheese Mcwaffles2003 little plug for the re purposing science discusses a ton of ideas. Most of what you have suggested was discussed in that thread. But yes, science should be apart of the tech progression, but haphazardly finding something shouldn't always lead to a breakthrough.
  16. There has been a few threads about alien life. The general consensus is that microscopic and plant life would be acceptable to see. Maybe evidence of past advanced life, (crashed probes, ships, ruins) but no aliens.
  17. Probably not, maybe there will be some old buildings like at the Woomerang site in KSP1.
  18. That's because instead of using the slower SATA bus, and SATA controller for the SSD, the NVMe is using the faster PCI bus with a direct connection to the CPU. That's the main reason why NVMe cards are faster than standard SATA drives.
  19. Too early to say at the moment. Most of what the devs have shown off would be considered ground scatter or regular terrain. As of right now, there isn't going to be caves or natural overhangs. That may change in the future if the devs move away from how planets were made in KSP1.
  20. Until one bomb losses containment and the whole thing is vaporized due to multiple antimatter explosions. At that point, nuclear explosives are actually safer.
  21. Direct from an interview with Nate Simpson, "no ftl, no jump drives, no warp drives, no stargates." Faster than light drives isn't being planned for stock KSP2. Intercept is leaving that up to the mod makers after release. (An early interview with either Scott Manley or Shadowzone, I can't remember who.)
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