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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Looks like it got changed when localized... yeah. Sorry about that.
  2. No the difficulty settings are intended for the mission creator to setup and define as they wish their mission to operate. Therefore they are not something the mission player can change. The missions mod list is a freeform text field. It does not functionally change whether a mod is operational in a mission or not. That is as always dependent on whether you have the mod installed or not. No as stated. The settings set by the mission creator for overall KSP difficulties - and for mods. Are defined by the mission creator. Not something the mission player can change. That is the way it was designed. Missions are intended to be that way - as challenges I guess. Wtih scoring etc. So everything is in the hands of the creator of the mission to set it up they way they intend their mission to be played.
  3. This is the way to do it for now if you want the revert option.. We are working on rectifying the situation when you recover vessels. This is available in any mission whenever a Create vessel node activates. when one does activate, you get a screen message telling you you need to build the next vessel and to go to the missions app. The Missions App icon will flash the yellow attention icon for 5 seconds and remain with the attention icon after.
  4. This is as intended. If you are building/launching the initial vessels at the start of a mission. There is no revert in that situation. You simply restart the mission. If you are building vessels further on in the mission. Say the second or third vessel in the first stock mission. The revert option should show you the ability to revert to the previous build session (vessel building) or previous launch (when it's not a player built vessel).
  5. This is a known issue. If you reset the mission it's fine. Recovering a vessel is the issue in that mission.
  6. You can. The difficulty settings are available. They can be accessed in a mission in the mission builder on the start node settings action pane.
  7. Are you running in 64 bit? 32 bit struggles especially with mods and graphics settings on max.
  8. The official API docs have been updated in the link in the opening post. Including the Making History Expansions part of the API. You could try... but it would be very difficult. Missions are designed to specifically ONLY run in mission mode. and cannot be added to the other game modes.
  9. Not quite correct. The DLC is required for part failure to work. Even if modded to occur in a career/sandbox game.
  10. Is there a bug with TST here that I am not following... You have TST installed, but not Research Bodies. Yet the planets do not appear in the telescope targets list? Can you submit your log file please.
  11. Everything is fine and I have agreed to the EULA. But I won't do any updates to my mods until 1.4.1 and the DLC is out. As you can imagine. I'm quite busy with at the moment.
  12. Speaking as a modder, not staff. Until the EULA is clarified I won't be making updates. Sorry.
  13. To clarify this for modders. KSP 1.4.0 has been released as we know.... KSP 1.4.1 is a base game update that will be released simultaneously with the DLC. The DLC is an add-on that requires KSP 1.4.1. But the base game will be updated to 1.4.1 at that time. A modder should think of it like this... there's 1.4.0 this week. When the DLC releases there is an update to KSP to 1.4.1. Whether a modder's mod cares about the DLC or not... is up to them. But it will run regardless of the DLC being installed or not if the mod doesn't involve anything to do with the DLC functionality. It will also run in either KSP 1.4.0 or KSP 1.4.1 depending on what the mod code does, and if it requires changes between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. The code base between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 will not be very different.
  14. No I can't comment on this; but have passed on all the concerns to the Comms and Legal Teams who hopefully can provide you with a clearer response next week when their offices are open.
  15. There's more info here.. if you ask specific questions I can give you specific answers.
  16. I did a little more than maintain it. I wrote half the code... but as far as models go. I love the current ones. It’s a mod for a game and I like how they fit with stock parts. I have been approached before by people with models to include - but none of them have finished their work or sent me anything. As for doing it myself - modeling takes time. In the case of mods a lot of free time. That unfortunately I don’t have. But I am always more than happy to discuss with any others willing to donate their free time.
  17. Err.. only ones with an atmosphere, right? I see the deaths of many kerbals forgetting parachutes only work in an atmosphere.
  18. See the OP: Analyse the surfaces of planets using a high powered laser. Uses biomes where available. Save your images to share on the forums!! (now saves in two sizes, camera size and Full Screen). Fully integrated into the tech tree. Will Generate contracts for collection of data from different biomes in Career games. How to use it? Right click it and open the camera. IKJL move the camera. It can collect science.. so not very useful in a sandbox game. I career contracts will be generated as well.
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