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Everything posted by wreckreation

  1. Bump. Hope Why485 has found the time to keep working on this.
  2. This is very likely a dumb question, but I searched and didn't find anything. I noticed that Stock Bug Fixes is not listed on the Community Mods and Plugins Library forum page. Is there a reason for this I'm overlooking, or is it just an oversight? Not that it's terribly important, just Inquiring Minds Want to Know.tm Thx!
  3. [quote name='smjjames']How do I make the camera stop rotating like shown in the vid? I preferred it when it didn't do that in earlier versions of Hangar Extender and I find it very annoying.[/QUOTE] It does that in the stock hanger as well; I don't think it's an Extender bug.
  4. The Kerbal Stuff link you supplied leads to an error page that says "Unauthorized The sever could not verify that you authorized to access the URL requested." Could just be a server hiccup, but you might want to check it out. And I can't find it in CKAN. Yes, I refreshed the list. Looking forward to downloading these. They look fantastic![h=1][/h]
  5. [quote name='sal_vager']An ore tank.[/QUOTE] Seriously, I can't feed ore directly to the the machine that will process the ore, it has to pass through an ore tank first? Even though I'm not storing any ore, just immediately converting it to fuel. Well. Okay then. :rolleyes: Good to know, thanks! I appreciate your help!
  6. Check out the Final Frontier mod. It rewards your kerbals with ribbons for all sorts of accomplishments (first orbit, first eva, first landing, etc., etc.), you don't need a contract, and you can do them in any order that fits in with your story.
  7. I've replaced Clamp-O-Tron Sr.'s in situ, so it's doable. For the Sr docking port you need 3 kerbalnauts to do it; one engineer with an electric screwdriver, and two more to 'assist'. (Anything with a large mass needs more than one kerbal to move, sometimes 2 kerbals, sometimes 3. I've never had to use 4.) Your assistant kerbals need to be within a certain (very short) range of the object you're moving, basically huddled around it. And you can't move it very far, so the two ships have to be right beside each other. So, you get the ships in place, they're drifting, you have to quickly switch to the assistant kerbals and place them near the object, and they start drifting, too. Quickly, before anything drifts out of range, use the screwdriver to remove the part from the old ship, turn, place it on the new ship, and bolt it into place. You have to get everything set up just-so, and then act quickly. But it can be done. But I'm guessing you're talking about the regular clamp-o-tron, in which case your engineer probably doesn't need assistants and can carry the item any distance. In which case, Bob's your uncle!
  8. IRSU question I built an isru test rig, with: [LIST] [*]two empty LFO tanks, stacked [*]the Convert-O-Tron 250 stacked on top of those [*]a drill attached to the side of one of the tanks [*]about 40 RTG's for power [/LIST] Used hyperedit to move the rig to Duna, to a spot that scans show has about 4.5% ore concentration. Deploy the drill, start "surface harvesting", start convert-o-tron up to make LFO. At that point, the drill reports "ore full", and the convert-o-tron reports "missing ore". No LFO is made. This is just about the simplest isru rig I can think of, plenty of power, empty tanks to fill, everything is connected together, with crossfeed on. So... what an I missing here?
  9. Forgive me if this has been asked and answered; I searched the forum and reddit and didn't find anything. I like my parachutes to spread out, away from each other ('repel each other' as [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-1-0-5-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-3-2-4-10-11-15?p=1005877&viewfull=1#post1005877"]you said[/URL]), as they would be designed to do in real life. I've been using [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-5-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-5a-2-14-Nov-15%29?p=1486867&viewfull=1#post1486867"]StockBugFix/StockPlus[/URL] for that and it works great on stock chutes. Just downloaded and started using Realchute the other day (great mod, btw!), noticed the realchutes don't spread out, thought I'd be clever and fix that with a MM patch, adding the ParachutesPlus module from StockPlus to the realchutes. [CODE][FONT=lucida console]@PART[*chute*]:HAS[!MPPlus]:AFTER[ModuleParachutePlus]:FINAL[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console]{[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console] MODULE[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console] {[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console] name = MPPlus[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console] }[/FONT] [FONT=lucida console]}[/FONT][/CODE] It works only partially, in the sense that, on realchutes in the VAB, in the right-click menu I get a slider for the spread angle of the chutes, as expected, indicating that the StockPlus parachute module was indeed added to the realchute. And the realchute gui is still accessible from the action groups tab, so no conflict in that direction. But when I launch the vessel, the realchutes still don't spread out. Any idea why this might be? I didn't see anything in the log. I haven't posted this question in the StockBugFix thread yet, I thought I'd hit you up first. [B]Update[/B]: question answered (see next post). Thanks, Starwaster!
  10. Suggestion: be able to turn on the camera without designating a target. No alignment indicators, until you designate a target. Also, the option to turn off alignment indicators altogether. I rarely, if ever, need or use alignment indicators when docking, but just the camera view itself is really useful.
  11. How about keyboard controls? A rough analogue of the maneuver directions (prograde, retro.. etc.) are the intuitive directions forward, backward, up, down, left right. We already have keys that map to those: the rcs translation keys I,J,K,L,H,N. I think it would be intuitive to use them to adjust the maneuver node. I propose Alt+[L, J, I, K, H, N]. prograde: Alt+L retrograde: Alt+J normal: Alt+I anti-normal: Alt+K radial: Alt+H anti-radial: Alt+N
  12. [quote name='garwel']I also have the issue; [...] Now, the Parts tab does not show the parts panel at all, only three mode buttons (offset, rotate and root) in the left of the screen.[/QUOTE] I get this, too, but I found a workaround; click on the Action Groups tab, then the Parts tab again, the Parts list displays properly (until the next time you use the Action Groups tab).
  13. [quote name='Claw'] someone else has been kind enough to manage the CKAN scripting stuff.[/QUOTE] No worries. Love the parts, keep up the good work. [quote name='sergioberg']"Stock Bug Fix Modules & StockPlus" now available through CKAN (as one mod, not two)[/QUOTE] Awesome, dude. Thanks for handling that.
  14. [quote name='Angel-125']That sounds like a bug, actually, thanks for pointing it out. :)[/QUOTE] Cool. Glad to help. Love the parts, btw.
  15. Silly me. I updated Stock Plus for KSP 1.0.5 through CKAN, and since the two mods are closely associated, I assumed that the version of Stock Bug Fix Modules on CKAN was the latest and greatest as well. I didn't notice that it's still a version behind (v1.0.4c.2). I could install the new SBFM version manually, but I prefer to use CKAN. Any idea when CKAN will be updated to download SBFM v1.0.5a.1? Thanks!
  16. Are the DR-375 Dock-O-Trons intended for permanent docking? I've got two ships docked with DR-375's, and there's no "undock" or "decouple" option in the dock-o-tron's (right-mouse_button) context menu. No way to undock these ships. Is this the intended behavior, or a bug? Thanks!
  17. I can't get the StockPlus gui to appear. I'm on Win 7, so I press Alt + f8, and... nothing. I've checked the ksp log and nothing in particular stands out as being related to this. I've eliminated all mods except MM, Stock Bug Fix Modules and StockPlus. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can troubleshoot this? Things to investigate/look at/poke around/try? Thanks!
  18. The latest version of CKAN appears to be v1.14.3. Yet I see ppl talking about v1.5.5 and 1.5.6. Anyone care to clue me in? Thanks!
  19. I have a feature request. Forgive me if this has already been requested, but I couldn't find it anywhere; I'd like a menu option to turn off the motor sound. Pretty please.
  20. Here's a big hint: Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. Think about that for a moment. ....... Kerbals cobble together their spaceship parts from stuff they find lying around or salvage from other things. It's the Kerbal way. It's the aesthetic of the game, and I'd bet money it was a conscious choice on the part of the developers. That kinda got knocked to the side a bit when they came out with Asteroid Redirect and its NASA-alike parts. Aesthetically, that threw a wrench into the works. I likes me a nice, shiny b9 spaceplane or a sleek kw rocket as much as the next guy, but I also like to honor the aesthetic and play in the Kerbal universe, where rockets are junkyard detritus held together with bailing wire and bubblegum, and are made of explodium. It'll be interesting to see where Squad is going with the stock revamp.
  21. Hi, Athlonic! Chatterer is the first mod I installed, and I wouldn't consider playing KSP without it, even in an 'all-stock' game. Fully realizing you're busy, I have a feature request: chatter in the Tracking Station, such that when you focus on a vessel, you hear its chatter. The tracking station is the defacto mission control center (since the Mission Control building is not, as one might suspect, where you control your missions, but instead where you get/manage contracts. Which makes. perfect. sense. ), and 'communicating' with the missions/flights from where you manage them would make sense, and add just that extra little bit of 'realism'. This is already a great mod, and if you don't/can't/won't add this, I won't be heartbroken. It would just make something that's already really cool a tiny bit more so. Thanks for considering!
  22. Great mod! Since I'm still on XP I can't use CKAN; this is a lifesaver! I second this request. Upon launching Tinker Time for the first time (just now), it's the first thing I looked for. Kinda surprised it's not there.
  23. Thank you odmonk, for figuring that out. Just for completeness' sake, I've added the fix to the MM patch. Grab it from my dropbox, same as before. Delete the old patch, as the filename has changed (added a version number - Goodspeed.25Patch.v2.cfg). The patch's usefulness is now undoubtedly limited - it was made to allow Goodspeed to work on KSP .25. If Galane and W1ntermute are correct (post 182 & 186), it's broken again on .90 and 1.02. I'd love to make a new patch that fixes that, but I simply don't have the bandwidth right now. Maybe later in the summer.
  24. Terrific! Thanks so much for sharing the details.
  25. Duuuude! That is awesome. Care to share about the not "in most cases" cases?
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