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    Astronaut fighting-chckn

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  1. I suppose it being this doors attaching the fuel lines from the ET to the orbiter? I remember the kerbalized KSOS Shuttle having these doors, but it's up to benjee if SOCK gets it.
  2. Just to inform you man on the latest release 1.8.6 of Blueshift and on KSP 1.12.3, the warp drive still works perfectly but is not displaying the warpfield waterfall FX as it used to in the past.
  3. Eyyy blackrack, would I suggest and encourage you to try and fly something in to the upper atmosphere of Jool to let us see how these new true volumetric clouds hold up rendering in gas giant environments? my thanks
  4. ayyyo its my birthday in this timezone and the full release of the AS revamp is such a doozy big thanks
  5. Would it be possible for a nosecone door variant without a docking port? I'd like to use the benjee apas and bdb cads systems on this thing to nosedock with other vessels, and I couldn't figure out a solution that fits the default nosecone door. thanks
  6. Is it just me or Tekto with 2.5x Rescale has the surface made of lava, instakilling everything touching down even at 0.1m/s? I first noticed with the Coatl Huygens, then further tested it out, the surface of Tekto on my install seems to be eating anything touching down on it.
  7. Awesome AARs man, but something I noticed with your pics and also previous posts... I seem to recall from my days of simming whole Apollo missions with AMSO in Orbiter 2006 and reading NASA docs, didn't the crew activate the LM (turning on stuff like antennas and comms, and extending LDG) before LOI to check if the LM is bad and they would go mission abort with the free return trj if so?
  8. made this last years man when they were starting to think of a wishlist for the Apollo-Saturn revamp, hope it helps
  9. oh hey that's kinda awesome what you sketched there man just what I'm really looking for, would be nice if plans for it also has a b9 switch for 1.5x to 2x length kind of like the adapter between the orion and SLS block 1a config in this old SLS concept image, so yeah that cylindrical CSM adapter looks really cool, and i for one, vouch for it to be implemented, thanks cheers
  10. Awesome work guys, however is it possible for the SLA to have an lengthened version, however fictional it may be? long tank Saturns with their humongous payload capacity are extremely awesome and interesting but i find it frustrating in how I am only limited to only functionally the LEM being put under the CSM, limiting what I can bring up with it and what to do with Apollo. yep i know about procedural fairings interstage adapters, or the stock proc fairings, but i'd like for more something more within the BDB art style or like BDB SAF fairings, even if they don't work like SAF, we have B9 partswitch for lengths even for tankages i mean. even a half S-IVB or S-IVB length extended SLA would be awesome, my 2c cheers
  11. Wasn't this the behavior of the SLA a few updates ago? I remember playing BDB on KSP 1.2.2 and the Saturn SLA could be closed and tweakscaled, allowing for Bird 1/You Only Live Twice recreations.
  12. https://www.orbiter-forum.com/threads/orbiter-is-now-open-source.40023/ think this may be relevant, the predecessor to KSP is now open source lads
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