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Everything posted by waterlubber

  1. Erm, this does say again and again, but why is rogo singular first-person? Shouldn't it be rogete, the plural imperitive?
  2. Well, assuming we're following normal physics here*, the bloaking device would probably work similar to Silent Running in Elite: Dangerous. Running the reactors or engines requires an un-bloak or else the craft will overheat
  3. You have your imgur album set as private, silly! You can embed it by clicking "create album" on imgur, selecting your favorite images, creating it, and then finding the album ID in the url: http://imgur.com/a/M031i Then, press the imgur button on the forums (little white "i" in the black square) and enter that ID End result would look like this:
  4. Nice, enjoying the series so far, do you have a modlist?
  5. Nice, enjoying the series so far, do you have a modlist?
  6. IIRC all the antennas are "omnidirectional" (they automatically connect and orient to control the active craft) and by default have the range of in-kerbin. (kerbin is assumed to have a deep-space network).
  7. 970 Metric Tons? The largest lifter I have built was 250 tons. You will need to have triple-layered asparagus staged SLS parts if you even want to get that thing to space, let alone orbit. But I expect something clever out of you, Kuzzter, don't I? Probably filling it up in space.
  8. Late night forum viewing is dangerously addictive.
  9. I thought you build some kind of ridiculous gear chain bicycle system and actually had a kerbal pedal around kerbin. Thank god you didn't.
  10. LV-909 or Poodle. Do not use a NERVA, it is far too heavy.
  11. ZK-Class Continuity Disruption Event? Someone get the amnestics! I had a strange feeling of Deja Vu when reading this.
  12. The end of the world will likely be Parkaboy handing the world save over to... Danny2462, destroyer of worlds
  13. Yeah, I'd agree with Mr. Kuzzter over here, reduce that payout!
  14. I was wondering how many of you guys are part of the amateur radio service. My callsign is KD2KDG, and like some other threads I saw (Boy Scouts, etc.) I figured that the two hobbies would frequently cross. It would be cool to see some of you guys on HF!
  15. Yes, it is moral, but it's also cheating. /s If you want to live with the guilt, then it's fine. Kerbals like planets. I leave white suits in random places all the time!
  16. Tanks should have butts, NOT engines. Here's what I mean. The Skipper will have it's butt-ugly butt removed. So will all the other engines. However, the butts will be added to tanks. Each tank will have a tweakable/automatic option that gives a tank it's proper size ending. For example, attaching any 1.25m engine to an SLS tank will have a lovely, white butt be added on, and adding a .2.5m engine to a 2.5m tank will also add the proper texture. Less work, since there are only 4 tank types, and you only need 4 textures. Those textures will blend well with their proper tanks. Everybody wins!
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