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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. You could work on your tone ... a politely phrased reminder might have encouraged me to work on it, but comments like this make me want to delay it just out of spite.
  2. Based on your log it looks like some old part files from a previous version of KSP are hanging around in GameData/Squad. I'd recommend replacing that entirely from a fresh install.
  3. Known, as ReStock prevents the model from loading. There's an open issue at SSTU which I was helping on, just need to get some more info on it before it can be fixed.
  4. Made some edits to the whitelist/blacklist wiki page, I added some more explanation and a practical example https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/wiki/Asset-Blacklist-and-Whitelist
  5. I'll incorporate that feedback, but also address it here: You can copy the path from the blacklist in some cases, but it may not always be appropriate. For instance, if ReStock blacklists an entire directory and you want to only whitelist one or two files from it, you should do that instead. Also note that this won't revert the part itself, which is changed with a ModuleManager patch, it simply allows KSP to load the models/textures again. A mod would use the restock version by modifying the config, same as anything else. Nothing to do with the blacklist/whitelist. For instance: MODEL { model:NEEDS[!ReStock] = Squad/Parts/... model:NEEDS[ReStock] = ReStock/Assets/... }
  6. I added a wiki page on the blacklist/whitelist. Feel free to give feedback about it if it's confusing https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/wiki/Asset-Blacklist-and-Whitelist
  7. If you want to see how many things break when you do that, go ahead. E: I'll save you the trouble: Blacklist won't work, but per above you're ok with the extra loading time and ram usage, to each their own I guess Fairings will look ugly The solar panels will look ugly E2: apparently this is no longer the case The few Mk2 parts I got around to adding normal maps for will no longer have them
  8. Adding a detailed wiki page on it is on my todo list, feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions for now though. The blacklist is 100% my code.
  9. For anyone using mods that are broken by the blacklisting of Squad models and textures, feel free to put me in contact with the mod authors/maintainers. There's a simple file that can be added to those mods to prevent things from breaking. On the other hand, they might consider adding patches to use the (better looking) ReStock assets if available. I'm working on a wiki page so that this can be self-service in the future, but in the mean time I'm happy to work through it with anyone.
  10. For ModuleManager I created a command line flag that will disable copying the MM log to the main log. So far I haven't seen anyone use it who shouldn't.
  11. @CoriW @INPUT_RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] looks for an INPUT_RESOURCE with name = EnrichedUranium, it knows nothing about ResourceName. You probably want @INPUT_RESOURCE:HAS[#ResourceName[EnrichedUranium]]
  12. Scale probably depends on who you ask. SSTU uses ~64% scaling, but some other mods use 62.5% - if you use that scaling then 3.125m is the closest for Delta IV
  13. I didn't. I could pretty easily though. Maybe create a Github issue so it doesn't fall of my radar this time.
  14. It should be fine, it hasn't needed a code change in ages. I should probably recompile and bump the AVC version just to maintain CKAN compatibility though.
  15. AFAIK no, all root nodes are treated equally. If the one you want to target has some unique feature, you can target only it with :HAS conditions
  16. Can you post your log? Most likely a dependency for one of your installed mods is missing or something.
  17. I too would appreciate this discussion being moved to a different thread
  18. It was distributed with the Unity scene, it’s not that much work to get the emissives functioning and re-export. Especially since they don’t require an animation anymore. I got it working for one engine a while back but got bored and didn’t do the rest.
  19. My recollection is that they came with emissives but they weren’t used
  20. It's easy for posts to get lost, and the forum doesn't really have a way to take you to the oldest unread post in a thread. I miss things all the time, especially if there's a new page of posts since the last time I visited. Feel free to ask again if you don't get an answer in a timely manner.
  21. No ... in general things inside of module can't be changed ... yet. Might be some work on that in the near future.
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