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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. So... is there no KSRSS at kerbin scale any more? Asking for a friend Don't get me wrong, I was probably going to go the 2.5 or 2.7 route but i hadn't made up my mind. Looking forward to the drop!
  2. Not sure this is desirable. When you approach 0 m/s, this mean your prograde vector is about to turn around 180°, and when this starts happening you usually don't want SAS to stay engaged toward that vector. I'm pretty sure I occasionally found myself in situations where I would have preferred a larger than stock threshold. Maybe the threshold could be lowered a bit, but the stock threshold is something most experienced players have a "muscle reflex" for, so in any case a KSPCF patch for this would be an option to change it, not a lower default threshold. This would be helpful, but maybe down to .3ms as for soem reason in my head this was a speed that docking was safe to operate at without breaking things. Is there a speed limit where the claw works? Then for captures and such that would be good.
  3. I'm expecting my 7 year old laptop to be crushed, so KSP2 realistically is going to cost a couple of thousand NZ dollars for me
  4. I'm currently working my way through a Kerbalism Simplex game in JNSQ. But the science is a little different.
  5. Well, there should be a bit of science you can manage though SRB sounding rockets initially, landing in different biomes but it also makes it an interesting challenge. The extra aerodynamic science experiment available to atart should help as well. If you are set on decouplers, having a 1.25m heatshield with no abalator is something you can eject asa staging device. Or a probe core that explodes when the stage above it ignites. Are you using a hard mode, or 50% science, kerbalism or any other mods?
  6. I third the 12 hours for 2.5x... JNSQ is 2.7x stock is that right? In asking this, the deltavee map suggests that Earth is a little over 5130 ms-1 delta vee to orbit and JNSQ kerbin is 4900ms-1. Is this becasue of the slower rotation in JNSQ? As i would have that a shorter day would give more of a boost.
  7. I want lava tubes in which to lose my rovers from signal and build my colonies please.
  8. MOAR?! The kerbalism one, whilst larger is assumed to only grow food on the internal visible wall. I think if you have racks around the IVA that should account for the difference. So, if the kerbalism greenhouse feeds 1/2 a kerbal... then the 3.75 one feeds a little over 1 kerbal then. Fair enough. I was going to make it 2 kerbals for Kerbalism Simplex though but i may reduce to 1.5 instead. I'll check with my SSPX balancing.
  9. Nice. How do the greenhouses compare to the kerbalism stock one?
  10. Lol. I just started exploring the aomolies on the Mün in JNSQ. Only one I have visited is a MunArch near the equator. I guess it'll be fun to see what is available and what isnt. Does the game register you have found it within the 190 metres? Also, if it is a monolith, then perhaps we need to dig it out...
  11. Not entirely sure. It may dofunny things with plumes for engines. Decouplers idk
  12. Real life is also a terrible place for war and conflict but people still want to do it. Back to the OP. I'll probably remake the techtree and consider simplifying or extending the resource system. Depends on how it is implemented.
  13. Nice. I'll try and have a check about where the exits are. Next week when i work on my updates. Ill see about the IVA offset as well. As for the side hatch thing, if the IVA stays as the cupola (i think it works for the purpose) then it could be that the cupola space is the airlock mechanism , although that doesnt neccesarily work for the 3.75m parts unless the iva is offset.
  14. May I please make a balance and slight tweak suggestion. Looking at the models (with crew compartments!) I wonder if for IVAs you are to stick with the cupola models then that is great, but maybe have them in the base of the parts so the kerbal looks up into the gloom of the greenhouse? Maybe also add an external hatch to the model too? So thiswould be an exit close to an edge. All the iva props could be removed from the cupola IVA. TBF i didn't look too hard at the iva or check to see if you could exit... So if you have thought about it sorry! For balance, the kerbalism greenhouse is 2.5 tons, whereas your 2.5m versions are 7.0 tons more or less. The I'm going to adjust the mass in the Simplex profile to be around 2.1 which is a little heavier than a hitchhiker and similar size, but I think this would be a good adjustment in general. Not sure how this compares to the SSPX models though . Looks awesome. Thanks heaps!
  15. Sure! Is this the same in vanilla kerbalism? It may not be this week, but I'll have a day the week after to sort out a heap of small updates which i need to do in one sitting otherwise i spend half my time reworking the same code.
  16. Hi all, Not a which is better question. Just wondering which has the bigger RAM footprint?
  17. Not when in flight. UbioWelding is definitly the way to go. Even if you are just welding the trusses. Either that or use a MM patch to extend a truss bit but the part will look quite stretched.
  18. I agree Squeeeeee I'll need to plug these into the TechTrees now As for support I'll add support to Kerbalism Simplex. These are my thoughts: The Algae Farm i think I'd make a constant harvest thing, like the way I support aquaculture part from SSPXr. The BioReactor would produce CryoFuel from OrganicSlurry .
  19. My QOL request would be yes to move the toolbar back to horizontal. Actually i want the staging icons also horizontal with fuel gauges dropping down. But that is well out of scope.
  20. Thanks so much! This will really help in my mid game with satellites everywhere before a massive consolidation of sats when i get the claw. Just wondering if this first one: Will impact kerbalism?
  21. I'd be keen for simple but grubby engines for Simplex Propulsion if you want to have a go with engines. Vacuum only, dirty for Pollux engines, a powdered metal fuel and oxidiser. Thanks very much for the offer! I also think that the greenhouse is a great option!
  22. Possibly not the parts themselves. You can make permanent HUDs with all sorts of data using Kerbal Engineer Redux, or VOID, or maybe https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F197605-18x-19x-110x-steam-gauges-recalibrated%2F
  23. Well, i saw somewhere that after you exit a craft, move the kerbal eva inventory part to a slot on the vessel and back again to the kerbal. This is a work around that works. Still not sure if kerbalism casues the issue or not.
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