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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. HI @flart, Just wondering, how this mod replaces the localization files - as you had an MM patch question back on the home page about patching only with certain mods. Does this come from being loaded first -hence the '002' naming of the mod folder in GameData?
  2. Translations! That would be exciting as i haven't really looking into that before. Probably the best way is to send me a google drive or dropbox link or other file sharing for me to pick up. I'm pleased you love it. .
  3. Funds can be patched in I'm pretty sure with you addon. I'm not going to worry about Funds as the point of getting colonies producing Kerbonauts off Kerbin is to give high setup cost, but then self sustaining. Kind of like why we mine Ore for fuel when it so cheap. I also don't make DLLs or models. We must be kindred non-coders! Dammit Jim I'm a priest, not a Software Surgeon! On the underground arcologies, the reason i didnt go for it was logic. As parts jump around and move on loading or get pushed out of the way, the underground base might move too. There was a mod that was looking at having an underground IVA sitting below the main structure. In other news I've done the Ore and SimplexOres for the nursery. Almost ready to go.
  4. Ideally yes, Arcologies would be subsurface!
  5. The taxi is actually a tank for the colonist resource. Screenshots of the ground arcology are in the OP. The space arcology towards the end of page 1.
  6. So, now I've got things working... I've been thinking about how complicated I wanted to make this mod initially, and appreciate the feedback. Ultimately, I wanted a simple colony mod - one where I could set up an base as an endgame monolith that looked 'impressive' [large], ship expensive colonists there and get kerbonauts out. I didn't want my processor coping with 100 or so kerbals, or worrying about resource management for them all, hence colonists are a resource rather than spawned kerbals. I also didn't want lots of parts, or massive management as USI does that. I do play kerbalism but I've scaled back the resource management. But I did want to have some mechanic so that it wasn't a magic 'click fingers' and kerbonaut appears, hence the 'Interest' resource. Yet I've never been happy with this mechanic. It was a turn up , timewarp a bit, and get out a kerbonaut. And then with @zer0Kerbal taking back the MoarKerbals mod and adding in the funds/rep/science possibilities I think that to be a better option. With the feedback about keeping in the Interest mechanic, It was a real tossup as to what I would do, but I've come down on the KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle. So I'm going to use Rep instead of the Interest resource. Here are the reasons: We've been told that in KSP2 colonies will spawn kerbals when you complete a world first - I think that is what rep in KSP1 should be for. It gives a point to rep in career mode, to care about generating it. It won't be used in sandbox - as sandbox does away with the career style mechanics - so really I'm not that worried. Kerbonauts will spawn with the cost of 1 colonist I do feel sorry only for Science Career users (perhaps try AngleCan Progression #shamelessplug) but again, this is unlimited funds, and the best facilities from the go, a slower version of sandbox. It is possible that you may need to care about how much rep you are getting, but I suspect not. This may require some future balancing (or not) So, four parts: Two arcologies that contain a colonist resource and is required to exchange into kerbonaut. One of these will work only landed, the other only in orbit. One 'taxi' to populate your arcologies from kerbin One nursery to create more colonist resource. This will still need multiple colonists working over time to produce another, and also either Ore or the Simplex Ores. With kerbalism it will operate like a greenhouse. Lab is the only part available for training the civilian. It will cost of some EC and some science. I'm happy for people to add in extras with additional mods - or even adapting (see the licence!), but I don't have the energy for making or adding in lots of additional configs for support of other mods - I want to keep this real simple. Release is nearly there. I need to balance the rep and science, and add in the nursery requirement for Ore and Simplex Ores to balance the mass (as each colonist spawns with suit, parachute and EVA pack). Peace,
  7. I've worked out the issue I've been having... when the accident rate is set to 0 then kerbals wont spawn. @zer0Kerbal I've raised an issue on Github. This is a mental breakthough for me. @SkyFall2489 I'm not keen on other crewed parts holding colonists. Lore is that they are suppossed to be reclusive and germ/exposure phobic. Hence the living in arcologies which are 'self sustaining' fully recyclable. And only move off kerbin in self contained taxi parts. Having the colonist resource on crewed parts might beg questions like 'why can't i see them on IVA? ' or why aren't they like tourists? Happy for other people to mod parts instead of using my patched together ones.
  8. Hi! Everything should work without installing CRP. FFT isnt supported yet. I haven't really had a chance to play with it properly. Install CryoTanks and CryoEngines without CRP and see what happens.
  9. I agree with the fun bit, but why not have the suit upgradable? Even treated as a mech suit? Latest available is always default and previous versions no longer available. Start : only enough inventory volume for parachute or emu. Upgrade 1 : same mass but volume for both emu and parachute . Upgrade 2 : slimline shape and decrease mass Upgade 3 : increase amount kerbals can manipulate on EVA construction You need to bring EMU and parachute along anyway mow and these are manipulated by tech tree placement.
  10. Once I have it running the way I want I'll get it added to CKAN @SkyFall2489 the kloning module wasn't working in your version?
  11. It may be a patching order issue. Before Christmas I started updating some things but haven't finsihed yet. I'll look into it. It shouldn't affect gameplay though as the right parts get the right experiements. Thanks for the report!
  12. Yup. One is a mirror of the other, flipped when making it. Keeps it interesting. I'm also back from holiday, but havent had a chance to access my PC. That may have to wait another couple of weeks until work starts back (I'm less exhausted outside of school holidays it turns out) Peace.
  13. Good thinking. I'm now on vacation till mid Jan. Should update then. Hopefully I'll sneak a kerbalism simplex update but this will have to wait.
  14. Ah. Kuddleshack is about male + female kerbal producing offspring. The colonists, however, are handled as a resource and are gender whatever. The klonebay module is simply to supply the code to spawn a kerbal in this lore as a recruiter/welcomer The issue with Moar Kerbal currently (ive been in touch with Zer0Kerbal who is getting it sorted) is that the PAW still calls it klonebay or kloning or something. I want to callnit a recruitment centre or something. As for UbioZur welder i use a forked version of module manager to allow it to load. It won't load normal MM patches though.
  15. Been in hospital with a child - but was working on it this morning. For some reason it wasn't working with a download of LGG's version of MoarKerbals. So, I'm shifting it across to the new one - but not quite done yet, Here are the craft files in a spoiler the 38 Dual should be depreciated. Only the nursary should be able to replicate colonists. and teh number of colonists required to generate interest could be 50. In the new MoarKerbals recruiting will require rep instead of interest,
  16. Think of it as containing everything you need, food water, perfect recyclers and food growing vats etc.
  17. My two cents is this... A version of KCT, where whe you hit the launch button you go to the launchpad but you then timewarp to the craft being ready. Then you can go off to do other things while you wait. Maybe the visual could be something akin to the rocket being rolled out. You can launch when it gets there. Multiple rolling vehicles heading to the launchpad. Science takes time. With kerbalism, as science tales time, even without KCT, ypu move forward in game time with slower progression. This could be the solution to that problem. With AngleCan Progression, funds are only available with WorldFirsts. Meaning to upgrade facilities and hire more kerbals you MUST head out. Something similar to this would be good. Science that happens only at other planets would be great.
  18. I'm ahead and not. The science is a different, and i guesstimated the new 1.85 and 5m SSPX parts. There have been PRs to KerbalismConfig for SSPX but i haven't compared them. If you are planning on using CRP resources with your mods (does BDB use these for fuel types?) then it may be better to use KerbalismConfig as Simplex uses either a stock resource model or stockalike with Simplex Resources.
  19. Of course! Nothing beats a good forking. If there any reason you'll fork this and not KerbalismConfig? If you want to go back to the vanilla kerbalism science you just need to replace the folder ScienceRework inside the Systems folder with the one from KerbalismConfig. All the science shenanigans are stored safely in there. Peace.
  20. I'll try and get it released tomorrow then. I'm away from my computer for the day (i have a 30 min window in the mornings) so I dont have access to the files till i get back on
  21. Yup. It is next on the list. I was waiting for MoarKerbals to have an update but I haven't avent been able to do much the last few weeks to check.
  22. Hi everyone, Working on an updated for 3.7. Not yet released. Ran out of time this morning - could possibly be tomorrow! Changelog 3.7 Fixed the sensorAtmosphere Science config and abilty to extract Air, BadAir, Xenon and ArgonGas (with NearFuturePropulsion) Updated the support for Stockalike Mining Extension, 1m inline ore drill not having old modules removed Stock drills only drill Saturate and HydrateOre when Mining Extension installed Keridian Dynamics - removed science experiment that gets added to the RadialDrill (mainly the science reliatability) TO DO check Lithium can be extracted with ISRU for NearFuturePropulsion add the KPBS nuclear reactor back in.
  23. Ships burning in cinematics from right to left on the screen, or top to bottom feel very strange. But if I read a language from right to left im sure it wouldn't feel so strange. The burning top to bottom might though. Although that would be a great cinematic launching from Mahia in New Zealand. A zoom in to launch upside down from Earth.
  24. I've had busyness IRL but nearly have an update ready to resolve b9 issues Also fixing sspx decal variants Also fixing keridian dynamics decal issues - replaceing consumables and organic slurry with LF and Ox only tanks. Hopefully soon
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