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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. I'll have to give it a go. My parts that i mkae are often 'welded' so this is a way of populating an iva without expecting an additional mod
  2. I was thinking of just referencing the .mu model with no extra manipulations with blender.
  3. Hi all, As I'm not a blender guru, nor a coder (cfg tinkerer only) is it possible to use ksp parts as props? So for example, take say the mark1-3 part model, shrink it, and place it as a prop in the IVA for say the rover as a little model.
  4. Still slowly working on this next update. I'm adding a couple of fission reactors, inspired by NearFuture Electrical, but NOT requiring NearFuture Electrical. Using the NCS adapter and CubicOctoStut models and using some rescaling, a 1.25m and 2.5m fission reactor that will produce ~30EC/s and ~180EC/s. There will be a requirement for heat dissipation, and they will work using a ISRU converter module, with INPUT of NuclearFuel and output of EC and NuclearWaste. The heavy ISRU will be able to convert RareOre to NuclearFuel. Not sure yet how I want to deal with NuclearWaste. Possibly 50% more much power to convert it back? Both reactors will have high EC storage too. Simplex Kerbalism will allow these to operate in background in the same way as it does with the NearFuture Electrical. I'm hoping to make a slight retexture for the NCS adapter model to put a nuclear symbol trefoil on the side to make it look obvious.
  5. Never let physics get in the way of a good story
  6. I am working in some updates both for bugs and new features and tweaks. New parts that I'm adding... A more powerful ion engine, when restock is installed. Less effeicent, but higher thrust. More power needed as well. The part model is a stretched stock engine. This is a parallel with restock plus additional nuke engine. This will get added with Simplex Propulsion. Speaking of nukes, i wanted to add a simple style nuclear reactor. But without the complications of Near Future Electrical. So after mashing together some stock parts with welding i think it looks okay. The real question is which mod to add it to. Kerbalism Simplex? Simplex Resources? I guess Simplex Resources as it would using the NuclearFuel and NuclearWaste resources and this would end up being a dependancy anyway. It would help with mining as well at Jool or at night and will provide energy to do so.
  7. That is what the pistons are for. The explosion occurs and energy momentum is absorbed by the plate at the back. The pistons are like shock absorbers. Think of them as an elevator (lift) that works really hard to keep you still by moving the car up and down if a giant lifted the whole building and started shaking it vertically.
  8. This is great. Thanks Just Jim. The example reads awesome as well. A put put orion engines. Ironic, understated, funny. Awesome!
  9. I should have added that I think Kerman is actually everyones given name. Their surnames are Bill, Bob, Val etc. This makes much more sense. It works for some IRL cultures, and with the backwards Spanish for Kerblish.
  10. I voted no to both too. My own lore is that kerbals live in an unloaded dimension that is tied to kerbin. They left the planet to this realm an eon ago to view the planetary garden beauty they had made. But they dodnt account for the yearing of Experience. Pilots year to experience the thrill of movement and power and going to dangerous and new places. Scientists year to experience data that comes from the collection of science in different places. Engineers year to experience the challenge of building craft that can overcome challenges. Ultimately there is a desire to understand the very nature of the universe The Code by going to new places and understanding how it all fits together. But that's me. For others it will be different
  11. Not sure about adding things to the utility parts. It will something you could patch for yourself though... I'll add the BadAir to Air to the chemical plant. Currently it converts RareOre and HydrateOre to OrganicSlurry but I'll add in a BadAir to Air option as well. 4 kerbals worth per second. That will make it worthwhile adding it in. The EC cost will be high though maybe 20EC a second? You may need a significant power plant. I'm also thinking about how to add a nuke reactor that looks nice enough. Probably a mismash of stockparts.
  12. Ah. I hear you. I'm doing a JNSQ and kerbalsim playthrough myself. And the wait for rcs was complicated with the progression of docking contracts. At 50% science these are quite frustrating and the ore tanks are the same when it comes to resource mining. I'm working on an update currently. It isn't save breaking but does introduce some extra nodes in tiers 2, 3 and 4 for ScanSat and HullcamVDS of yiu have them. Im also hoing to move smaller ore containers a little earlier as well with the tanks. I hadn't thought of moving the rcs thrusters but i may do that now... but perhaps just the single small one.. the linear thruster? Monoprop is available in command modules of course! Maybe. The tiers cost the same as stock, so more, but you have fewer branch options so the cost overall is less. I think you will have similiar issues currently. Not sure if it will break your saves. What difficulty setting are you playing on?
  13. I too have searched Google but found nothing. However, what you are looking for is a mod that alters part Titles as these are in game names of the parts. The only mod I know is this one:
  14. Leave it with me. I'll arange for it. I'm working slowly on an update currently.
  15. Thanks for the update and adoption. Will the inclusion of parts such as micropad and obital doc then toe to EL or is this a standalone construction mod?
  16. Hi everyone, I had a thought the other day but haven't had time in game to test or look into it. Is it possible to have an SSTO or SSRT that uses a combination of LFO rocket/ and ion? I remember a very cool little video many years ago with a little single crewed craft on a single Dart engine that flies up to a station, before another craft heads off to the Mun or whatever. Physics wasn't going to get in the way, I asked the author and they agreed that an infinite fuel cheat was used - but the idea has always stuck. Has anyone tried this, using ion engines to circularize an orbit with dropping off spent stages? I'm going to give it a crack when I next have some time, Peace.
  17. Does feel a bit like poking a bear... things take me longer than i think they should, but that is a combination of wanting to actually play the game, a full time job, oh and a family to spend time with. It isnt a matter of simply pluging in the names and releasing. I have to balance in my head where things should go - and balance against other mods too. So if i decide that a whole class of 1.875m greenhouses is wrong then it is more moving about. If i give a time for release then it will be wrong. So maybe this weekend? Also need to look at simplex ore tanks in various guises and also the buffalo 2 mod.
  18. Yup. 0.6.1 is the second to last main release. 0.7 is last realease but is being actively changed which is the Gitlab download.
  19. Given the way Jeb flies i really don't want to drop my parachute. Quite the opposite actually.
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