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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. While I like the graphic style, I don't think this site is that needed. We have spacedock now.
  2. Sometimes I use the "Report Post" feature to talk to the mods.
  3. @nosirrbro, please check in about if you will be able to make the upcoming launch.
  4. no problemo. Actually, we used to use a PM thread, but that was flooding inboxes. We might still make one, if there's important information to be conveyed which we don't want to lose over time.
  5. Hey @the_pazter, we'rve been doing a lot on the Skype chat recently. That might be why people sometimes forget you- you're not there as often.
  6. That... actually went a lot better than I had expected. I even won once! Congratulations to @gag09, and here's to your imminent defeat!
  7. Granted. The British government steals it for their Unconventional Weapons Program, and you don't ever make any money off of it. I wish I had a lawyer.
  8. Which role should I go for? I'm thinking that lawyer guy, whatever his name is...
  9. So, I've aged out, as of September. But I'm still semi-active now. Haven't been to a troop meeting a a while, but I am in touch with my SM, and applying for as many Scouting college scholarships as I can. Also, @Endersmens, I'mma assume that this is your 18th. Happy Birthday! Your "rush" project is cool, but one of my old SMs like to tell the story about a Life Scout who had everything done except for the Hiking/Cycling/Swimming badge. On the day before his birthday, he came over and got all of the cycling requirements done in one day (including the 150 miles of cycling). I met the guy, and he's pretty cool, too.
  10. Nope, but at least you have me! @kmMango? Figure we might as well get the whole RSP LV Dev team here.
  11. Banned for not having the most rep.
  12. Nope. Click "Mod" key + "B" and choose the "Check Clearance" option. It's a good thing to have, because it means your planes won't blow themselves up so easily. Fricken sharks with laser beams! You should change the name from Taurus to Pistris.
  13. I do believe that he is trying to say that it's his story, and while he appreciates the feedback, all the requests are getting tiring to him. Why do I believe that? First, he posted a link to a video titled "I Don't Do Requests," and second, he has stated that This is another example of a request that he has been unwilling to honor. Kuzzter has been very good about responding to feedback, but he has made clear that any storytelling issues will be resolved at his discretion alone.. I think, perhaps, that we should hold off from recommending/shoving suggestions down the author's throat, and sit back and enjoy the story that Kuzzter is telling. After all, it's been pretty good so far!
  14. Don't forget, you have to make an internal set, too, for those close-ups and storytelling shots!
  15. 1.1 friendly, eh? More like anti-1.0.5, AMR? If I can, I'll try it when the full release comes out.
  16. Yeah, I was having the same problem yesterday. It's a PITA.
  17. The current score is Negative: -12 Positive: 9 Negative wins are recorded as negative numbers, and positive wins are recorded as positive numbers. The negatives have won |-12| = 12 times, and the positives have won |9| = 9 times.
  18. Mohoball? Sounds like the type of game where the score could end up Q to 12, and you'd have to sing the I'm Sorry song.
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