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Everything posted by VITAS

  1. VITAS dislikes that (see thos buttons would have a usecase) p.s. need new keyboarlfdkjei
  2. CKAN does desktop stuff and spacedock does the web stuff. That wont change. keep in mind, that ckan uses the spacedock infrastructure as file source. (theres even a special server for it) all you can ask (the CKAN guys) is to integrate features into the client youre missing from it. they will talk to us if they need something for it. btw one feature i might suggest to them is adding a dmp serverlist to the client that does all the needed stuff for you to join a server...but that req. some work. but lets talk about features you want to see on the website not in a desktop client
  3. Hi may i give my 2 cents too? Disclamer if needed: I know how it feels when you try to build something and people tell you its not worth the effort. My general advice is: prove them wrong. In fact doing it better than the "established" services is a must to gain any footing. BUT i doubt you can compeate with "ads free, no data abuse, no cost to the user" since you need some sort of income to sustain a site like this if you want it to be more than a hobby you sink money into...or you need sponsors (who in turn often want something in return). My suggestion would be: If its a Business project: Analyze the market. Find something that hasnt been done yet and isnt saturated with sites allready. Find some experts to do it with. And lastly find the resources to do it (time, money, infrastructure, ...) If its a hobby: Do something that doesnt exist and you want or get involved into some existing project. I would welcome you as spacedock dev if youre interrested. Your idears could make it better. If still want to do your own thing im happy to learn from you. Spacedock isnt a commercial projects so im not fighting for market shares. Instead if someone else comes along and does a better job i will simply ride into the sunset on a solid booster ....or something like it You find us on irc.esper.net #spacedock Party on! VITAS
  4. im against removing old mod verswions inc ase someone needs them (e.g. for older ksp versions). but im all for a more streamlined support process. would it help if you had some sort of ticket system coupled to a web form that answeres common stuff before sending it? e.g. if you select an older ver of the mod from the dropdown it notifys you that no bugfixes will be made for that version and they should first update to the newest ver before requesting support. we have a ticketsystem for email support running and it might be possible to make this availabel for interrested mod authors. the ticket system is also able to execute custom jobs and has a knowlagebase that can be made public.
  5. Writing this helps. Thank you. I know child labour is forbidden but maybe your kids could play more ksp so the site gets used a lot
  6. factorio is called quite a lot does anyone of you do some modding for it?
  7. BTW the reson i started this thread is to find out wich games you guys are interrested in. If that game also has the need for something like spacedock to exist i might set up one for it
  8. Download more MODs! you just scraped the 400GB mark one day. Normal days are arround 300GB. Thats only about 10TB/month. you can do better
  9. mod names in urls are there to give users and search engines a way do termine the content. im adviaing against changing them. but there could be a forwarder as insite option so you dont have to change the url. but thats another can of fish.
  10. there was some heated discussion some pages back about rating and "social" stuff. my opinion is: if we would add a rating system then it has to be more like a thums up or down but has to come with a reason and/or have to be more granular. for now were focusing on other things than this touchy topic. mostly things you wont see like cdn and backend code. Renaming mods is problematic: the files are saved with a specific name thats tied to the url. And changing the mod name would change the url which also makes all links useless. My solution would be to tie the followers to the author/team and not to the mod itself (which in turn poses the problem if someone makes multiple mods).
  11. 1/10 ive seen you above my post
  12. Hi, i noticed that, from the day i started contributing to the ksp community, i somehow played less and less ksp and put more time into contributing to it. But i dindt stop playing games at all. Its simply that im not a mere consumer anymore. So i started playing minecraft again and also some witcher 3. What are the games you enjoy playing apart from KSP?
  13. I want to add that i offered my resources knowing that it would be like most web projects: you sink a lot of money and time into it. So even if i it doesnt pay my expenses and its only a dream to send darklight some cake or a new farmers hat the site wont go away. In fact im pretty amazed by the amount of money beeing donated (and i hate some beeing lost because of patreon/wirening/taxes). But money isnt everything we also can always need men hours. It starts with as little as ansering support mails, answering questions in social media and here and doesnt end at coding and some advanced server stuff. In my opinion no matter whats your interrest or your profession you will have traits that can benifit this project. All thats needed is teamwork and grownup behaviour. If youre interrested in helping or have any question join us in irc.esper.net #spacedock or post here.
  14. ckan1 is a different machine than the website. yes i got that mail and we are on it. ...and fixed
  15. i changed the cert when i posted fixed. must be caching or something else. are you getting that with a browser too?
  16. Hi artists, im looking for someone who could make me a "Space Duck" (the inofficial pet of Jeb) and a Kerbal as 3d model for use on SpaceDock. If possible fully rigged and usable in either 3D Studio Max or Poser. VITAS
  17. uhm i dont understand. ks is dead so no mods to be had there. SD started blank so if its not on SD you could ask the author to upload it.
  18. You are welcome...to help. Speed with lots of stuff exploding ...but some of us a german they will fix it for good...once they layed out their tools 101% exact.
  19. if you wnt you can continue having wild fantasies about SD becoming some sort of facebook or github issue report thingy....or you could tell me something about the colors and layout of my screen (you could even make your own screens and post them). its up to you btw this forum IS social media
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