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    Curious George

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  1. For what? Crew craft for returning them to kerbin not gonna need more then 200-300 delta v for deorbit which they kinda should have left after reaching station. And for deep space probes it's not efficient to launch, dock to station and then go further. Unless you build probe on some asteroid base with mod like Global Construction and in that case it can make fuel itself
  2. @pap1723 What is the point of contract that asks to add LFO to a space station when most likely space station will have no engines or modules that use LFO?
  3. @micha Why this mod is so specific with kemini experiments? Just taking stock adds it just in 2 mods, skips mk1-3 and lander cans. Why not use universal patch like this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[1]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = Kemini_Module abbreviation = Kemini Science Experiment minimumCrew = 1 NE_LabEquipmentSlot { type = KEMINI } } MODULE { name = ExperimentStorage identifier = Kemini 1 chanceTexture = false type = KEMINI } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[>2]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = Kemini_Module abbreviation = Kemini Science Experiment minimumCrew = 1 NE_LabEquipmentSlot { type = KEMINI } } MODULE { name = ExperimentStorage identifier = Kemini 1 chanceTexture = false type = KEMINI } MODULE { name = ExperimentStorage identifier = Kemini 2 chanceTexture = false type = KEMINI } }
  4. Yes i was missing dependency for MM (What is this herecy MM now has dependencies?) I added that dependency. Now game simply freezes.
  5. And this what you get by using yours "not glitched MM" version Got boared scrolling
  6. A single line change is an change. If that change works for every single mod i used so far except this one it is safe to conclude that this mod is outdated not MM has a glitch.
  7. Is this really MM glitch? Sound more like this mod has outdated code
  8. ISS should not need any documentation, i think nasa.gov have all documentation in details
  9. Why every single ISS build with this mod has incorrect trusses? There is a reason mod has hex part with ofset node. S3 to S1 and P3 to P1 needs ofset
  10. Here you go KramaxAutoPilotPlans { Kerbin { FlightPlan { planet = Kerbin name = Desert Airfield 01 description = Length: 1750 m, Heading: 1, Altitude: 822 WayPoints { WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = -13.67189886 lon = -144.16756142 alt = 12000 name = MAXKY } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = -10.13567772 lon = -144.10349736 alt = 10000 name = HIKEY } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = -8.36756232 lon = -144.07202308 alt = 6500 name = LOKEY } WayPoint { Vertical = true IAF = true lat = -7.41277894 lon = -144.05514931 alt = 2455 name = IAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true FAF = true lat = -7.05915530 lon = -144.04891882 alt = 1756 name = FAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true RW = true lat = -6.59944444 lon = -144.04083333 alt = 847 name = FLARE } WayPoint { Vertical = true Stop = true lat = -6.56408207 lon = -144.04021201 alt = 822 name = STOP } } } FlightPlan { planet = Kerbin name = Desert Airfield 18 description = Length: 1750 m, Heading: 181, Altitude: 822 WayPoints { WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 0.62470738 lon = -143.91491098 alt = 12000 name = MAXKY } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = -2.91153688 lon = -143.97628974 alt = 10000 name = HIKEY } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = -4.67965800 lon = -144.00709461 alt = 6500 name = LOKEY } WayPoint { Vertical = true IAF = true lat = -5.63444288 lon = -144.02379030 alt = 2455 name = IAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true FAF = true lat = -5.98806680 lon = -144.02998733 alt = 1756 name = FAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true RW = true lat = -6.44777778 lon = -144.03805556 alt = 847 name = FLARE } WayPoint { Vertical = true Stop = true lat = -6.48314016 lon = -144.03867678 alt = 822 name = STOP } } } } } Edit: I hope coordinates for runway did not changed from 1.4
  11. None of in dependency list uses them and hullcam is not in the list so i got wondering why
  12. Why ToolbarController and ClickThroughBlocker listed as dependencies if they are not used by mod?
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