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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. This imgur album explains nicely what's going on https://imgur.com/gallery/Cs6Fo
  2. The Energia works really well with the Cormorant Shuttle!
  3. The Energia works really well with the Cormorant Shuttle!
  4. Needs more salt! Very good looking, can't wait to explode launch it!
  5. Sounds like a good idea, more parts I will have to recolor! I'm thinking of when you're finished with this round of MIR Revamps that I'll look into painting the parts white or off white (or moldy green and white) to give that bit of old MIR authenticity. It's something I've had on the back burner and now I think I'll get to it once you're finished!
  6. Tantares as is is basically bare metal, although there is some paint here and there. It depends on how we feel! Also sorry for not getting back to you sooner! The best way to play KSP is to spit fire out of your rear end! Wait, that sounds vulgar...
  7. First all up test. Handled like a dream. Here's the craft file. Hopefully I didn't attach anything else from a different mod! I did attach a Hex core in the cargo bay. Control from that for a little bit better orbital manuevers. Action groups are different from Pak's. 1. Turn off main engines. 2. Turn off orbital engines 3. Switch afterburners on the jet engines 4. Open/close the cargo bay doors, HAL. 8. Open skids and the flap on the escape pod. Backpsace. ABORT ABORT ABORT!
  8. To make it even more MIR like, just add green mold all over the surface! Space Mold!
  9. Fauxbos mission! Some say that little probe is still rolling to this day...
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