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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. Logically, if the Periapsis (the lowest point of the orbit) is above 70km, then by definition the Apoapsis (the highest point of the orbit) is above 70km. However, might I make a suggestion: Change " A Periapsis above 70k constitutes as an orbit. " to: " A Periapsis and Apoapsis above 70k constitutes as an orbit. " That way no one can argue that it isn't an orbit, based on technicality, wording, or otherwise.
  2. Okay. Everyone has preferences, and it would be unreasonable to expect everyone single person to enjoy Pokemon. (Similar to how I massively dislike Game of Thrones)
  3. Just saying, they're not releasing it one or two countries at a time for fun. And yes, technically it's not hacking, but it is still causing much MUCH more load to their servers than anticipated/able to handle, thus the very intermittent server stability. Regardless, playing it in other places that are not yet officially authorized is kinda screwing up everything they're trying to do. But, y'know, if you're doing this, then you're just one person, right? What difference does it make? *As the servers continue to crash constantly 3 days later*
  4. Well, luckily, HDDs are relatively cheap, and by and far one of the easiest component to replace. Just buy a new one The rest of the PC is probably fine.
  5. So far it's been pretty awesome (US here). I mean, sure the servers have been down about 50% of the time, but when I do get it on it's pretty fun. I think one of the reasons it's been down so much is because people are hacking the game so they can play it in areas where it's not released yet. You're only hurting the game by doing that *hint hint* But so far I've caught a bunch of Pidgeys (enough to evolve the strongest of the lot to a Pidgeotto), a few Rattatas, and a Mankey, a Rhyhorn, a Pinsir (currently my best Poekmon), an Ekans, an Eevee, a Cubone, and a few other randoms. Seen a Snorlax and Pikachu that I was unable to track down. Just reached level 5 and chose Yellow Team. Haven't done any battles yet, but those should be interesting when I do. Luckily, my office is located directly between/on two PokeStops, so I can leave the app on all day and gather PokeBalls every 5 minutes or so. You start with 50... I'm up to 173 now So far: 7 / 10 simply due to server instability, which is mainly caused by this:
  6. When you reach 100m/s in your new plane and it still doesn't have enough lift to get off the runway...
  7. I certainly missed having daily sales and flash sales, but can't say I miss the minigames.
  8. Played both, and I can honestly say I wish my PC could run it half as well as yours does.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there not a "Probe" craft type? That would seem, to me at least, to be the appropriate label.
  10. You're going to hate me for saying this, but: Mods! There are tons of Contract Pack Mods that either change, add, or otherwise tweak what contracts you receive, and they can drastically change your career save (hopefully to better suit your needs).
  11. I've played the heck out of Medieval II and love it. My favorite civs to start as are either Denmark or Scotland. For some reason I have a soft spot for taking civs with only one city, and then slowly expanding across the map. Plus I prefer footmen over cav (although a healthy mix is always best) and both of those civs have em in spades Besides, playing as Scotland and crushing England is just so glorious Edit: I usually send a pretty epic army for the Crusades, though 90% of the time I kinda leave em there, doing a cycle of: Sack city > abandon city > wait for enemy to re-take it > Sack city > etc etc. You can make a lot of money very quickly that way...
  12. In my opinion (and I am by no means an expert on the subject of ethics) I like to think that there should be a level playing field for all in a certain league. Let's say there is a group of schoolkids that have grown up together. They used to all be roughly the same size, but one of them got his/her growth spurt very early, and is now much bigger than the other kids. Is it still fair for them to compete at the same level? One has more natural capabilities than the others, which puts them at an advantage: ergo an uneven playing field. In my humble opinion, the sudden acquisition of additional skills (or powers in this case) should put the person in question into a different league where they are more evenly matched. Then again, I wonder what is really at risk? In the case presented in the OP, the son is using his intelligence for football. I never played football as a kid, so maybe I'm wrong, but I believe the advantage in that game is typically either body mass or agility. If you're bigger than the other guy, he won't be able to tackle you as easily. If you're quicker than the other guy, then you can dodge him when he goes to tackle you Intelligence, however? Sure you may be better able to tell where the ball is going to go, but I don't think that's enough of an advantage to warrant a different level of play. If he were, say, gifted with super strength, or super speed, or something like that, it would be a much bigger advantage. Like an adult playing tug-of-war vs a 4-year old. I'd say super intelligence should really only be considered a true advantage in sports/competitions that strictly involve intelligence: chess games and the like. If a super strong guy was playing chess, would it be an advantage for him? Not unless he punches the other guy, which is generally frowned upon. In the same way, one with super intelligence wouldn't have THAT big of an advantage in a game where physicality is the big factor, rather than intelligence. Hopefully that makes some sense and doesn't just sound like rambling
  13. This is basically my view on it. You didn't ask for the powers, sure, but neither did geniuses ask for their intelligence, nor did athletes ask for their athletic abilities. It's part of who they are. If the genetic lottery number you pulled happens to be great, then you should be matched against other of similar abilities for competitions. If you're so far beyond everyone else, then you are, as they say, in a league of your own. It's no fault of yours -- but that doesn't make it fair to other who have to try to compete at a level that is physically (or mentally) impossible for them.
  14. It's a fantastic game. I recommend it very very highly!
  15. Or, do you mean this Scorpion Tank? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FV101_Scorpion Being specific helps.
  16. Second this. Medieval II has turned out to be one of my favorite games, and I was originally unsure I'd even like the series at all From the same series I also have Rome and Empire (I think I got em all in a bundle), though 99% of my Total War time has been dedicated to Medieval II Personally I've got 72 games on my wishlist... time to sort through em But we got a week and a half til the sale is over, so there's time. Edit: BTW, anyone tried SimplePlanes or Vehicle Simulator? Any comments on whether one or both of those games are worthwhile investments?
  17. That's gotta be some very precise cheese! I'd buy it.
  18. Personally I will run 1 instance of KSP at most. The only time I've ever multi-boxed is trying it out with World of Warcraft, and even that was a bit underwhelming. (Though I did it with 2 characters, while I've seen people run 20+ using macros and such o.o ) I just don't see the point in a space agency game. Personally, I always make new designs in new games anyway, as for me, I like the engineering challenge of "build it, make it work, then remove as much as possible while still making it work". Also (personally, again) I usually have radically different design ideas in the two modes: career vessels tend to be linear, efficient, and cheap. My creative ships tend to be more... aesthetically pleasing, at the expense of efficiency. Then again, everyone plays the game differently. What's fun for me won't be fun for everyone who plays the game. Edit: Maybe, maybe if I had one copy running on one screen with a different copy/mod setup on a different screen. Even then I'd just feel silly, though. Or maybe a local DMP server or something. idk.
  19. Built a new rescue chopper for my Career save, which has effectively double the range of the previous models, while somehow simultaneously being bigger and less expensive. Oh, and it has sliding doors that open and close around the center compartment, so that rescued victims don't feel like they're about to fall right back out again.
  20. Ah, I was just about to say something similar, but I had to read up on it on Wikipedia first to make sure I wasn't talking out of my, erm, bottom... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-1_flying_bomb
  21. Man I must be on a much different level than you guys. I immediately thought of my car, for which my preferred speed is like 30-45mph, since that's what 99% of my driving time consists of (thank Jeb for non-freeway commutes). But now my answer feels lame and... non-kerbally :|
  22. Argh, I had a reply written out, then the thread got merged and I lost it before I could post... regardless... I think you're shooting yourself in the foot by not considering a PC, however, I will leave my opinion of system choice at that. If you love Mac and know the OS inside and out, then stick with Mac. --- It would help a lot to know specifically which CPUs you are looking at, as some i5s are better suited to games than some i7s. However, not knowing specifically which ones you are looking at, it's impossible to make a fully-informed decision. However, I can help with one aspect: - If you plan to play a lot of other graphics-intensive games, then invest in the better GPU. However... - If your only game will be KSP, you will likely be better off with a stronger CPU. Again, it's hard to properly recommend it without knowing which specific processors you are talking about. if you can provide details as to exactly which processors are in each option, that would help significantly. Saying i5 and i7 doesn't exactly cut it, I'm afraid, as there are a huge number of variants in each category, some of which are better suited to one task than another.
  23. This looks like a lot of fun! I'm gonna have to look through that list and pick something awesome. Already contemplating a Merry-Go-Round... Although I have a feeling roller coasters are gonna be the big ticket items around here Edit: I may have missed it, but I assume mods are not allowed?
  24. Subjectively: Yes, because when I load up a video game, it's not because I want to have fun, it's because I want to do math! Yes, sarcasm, and yes, I understand many people may enjoy the calculations and the accomplishment that comes with completing a mission you planned all on paper. However, I may be crazy, but I don't think the best answer for a video game is player-calculated math. Objectively: KSP, being as open-ended as it is, is a lot of things for a lot of people. Trying to keep everyone happy, especially when everyone is playing the game for a slightly different reason than the next person, is quite a monumental task Some people never leave the atmosphere. Some people prefer to calculate every little manuever. Some people just like building wacky contraptions and watching em explode... and every combination thereof, plus any number of other reasons. I guess what I'm saying is: I certainly wouldn't object to such a readout, assuming it were reliable, as long as it's an option. To be all things to all people? Not possible. But making something a wide variety of folks can enjoy? That's what we already have
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