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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. Personally, upon buying my GPU last year, I was "given" a copy of Star Citizen. Now, it's been a while since I've hopped on, but I'll do my best to give some rough answers, at least. 1. Yeah, that absolutely sounds like pay-to-win to me. However, without actually having seen what sort of advantages those ships have in-game (as opposed to on-paper-stats) it's hard to really say whether they truly provide a tangible advantage, or whether they just look pretty. Personally, when I was "given" my copy, I was "given" a Racing-oriented ship. Personally, the idea of spending 3- or 4-digits in real money on a ship is a little insane... but maybe that's just me. 2. From what I've seen, it is based on realistic physics. If you are flying in a direction and then flip 90 degrees, you will still carry your previous momentum until it is countered by the automatic RCS. Given that we don't really even have Space Fighters IRL, it's hard to say that how those ships behave (assuming they abide by all laws of physics) any differently than they should. It does seem realistic in many manners - you can see the velocity change, and the puffs of (what I assume is) MonoPropellant coming from the ports. Very cool looking. Personally, I think the decision for Jet-Fighter-style forward-facing guns is mostly based off of what most people would have experience with, and is mostly intended to help with the X-Wing/TIE-Fighter-style combat that many people enjoy. I imagine they aren't going to go into depth with delta-V, and ISP (which I imagine will be effectively infinite), and TWR and such, as that becomes a lot to manage for a Fly-Around-Shoot-Em-Up-style game. Then again, I haven't played the game in a few months, so I could very well be wrong about some of this.
  2. Hot off the presses, two more pieces of terrible amateur pixel-art. (Grizzly Bear, and Panda Bear) If people are able to tell what type of animal it's supposed to be, then that's close enough for me! (Images hidden behind spoiler)
  3. Not quite as effective in bright light with a white background, is it? Mood and ambience always makes a difference.
  4. A fair point. I concede. *Bows* Many people do understand that working with console programming is a whole different beast than programming for PC... and that's not even taking into account the verification processes for Microsoft and Sony (XBox and PlayStation respectively). However, two months and no progress? I can understand the frustration there. Yes, it is a much more complicated process to bugfix Console editions, but I feel that should have been done more extensively before trying to push it to Consoles. Then again, I am just one person and the best I can do is express my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt, as one should with anything one reads online.
  5. Okay, so for those of us to whom the word Sans simply means "without," (AKA those who have not played UnderTale) can you describe just who this character is and what he is capable of? As it is, I have to vote Jeb because I have not the slightest idea of who Sans is, or what he may be capable of. And being a KSP forum, I imagine many folks are in the same boat. TL;DR - Who is Sans and why should I vote for him?
  6. Anyone a fan of terrible amateur pixel art? These are for an upcoming pixel-cartoon that may end up as a music video (or even a very cheap video game)... assuming I see the project through. Made these in MS Paint, usually with a reference picture open to base my lines and curves off of.
  7. Congrats! I always wanted to be a jet pilot as a kid, but that was before I realized how awful my eyes are lol Good luck!!
  8. Well here's a question: are you going to acquire or the skills or just hope they fall in your lap? Are you going to make an effort or just whine about how difficult it is? Once you have a working platform, you can ask for help. At this point you're just procrastinating. So what is it? Are you gonna start building this figurative house or are you gonna stand around with your hands in your pockets?
  9. LOL I think I found some of my old stuff... To give you an idea how old, they were posted on MySpace in 2007 xD This was my, err, "Techno" phase, so please forgive the stupid Meme names Well, except for the first track "Awakening," which is decidedly orchestral. I have since grabbed the audio and re-uploaded them to Youtube, so no one has to remember that MySpace is (or ever was) even a thing. I'm seriously considering making some silly 8-bit cartoons to go with the music (I'm thinking Wasserbuffel first, with a pixelated Buffalo running around and saving princesses, shooting lasers, etc) If I remember correctly, I actually used 3 programs to put the music together. One for the synth voices (Encore), one for the drums (I forget which program), and one to stitch them together (Audacity, I think). I still have lots of other stuff, but I think it'll be a bit harder to find... >.> Anyway, the songs I uploaded are below in the spoiler. I think they might make for some good video game music.
  10. Hm, I wonder if I can find any of my old tracks? I'll have to keep an eye out Edit: Found some of my old MIDIs... forgot those even existed lol Haven't found the song I was looking for yet tho...
  11. My best friend and I come up with ideas all the time. In a way, we're both the "idea guy." The only way to get good at something is to practice. We all start off with little to no skill in a particular field... what matters is how motivated you are to go out and practice that skill. For example, I have tons of ideas for video games. But I know that in my situation, these will never become any more than concepts if I don't try. You can try and fail, sure, but you can also try and succeed. If you don't try, you will only ever fail. You will learn from failure, yes, but only if you try. Everyone who ever became great at something, started by being terrible at something. So what do I do about it? I download Unity, I start reading online, gathering skills and resources to be able to accomplish my dreams. Is it a quick easy process? Of course not! If it were easy, everyone would do it. But personally, I am setting goal for myself: small projects that I know are within my ability and skill. Then, push the boundary a little bit... incorporate some features of code that I am not fully familiar with. By doing this, I force myself to learn the new stuff in order to proceed. If a task looks insurmountable, like climbing a mountain, just break it down into steps. The more steps you can break it down into, the easier each step will be. Once you start realizing, "hey, I've already go half of my list implemented," then the rest of it will happen much easier and smoother. Once you have the momentum, try not to lose it; it can be hard to pick that speed back up again. The best thing you can do is try. Choose a starter project that you KNOW you can complete. Then pick a project you are unsure you can complete, but isn't impossible. The more you struggle and learn, the easier it will become. The more momentum you build up, the easier it is to continue. Remember - the only person who can stop your own creativity is YOU. Nobody can take away your imagination, no matter what they say or do. Only you can find the strength and willpower within you to do what truly makes you happy. It won't be an easy road you will go down, but it will be one that ultimately leads you right where you want to be, if you stay true to it and never give up. Being pessimistic about your skill or the market you plan to work with will only ever slow you down and make you question yourself. The last thing to leave you with is this: if you have no fire inside, you will not complete your goals. If you truly do not have the motivation, then you will not succeed. The is an old Greek Fable I am unable to find on Google, but I'll try to say it here: (sorry if I butcher it, but I'll make sure I hit the main points) ----- "There once was a man who came to an old philosopher, hoping to learn his ways. When he found the philosopher, he was contemplating a river. 'Teach me, o great philosopher, that I may become smarter than my neighbors.' The philospher regarded the man for a moment, and then beckoned him over. 'Look into the water, what do you see?' asked the philosopher. The man looked into the river, but saw only his own reflection. He stared for a moment, then began to turn to the philosopher. However, at that moment, the philosopher pushed the man's head below the water, holding it there while he struggled. Eventually he let up. The man fell back onto the bank of the river, coughing and spitting out water. 'What is the meaning of this, old man?!' he yelled, indignantly, rising to his feet. The philosopher only smiled. 'You see, many say they wish for knowledge, but it is not truly what they seek. When your thirst for knowledge becomes as strong as your thirst for air,' he says, gesturing to the river, 'only then can I teach you.'" ----- The point is, you will only truly learn when you feel the NEED to learn. You will only truly accomplish your goals if you are able to find that fire inside. It your life is comfortable, then more likely than not, you will take the path of least resistance, and give up your dreams. This is the worst thing you can do. Good luck! I know it is difficult, but I know you will be able to find the fire within yourself to accomplish your goals
  12. I assume you know a bit of Music Theory? Chord structure, major and minor progressions, time signatures? Or at the very least the ability to read sheet music? If so, I have a few suggestions. The two I've used in the past (though they are undoubtedly very dated now, possibly no longer available) are Encore and Finale. Finale was a little more modern than Encore, but I found the interface harder to use. Both are MIDI, and do their playback as such, as well as accepting appropriate MIDI input, assuming you have that type of electronic keyboard. If not, usual mouse point-and-click seems to have been the default. Naturally, both allow for multiple instruments and voices, varying time and key signatures, tempo changes, and basically everything else one could need to write music. I've done a few orchestral-type pieces on Encore, though I would have a hard time finding any remaining copies of the music. But, of course, these are both old OLD programs now, and the MIDI sounds are rather... archaic, now.
  13. Yeah, doesn't bother me either. So, if anyone reading this IS bothered by it, speak up! Currently OP is outnumbered.
  14. After 1,000+ hours (probably closer to 1,200+ now) I personally need mods in order for me to have me to do, explore, create, design, etc. For me, it adds a lot of content and changes up the experience enough to almost make in a whole new game. But, of course, there is no wrong way to play a video game, as long as you enjoy yourself
  15. *Cough cough* If you are using your thrusters, then you can go to a maximum of 4x Physics Time Warp, correct? So for a 2 hour burn, that's 30 minutes of... watching your ship slowly accumulate velocity? I mean, I guess everyone enjoys different things. If that's how you get your jollies, more power to you. Regardless, what I wouldn't give to have the amount of free time you apparently have...
  16. Looks fun! It is usually customary for the host to post their own attempt, not only to prove that it is possible, but also for those glorious, eye-catching screenshots! Pictures make a big difference Good luck!
  17. This challenge looks rather silly (and probably make some nice, cinematic moments): Great Canadian Domino Effect Challenge
  18. I mean if one is rich enough not to have to go to work 5 or 6 days out of the week, sure, time won't be a factor. But I'd say for a lot of us, time is a big factor. Can't speak for others in specifics, but personally my video game time is precious, and only becomes more precious as I get older and gather more responsibilities and things that I have to take care of. The idea of spending a few hours babysitting the PC but not really playing looks more and more dull as time goes on. Again, this may only apply to me. Your mileage may vary. As they say, time is money. (That said, I do not personally support the idea of a stock EM Drive)
  19. Never seen a part like that myself either. It has been a month or two since I've played, but I don't think they've added any new parts during that time...? Edit: Yep, just checked my KSP install and I do not have that part. Has to be from a mod.
  20. Really guys? I wouldn't consider ANY of the ships posted so far to be ugly (in fact I'd be proud if I had designed at least a few of them posted here). Mostly symmetrical, logical layouts for the most part, aerodynamic, etc. However, if you really wanna see a rat's nest, then I present to you: Hobo Station (built it back in 0.90 I think) No rhyme, no reason, no semblance of order. The idea was just to get modules kind near each other, then use KAS to attach them together. On half of em, I didn't even remove the upper stage. Enabling SAS causes the whole thing to start oscillating and... well... pulsing. If not for KJR it may have already ripped itself apart. Oh, and if I enable all the engines and activate them... well you see how they're all pointing different directions? Edit: By the way, the purpose of this station was to see if it was more economical to forgo docking manuevers in favor of a rendezvous, then attachment via Kerbal. I had thought that perhaps it would save weight on MonoProp, help the dV margins slightly, or otherwise make it all a little more efficient. Long story short, it didn't.
  21. So, forgive me for asking, but why even post then?
  22. At some point, you just have to sit back and let the crazies be crazy. Can't argue with em - they'll just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. Best (IMO) is just to ignore them, because the more attention you bring to them, the more motivated they are to continue. If they think it's impossible to go to space, whatever. Unless it impacts actual spaceflight, it really doesn't matter.
  23. Really? It's almost like I acknowledged that in the sentence literally right after the one you quoted... Selective reading, eh? The point is, they failed to QA the product properly. If they had, would we be seeing so many people making such a big fuss about it?
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