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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. I doubt I'm the first one to say this, but this needs to be a movie. Not a good movie either, mind you. I'm thinking a super low-budget ScyFy original, somewhere around the quality of Sharknado. Or those awful parody movies...
  2. Mostly fixed "+ 200 points: your craft is under 5,000 parts.†† " Regardless, glad to see I wasn't actually vastly underestimating the power of KSP xD
  3. "Maintain a manageable part count. No more than 12,000 parts please." Erm, what? Is that even possible to have that many parts?
  4. I still think that the FlyBoard is totally fake. But I suppose the boffins around here would be better judges of feasibility.
  5. Like others have said, I recommend Kerbal Konstructs (Kerbinside) mod. Adds tons of purchasable Space Centers and stuff. And if you want jobs for them, get the Kerbinside Contract Pack (something like that). For the stock game, though, there is little to no reason to have the ability to purchase the island airfield. IMO of course.
  6. Personally? No. If I wanna try realism, I'll install the Realism mods. For me to buy an actual DLC/expansion/entirely new game, there would have to be a LOT more differences than just physics.
  7. Wow, what an honor! Congrats to Squad, Kasper and Matuchkin!
  8. Ah great idea! I actually used two Jr Docking Ports along with a free-moving washer from IR, and depending on how I set the traction control and such I can get it to swing out quite far . Although it tends to roll the whole truck at that point... >.>
  9. I have a lot, so I hid em behind the spoiler here to help with page load times and such:
  10. Just sent in my questionnaire and all requested info... looking forward to what's to come! Hope to see at least a few of you there (assuming I make it through the rest of the steps) If I was able to keep a lid on Blizzard adding Pandas (of all things!) to World of Warcraft for 6+ months, I should be more than capable of keeping my mouth shut with Squad matters
  11. Huh, the version of this "theory" that I heard was that you could get to the page for Hitler from literally any other page, if only you click the right links (doesn't have to be the first link in the article). Which is actually relatively easy, because any mention of a country that was involved in WWII will likely have such info on their page, ergo linking it, eventually, to Hitler. And WWII affected a lot of countries... and even those it didn't were often still affected in some notable way. The last time I tested it was (oh man, I feel old now) something like 7+ years ago... maybe longer... Not sure if it still works, but as I recall it almost always worked.
  12. Ah, nice! I think it's a matter of familiarity from a young age... when I was younger the lists of commands like on the wiki were a bit much for me to comprehend (and often included stuff that I plain didn't understand), while keyboard maps made sense to me. Something about the color scheme, too, but I can't put my finger on it. I guess with age, those dispositions get ingrained and subconsciously affect how you perceive the world, whether you realize it at the time or not. Or, most likely, I'm just weird. *Shrug* Anyway that's enough thread hijacking for me Sorry if I derailed this thread too much...
  13. I did not know that either. Glad to know it now heh. Also, semi-related, does anyone else go a bit glassy-eyes when looking at the Key Bindings list? Not sure if it's the formatting, the colors, the verbiage, or just me being weird, but it's like reading an old textbook. Kinda makes me sleepy and disinterested. I'm just gonna chalk it up to me being weird, I think.
  14. A delightful panda bear! Because who can be mad at something that cute?
  15. Where do we send our info? I have approx 1,100 hours into the game and live about 30 mins south of Los Angeles. I have been somewhat absent for a few patches between 1.0 - present, would that be an issue?
  16. I'm guessing you mean Career save name. My latest probably wouldn't really be considered a Space Program (so far I think I've only sent a sounding rocket to sub-orbit) but the name of it is "Fancy Kerbal Flight Club." Needless to say, they are mostly focused on airplanes, luxuries, and launching silly aircraft and seeing if they fly or not. Their latest endeavour (after failing yet again (several times using various contraptions) to rescue a few stranded mountain climbers) is attaching ultra-light gliders to trebuchets and seeing if they can fly. So far they do... for a few meters. If I'm doing something serious, though, I'll use the "company" name of SlamTek.
  17. I have about 30-40 mods installed. At most I'll have maybe two concurrent flights: I try to keep only one up at a time. Typical mission in within 50km of KSC, (so what I would define as 'local' missions). I will crash maybe once or twice in a multi-hour (3+) play session, typically only crashing when entering VAB. Overall, 8/10. Crashes can be a bit annoying, but for the most part it's more or less just inconvenient more than anything.
  18. Had a productive day! Rescued one Captain Lisa Kerman, who turned out to have a soul patch beard. (Hey, I don't judge! But Lt Dan looks a bit worried there...) Realizing the short range of the rescue chopper, I set out to make a boat that it could land on and fuel from. I never got the chance to fully test it though... after getting it in the water and then returning to it from the Space Center, it had the tendancy to explode as if it had been hit by a torpedo. No Kerbals killed, luckily, but it was a bit alarming. So after that I decided to build a work truck. Once that was done, I decided it needed a trailer. No idea what to use it for yet, but it's sure fun to drive around.
  19. Exploiting an unintended feature (aka Bug) to achieve that which would normally take work (as defined by the medium... in this case skipping the atmosphere stage, thus cutting out cost and difficulty)... textbook cheating. But hey, whatever makes you happy. I mean, mods like MechJeb and HyperEdit exist, and it's a single-player game, so it doesn't affect anyone other than you... but still.
  20. Question: does a player's vessel need to be able to move? Or would one be able to build a "Tower of Doom" that just sits there and obliterates any hostile that gets too close?
  21. Somewhat relevant: On topic: I'd love to see a Harvester statue/still-alive-but-not-working-here-anymore-sorry-memorial, regardless whether it's 50 meters tall and breathes fire, or 1.2 meters tall and able to be put in a passenger seat. (ohh interesting idea. Put in a unique model that looks like Harvester as a tourist or something?) Regardless, without him KSP would be a lot different from what we have today, and the game is undoubtedly greatly improved because of his presence. As such, I think he deserves some sort of mention
  22. Does these count? I usually avoid night screenshots due to difficulty seeing the subject at hand, but here's a few I think should fit the theme here:
  23. Nautical directions are based on where the ship is pointing. If you are standing on the ship and facing the bow (the front), then the PORT side will be on your LEFT, and the STARBOARD side will be on your right. Now, how to remember them? Well, PORT and LEFT both have 4 letters. RED has 3. As well, STARBOARD and RIGHT both have more than 4 letters, as does GREEN (you could also remember that RIGHT and GREEN both have 5 letters). So basically: smaller words on the left, bigger words on the right. Always remember that this is relative of where the vessel is heading (but I think you know that already). Hopefully I didn't just confuse you more
  24. "Now that I'm done raging, allow me to continue raging:" "I don't understand the development process of video games, nor can I comprehend the time and resources required to make a proper game engine. However, I, a random person off the internet, obviously am better qualified to direct the development of a video game than someone who does so professionally."
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