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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. Prehistoric enzymes became toxic, killing every baby yobbo. hgedcyu
  2. I really like the mental image of "Hostile Intercepting Pomeranians" xD Triple-Use Xylophone, Equipped (with) Destructive Orangatangs CELLPHONE
  3. Smaller Prototype (of) Anger-Generating Helicopter (and) Experimental Time-Travelling Incubator. CHALLENGE
  4. Quietly, we envisioned Raichu eating eggs. Quietly. bencihb
  5. It looks rather silly, but it's a KerbPro (from HullCam VDS mod), which allows me to "see" what the kerbal would see. I like driving my rovers from the kerbal's persepective
  6. Awesome! I've seen very few trains in KSP (besides the almost-train I built and crashed on the Mun) so it's refreshing to see one that's clearly had a lot of love put into it. I'm curious, though, how you plan to tackle any water crossings? Good luck!
  7. It's possible you may have put them on upside-down. I know it's happened to me... nothin worse than putting a bunch of time into it, launching it up to the Mun, landing it safely, and then realizing you put something on upside-down. Happened to me too many times to admit... One possible solution is to disable the motors (right click and there should be an option there) on the wheels that are spinning the wrong way. This basically puts them into 'neutral' and allows them to spin freely whichever way you're moving. Good luck!
  8. Have you built a station using nothing but SSTO launches? It took a fair bit of my time, and was rather satisfying once everything started running smoothly.
  9. Hehehe, here's one I can up with a while ago for my Go-Kart challenge... Turns like it's made of bricks (that is to say, not very well), but with that Jet engine it can get up to 120ish m/s before launching off the end of the runway. Note: extensive Tweakscale was used in the creation.
  10. "I am Super-Cat!" "Nice monster, Xanthar!" hdkfur
  11. After university, Vader rented Kerbin's evilest pad. lcmdbe
  12. A valid question, and one I meant to put the answer to in the main section. (I'll do that now) But, the information in that box seems to base it's numbers off the unTweakscaled part. It thinks all the parts are regular size, therefore regular weight. This is why I recommend KER: it will show you the right numbers. And if your mass is too high, try lowering the amount of fuel and such you have. That can make a big difference. Only put as much as you need for a lap or two.
  13. Have you installed any mods lately? Problems often stem from there.
  14. Nice boat! I hope Jeb, Bill, and Bob make it without too much trouble...
  15. Heh, it ain't easy to get the best of both worlds, that's what I learned
  16. What are the dimensions on this guy? Also, does it corner well (or at all )?
  17. Check the symmetry type throughout the ship... sometimes you might start your wings as Mirror, then somewhere along the way switch to Radial. You wanna keep it the same from the base of the wing to the tip... otherwise this may happen. Hope this helps! Edit: Just noticed your edit.
  18. I checked that out a while ago, and can't help but think... aren't those basically unpaid contracts? It's cool and all, but it doesn't really add anything in my mind.
  19. ATTENTION HUMANS: Undead heroes took Japan. Now embrace! yergbd
  20. They're heavy, yes, but not impossibly heavy. You can always drain some excess fuel. On the right there is my Triton SSTO, my best Mk3 creation yet. The station has been built, module by module, by that ship. Unless I'm taking a particularly heavy load, I usually launch with about 50 - 75% fuel. 3 RAPIERs, 2 Turbo-Jets to achieve a 180km x 180km orbit, usually with 500-1000dV remaining. Took me many many attempts to refine it enough to be able to manage it, but it's well worth it when it works. And yes, too many intakes is just enough intakes.
  21. Can't say I like it! If we could re-size them, at the very least, that'd be nice...
  22. "Silence, human!" Unbuntu ignited, wickedly attacking cold-killers. pkpechang
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