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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. I feel like yours was much better executed. No offense to OP, of course.
  2. I believe the idea is that making an SSTO that can actually get to Eve without refueling is impossible within the confines of the current game. Especially landing and taking off from the surface. If anyone manages to do it, though, I'll be mighty impressed.
  3. Many years ago, rebel agents were everywhere. geteudi
  4. Saw it the first time a few months after I started playing. Now I've seen it bout half a dozen times. Twice in the same day, once.
  5. Did some stuff. And some things. You can read about it here.
  6. Is it just me, or does that ship look an awful lot like a gun. Either way, +rep for the replica!
  7. Aaaaand Part 7 is now done as well! Landin finishes off his last water crossings and sets a course for KSC! Check it out on the thread!
  8. Gettin there! Also, Part 7 now online! Landin does his final water crossings, and Jeb does the same thing he's done the whole time!
  9. Well, i like to think about it this way: in 20 or 30 years, we will have road cars capable of traveling as fast as a modern F1 car (assuming steady rate of tech advancement). Also, a supercomputer 20 years ago is but a calculator compared to an average home PC today. As technology continues to grow and get refined, the fun stuff that comes with it gets better. People will absolutely have single-seater sport spaceships some day... but whether that's in our lifetime remains to be seen.
  10. Obviously you just strap an Alcubierre device onto anything you want to move. No exhaust! (I think. I really don't know much about the Alcubierre)
  11. Well technically, due to the Admin building and the strategies, the amount of science you can earn is literally unlimited. As for how much you can earn without the use of strategies, it's gonna be quite a fair bit more than needed to complete the tech tree.
  12. ...and Samuel declared, "Oh! What everlasting jawbreakers, dude!" jegbdmv
  13. Killer winds had chased Vinny, even under docks. uehfjas
  14. I love watching the trucks and stuff drift around the VAB and nearly crash into each other. Especially the ones that don't even follow the paths and drive thru the grass
  15. Landin is stoked at having almost completed his circumnavigation of Kerbin!
  16. Part 6 of my journey is complete! Landin has finished crossing the continent, and has only one or two sessions to go! Check out the thread!
  17. Part 6 is now online! Landin makes it to the other side of the giant continent, and only has two sessions of driving left to go!
  18. Well the Laythe Yacht trip would be quick and relatively easy, while the Eeloo rover trek would be a bit more scenic... and involved.
  19. Generally speaking, you will need to launch a new craft to complete a contract. I.E. you have to have accepted the contract before you launch your ship. Now, I do believe I've heard rumors of docking a new modules to an existing station and having that count, somehow, as a new station. I don't know the details of this though, so someone else may be able to enlighten you.
  20. My circumnavigation of Kerbin is going swimmingly! Well, for the most part.
  21. Hi! Part 5 of my attempt is now online! Check it out on my thread!
  22. Part 5 now online! Landin drives a HUGE distance, but still has quite a distance left to go!
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