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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. OK I have started looking at updating some masks, I think I have figured out how to do it, radiator panels next, I have one no-brainer already, in the directory KerbPaint/plugins/KerbPaint.cfg look for the text airplaneTail Copy and paste this just below it's section and save file @PART[airplaneTailB] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = airplaneTail_Paint Shader = BumpSpec DeepReplace = true } } Now enjoy painting the Tail Connector B like so This was totally not what I planned on doing with my two hours of playtime tonight. Oh, I might put together a new zip, with just stock parts, no extraneous modulemanger.dll (you must remove it or suffer issues) and only part masks for the ones I have vetted, many have changed recently and they need testing.
  2. You could turn fuel crossfeed on and off on a connecting piece
  3. That sort of makes sense as the flow of heated air is what needs to spool down, cut off the air and it should stop pretty quickly, but stopping the fuel does not stop the compressor as it shows when you throttle to 0
  4. I had a look and could not find anyone else complaining, and I am not really either, I just thought the behaviour was funny. When you throttle to zero on a jet engine, it takes ages to respond, just like in real life, however if you disconnect the fuel source, instant cessation of thrust.
  5. The LV-N can only get a few tonnes into orbit, I would think you have too much weight with all the engines and wings, you probably need to reduce rather than add, less engines and wings, more wings than you need for lift = more drag than you can push through the air, higher speed 1000m/s+ by 10km
  6. From the procedural Airships mod, which seems to be dead (the source is available) he recommends airpark http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123669-104-airpark/ which I think would be a no brainer for this mod. Ignore, can see you already checked the mod out
  7. Strutting payload inside fairings, howto Dont add more SAS, use fins or vernors if necessary
  8. See my signature, aerospikes seem the most efficient small lander engine
  9. you are right, did not know there was two versions
  10. I think it's a reasonable functional replica, but the dimensions are better suited to 3.75m and the engine configuration looks like this, still kudos, I built something similar and it takes a bit of tweaking to get right.
  11. Ah OK, I didn't recognise it, I never thought about that ship from Avatar, Venture Star reminds me of the SSTO
  12. I believe they also had a nuclear directed energy weapon, so they could throw those out the back and explode them to produce a burst of high energy radiation in a certain direction essentially frying their enemies as they flew.
  13. Nope, second https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most-produced_aircraft
  14. That is some pretty impressive work, kudos!
  15. Roverdude has a mod for a Nuclear pusher plate, but it's nowhere near that size
  16. Found the old thread about it, lots of good information http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/115297-just-why-is-ksp-physics-so-slow-not-a-rant/ hope you get your PC running again!
  17. It does use Physx, where possible to speed up any calculations, my understanding is that the floating point calculations KSP does are just not handled that efficiently by PhysX because it's not a reality simulator it's a reality modeller. Thats not very clear, PhysX is more concerned with how it looks, rather than how it would actually work, does that make more sense?
  18. My understanding is that KSP is a bit unique in computing the interactions between each part with no rigid bodies, and it needs to be in a single thread for affinity. Though you possibly could parcel out resources and heat into separate threads as well. I'm not an expert on realtime physics engines by any means I am just repeating conversations from dev threads. Possibly it is the joint interaction, as from my understanding physx does not really do physics, not in the way KSP does, it models interactions in a more algorythmic way to represent reality without actually getting into the nitty gritty of actually modelling the interaction of each element. So an explosion in physx looks great, pieces flying off everywhere, but it is only a representation of the explosion, physx did not actually model the parts interacting with each other, just exploded them all outwards according to some general algorythm. Not saying KSP does either, all explosions in KSP look pretty much the same, but KSP keeps track of every part, what temperature it is at, and what other parts it interacts with, physx probably lump them all together and model the outcome according to some realistic looking algorythm.
  19. They did (Max Maps) and then they backed away (developers) as it became apparent the physics for a single ship will still be single threaded, but you can have multiple threads for multiple ships, which means you could potentially park two 300 part count vessels next to each other without suffering too much of an fps drop, but as soon as you dock them back to single digits. It will be better, but not orders of magnitude like some other games that use rigid bodies.
  20. This is very realistic, just looking at photos, except the thruster shrouds, not sure what would work but they seem more tapered and wider at the bottom on the photos, see below, maybe the radial air intake (probably last thing you want to hear, I saw you were having trouble with that yesterday, feel free to ignore me, it may be the wrong size
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