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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. While using the downloaded ship? I haven't had one yet, but as we found with the Dunatian, the Kraken can attack different people at different times with the same vessel, usually due to part count in the physics area, did you have anything else orbiting nearby?
  2. I use the default setting with don't exceed terminal velocity checked and don't overheat. My designs never exceed 1.6 TWR off the pad (intentionally) and I always make sure my rockets are streamlined. I rarely use fins at the back and don't really have a problem with flipping, when I do it is usually because of a weak connection and strengthening with a strut or two is enough. If it wobbles it's probably in danger of flipping.
  3. You could also use mechjeb to test designs, it would take the 'you' factor out of it. Also if you watch mechjeb you will get a better feel for how to do it yourself. You don't have to use it, it's just a tool like any other.
  4. I had a fly of this and for a stock bearing craft it is very smooth, it can easily get a bit out of shape though.
  5. Like I replied to your original post, download ours from the project and steal our quad docking port connectors, they are much more rigid than single docking ports, also you can steal the wheel I just posted in the spacecraft exchange to make your gravity wheel. God help your part count.
  6. I am guessing it would be another tweakable on the right click for the docking port just like decouple node? Except it just resets the port as if it had moved more than a meter away. This would help with station wheels and other moving parts that rely on the docking ports to undock so they can move but then redock when the movement is finished.
  7. A simple low part count core to build the rest of your space station or ship around and have a revolving wheel. Wow so much round! 111 Parts 120t Plenty of Electricity and Monoprop 6480 units of liquid fuel 7920 units of oxidiser Turn on SAS and RCS, Action Group 1 to undock ports, then switch to wheel, turn off SAS and then press Q or E to turn wheel, switch back to main craft, action group 2 to extend solar panels. Just stick an engine module on it and some landers, docks and go for a cruise around the system with full gravity (warranty void if engines are used while wheel is undocked) Download The persistent rotation mod may help if you want to keep the wheel turning indefinitely. Disclaimer: I shamelessly ripped Azimechs and Redshift OTF's stuff in the building of this wheel. See it in use here in a much nicer (but essentially the same ship) This was 160 parts and I was getting 46 to 50FPS see top corner
  8. Hi PLAD also the Rich Purnell presentation in the film was so....whats the word I want, oh yeah crap. It was so dumbed down and cliche'd
  9. I feel that while the overheating bug exists it is necessary, a few more structural pieces big and small would not go astray either.
  10. Hi PLAD, JAFO is offline for a few days so I am thanking you for all this work for both of us. We were not planning to do the Taiyang Sheng part so you won't find the ship in the files. This play through was meant to be quite a bit shorter than the book (to cover the most attention spans) and starts with a rover journey of approximately 4-6 hours, so we planned to have the Hermes about 6 hours away from the Duna flyby. I know on the Reddit challenge they are doing the whole thing, and you are welcome to use our craft to complete that challenge if you want. I am not going to enter myself so there would be no overlap. I love the symmetry of the orbits and would like to see someone do this, I doubt many people in the Reddit challenge will get as far as this and will just put Hermes in orbit and fly up to it. Speaking of Hermes, I stole some of Azimechs and RedshiftOFT's bearing tech and built this, it's 160 parts before you add any engines and is just a starter centrifugal gravity ring for space ships and stations, craft file coming in a sec. It is stiff enough that you can manoeuvre gently with the ring turning (though I wouldn't) I'm thinking of looking into an ingame tweakable that would reset docking ports so they could redock. Then you could do manoeuvres and start up the ring for the cruise phase. You may want the persistent rotation mod too. Up in the top corner you might possibly be able to make out I am getting about 47 to 50fps
  11. It's sort of hard to explain, but just a few weeks ago there were no stock bearing craft that could get off the ground. Now we have several but bearing designs are getting lighter and stronger as well. Is anything in KSP really useful, only to the admirer, and some of us admire the work and imagination that goes into making something designed for one purpose do something else entirely.
  12. Hey good to hear from you, I wondered what had happened, no worries I have a lot of ground to cover in rovers anyway
  13. I too usually build custom launchers. I built some standard ones for the Dunatian but they are replicas and involve compromises for aesthetic reasons.
  14. This is the imgur album I am constructing for the eventual launch release on Reddit, what do you guys think?
  15. In fact he could dump 4 rapiers and at least 3 turbojets see my similar OrbitMaster
  16. I'd just like to say we have reached 1100 downloads and the number 3 spot on Curse, considering we have not released yet, well done team!
  17. We are doing the Hermes flyby in The Dunatian look in spacecraft exchange. For start of conversation between JAFO and PLAD about the manoeuvre see here
  18. Thanks for helping us out PLAD, I have added you to the list of contributors. - - - Updated - - - So I know I have been quiet, well I have still been beavering away. I literally just finished uploading a teaser from the promotional video I am making (because I couldn't convince anyone else to), sorry for the crappy video editing skills, I am learning as I go. It's 6 minutes long which is about 5 and half minutes too long. About 30 seconds will probably make it into the final video. Video was still processing when I posted this give it a few minutes - - - Updated - - - Don't you hate it when you find spelling mistakes on public publishing
  19. I'm really liking the thud at the moment for thos Duna landers
  20. With reaction wheels being quite OP that's not really a problem. They should not have better vacuum performance than terriers or poodles, they are supposed to be good across a range of atmospheres starting at plus mach pressures.
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