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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. The reentry effects are actually fur shaders being overlaid onto each other. HarvesteR did a talk on this effect quite a few years back: https://youtu.be/mXTxQko-JH0?t=24m31s.
  2. With the recent announcement of SQUAD working on upgrading the project to Unity 2017.1 for KSP 1.4, this potentially has some benefits/applications that EVE could take advantage of:
  3. Brilliant, thanks for notifying me of this balls-up.
  4. I know that this is going slightly off topic now but, @Avera9eJoe, Roverdude recommended Beyond Compare to me a while back for exactly this kind of thing and it is absolutely superb. I can't recommend it enough. It makes comparing files an absolute doddle, you can double it up as an editor and you can very quickly merge in config parts etc. on the fly. It is also quite entertaining to load up configs from multiple mods and see them all "utilising" all the same bits of config code from each other.
  5. @voicey99, could you explain to me both set ups, exactly, that are giving you these differences and I'll take a look and explain the behaviour. EDIT: Ah, thank you for pointing this out, I think I made a pretty dumb mistake in the recent changes. Could you test the current build and see if it behaves as you would expect, please?
  6. I appreciate it may be quite a complex issue as we are dealing with Unity here... anyway, done and done.
  7. @linuxgurugamer, when I am entering text into a text field in the Editor scene, either in the Vessel Name input or in the Part Search input, the hot keys for this mod are still activated. Is there anyway to detect when these text field inputs are active and disable the hotkeys temporarily so that they are not triggered when the user is typing into these fields?
  8. I'm not sure how as L8 is an 8 bit alpha only. RGB is fully transparent, but the original greyscale Luminance is preserved in lossless compression in standard black to white format in the alpha channel. L8 keeps itself in the alpha channel only, which is the only difference between itself and A8 where the same is kept in the alpha and red channels. This is why L8 is handy for images like Heightmaps where only the greyscale luminosity values are required.
  9. Please provide all logs available to you, the process can be found here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140580-131-kopernicus-release-2-oct-07/&page=27#comment-2793409
  10. Like: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83g4d9w953coza8/tilted.zip?dl=0 ? Is that what you were after? I panned the map -90 degrees and rolled it -29.2 degrees to try and simulate the Milky Way from our perspective.
  11. Currently I have been using this: OBJECT { name = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/aurora type = TEX_CUBE_6 texXn = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraBlank texXp = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraBlank texYn = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraCube texYp = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraCube texZn = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraBlank texZp = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraBlank } Where the auroraCube is a 1024px DXT5 texture and the auroraBlank is a 4px DXT5 texture that is completely blank. I did a similar thing with a storm (link in signature). I'd be happy to test anything you implement or are playing around with, its all good fun and games.
  12. If you could scale the cube face independently on a side then you could theoretically increase or decrease an aurora. For my packs I implement the aurora on one cube face and utilise it on the Y+ and Y- faces. Waz, would it be at all possible to use a scalar function to increase or decrease the UV mesh for one of the faces?
  13. Also its worth noting that when this was "fixed" for Kerbin, it then screwed up the Sidereal Year length so now the calendar year of Kerbin and orbital period of Kerbin do not align... this causes any orbital synchronicity to become skewed the further you go into a game save (until you go long enough that it starts to come back into 1 year out of alignment). Bob and I decided for Gael that we would ensure that it does not exhibit this "feature" so the SMA was calculated correctly so that the Solar Year ties into 1 exact orbital period. EDIT: The above is also why we have to change Gael's SMA ever so slightly for the rescaled configs as we have different length days for those resize scales... ensuring that the Solar Year and Sidereal Period match up.
  14. Not listed, however you can calculate them by using the following: Semi-Synchronous Orbital Height = ( ( ( Grav. Constant * Body Mass ) * ( Body Sidereal Period / 2 ) ^2 ) / ( 4 * pi^2 ) ) ^ ( 1/3 ) - Body Radius Grav Constant = 6.67408 × 10-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
  15. Just changing the .ipsBreadcrumb > ul CSS from margin: 10px; to margin-top: 10px; should work fine.
  16. Thank you and it is appreciated, however, I think adding the constant 10px margin to .ipsBreadcrumb > ul has now shifting the whole breadcrumb list over to the right: ... whereas before (see OP) it was aligned with the rest of the elements. From a professional Webmaster standpoint, I guess this should be fixed... from a voluntary community website standpoint, I guess it may not be worth the time?
  17. Arguably then you are looking for either 'Stock Visual Terrain's or 'Kerbal Space Program Renaissance Compilation's. Both can be found with a quick Google search.
  18. I used a program called 'Pano2VR'. It is very useful, one of the tools it features is the ability to rotate the input texture around a sphere using offset and roll and then the ability to export said texture.
  19. Have you looked at Smokescreen and by way of that, RealPlume?
  20. As OPM has discrete body references in the configs for the celestial bodies that have not been changed between the official OPM and OPM_Galileo, it should be fine to add to an existing OPM career save. You will want to delete the existing OPM and CTTP folders before installing this mod. However, as with all game changing mods like this, it's probably best to make a backup of your install just in case. EDIT: OPM_Galileo in fact removes the FlightGlobalsIndex body references from the body configs, to ensure compatibility with previous versions of the official release these will have to be edited in to your configs with the values of the old official release configs.
  21. Download Unity 5.2.4f1: https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive (KSP Part Tools work with this version at least) Install r4mon's Float Curve Editor as you linked above into Unity. Read his "How to Use" section in his OP. Copy and Paste your Atmosphere pressureCurve values into the Float Curve Editor window to display the curve. To find the Pressure Half Height, look at the 2nd Value of your first key, this is your 0m ASL Pressure value. Divide this by 2 to get your half-pressure value, then look down your y-axis to find that value and trace is across to the intercept with the curve. Trace that intercept down to the x-axis and it will give you the altitude of the Pressure Half Height in meters. Here it is done with OPM Tekto's atmosphere. Not that Tekto has a atmospheric limit of 95km and ASL Pressure of 124.63kPa. Click to view full res. What we can deduce from that is that Tekto has an atmospheric half height of 5.7745km with an atmospheric limit of 95km.
  22. Does the NetKAN repository get any attention nowadays? EDIT: On a serious note, the NetKAN checks seem to fail if I state a max version of KSP higher than a max version of KSP that a dependent mod states. During the check, it tries to pull the dependent mod at the higher version number of your own mod and therefore fails. i.e. My mod - max version 1.9 Dependent Mod - max version 1.0 NetKAN check - can't find Dependent Mod that is compatible with v1.9; fail. Isn't this bad logic? I have set up my max versioning in this way to ensure that when KSP updates, I do not have to upload a new distribution with a new KSP AVC file to get CKAN to reindex new metadata. Also, thanks Olympic for the merge.
  23. It should be noted that this should be treated as a centralised resource, however, please avoid bloat. It is good practice to submit only textures that you feel will contribute to any shortcomings in the existing pack, will be utilised by multiple mods and that will enrich the mod as a whole. I presume much like Community Resource Pack and Community Category Kit, any submitted textures will be open for discussion on inclusion for a period of time before any decisions on being included within the pack are made?
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