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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Brilliant work @Li0n, really just superb. This is what CommNet always lacked, good visual representation and the ability to plan the communication links whilst planning in the VAB. Congrats on the release!
  2. I don't know why a fuss is being created about this additional usage info tracking being added to 1.4... what I do see as an important talking point though is the removal of the opt-in/out prompt and no way to disable the tracking. That's pretty underhanded. EDIT: But to answer the OP, of course KSP doesn't have spyware. It's more akin to adware... but it's obviously not, it's just data mining.
  3. That's what the licenses that we apply against each and every one of the mods released on this forum say and go by, however, as stated in the EULA, releasing these mods on this forum, and maybe elsewhere, give SQUAD/T2 the ability/permission to bypass these license restrictions... I think that's what a lot of modders are concerned with.
  4. On the contrary, the updated EULA/TOS is for the game hence why it was announced on the Steam page (I think by UnomoCapra): http://steamcommunity.com/games/220200/announcements/detail/1673522003721086842 Anyway, there is a much larger discussion about the issue on this forum located here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/171236-updated-terms-notice-privacy-policy-discussion/
  5. As HebaruSan has said above, navigate to the GameData/GPP/Cache/ and delete all of the GPP body cache files in there and let CKAN handle them directly through the update.
  6. Although I tend to agree with your assertations Brikoleur, you're asking for the mod developers to potentially operated and continue without any security and protection of their intellectual property and go forward on a 'good-faith' assumption in an industry that is renowned for violating 'good-faith' agreements when it comes to the publisher/developers against the user base and vice-versa (I also appreciate that a small minority of users push these organisations to take action so its a very much give and take situation).
  7. I brought this up in the past (last October) but it seems that this concept would go against the ethos of the mod...? Without this feature, its kind of hard to add this mod into a pre-existing game save as your communication networks are not suitable as they only have 1 antenna.
  8. Thank you very much, this is exactly the kind of response/action I feel a lot of people were hoping for, just a little more clarity on the situation. I appreciate and respect the fact that you cannot comment on this issue.
  9. This response unfortunately does not answer any of the queries and questions raised in this thread, all that has been said here is, "Oh, well it happens for these other games so why should you worry?". Well, seeing as, under strict policy set by SQUAD, we license all of our mods... however, this new EULA could be interpreted to say that any mods that any of us make from 6th March waive their right to be licensed under the selected license for Take Two and that Take Two can operate with the source of any of our mods released as an open license internally, claim rights to the source code and can monetize it afterwards send a cease and desist claim to the original modder. This EULA change seems like it has been applied with VERY generic terms without much consideration as to how they affect the preexisting KSP ethos and community. As part of the Modding community, we NEED very definitive clarification of this and I would suggest as much as it would be horrendous for another GTA V scenario to occur where the modding community are alienated from the game that they love. @RoverDude & @JPLRepo I am sorry for singling both of you out but you obviously are caught between two parties being contracted for SQUAD and being independent mod authors. Could either of you shed any light on this situation, if you are allowed to outside of any NDA areas?
  10. I opened an Issue/Bug with regards to this a while back on the Bug Tracker with reasoning as to why its occurring: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/17005
  11. @Li0n do the circles always orient themselves with 0 degrees inclination or do they reorient themselves between vessel and target so that they align parallel with respect to the connection vector?
  12. I can second Galileo's comment above in that those directories are present in the latest distribution so it may be a problem on CKAN's end.
  13. Eta was completely changed in the last update but it seems the Biome info in Eta's config was not changed to suit. This will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for notifying us.
  14. Linux, does this behavior affect all/some of the stock/vanilla windows too? If so, you should post an issue to the KSP bug tracker with your implementation so that SQUAD can consider changing the stock handling of the GUI.Window so that the fix gets applied game wide in a future update.
  15. Not particularly but as the trees were scatter based objects I was just curious as to whether it was a fix that affected all of them or just trees specifically. I guess the only other mass scatters I can think of that would be of note are large rocks on Vall and the weird tree things on Pol (of which wouldn't be affected as they don't have atmospheres... but in the case that they did).
  16. If you install Distant Object Enhancement, you could adjust the maximum brightness of the skybox using DOE to erase these bands of dark grey to suit your liking.
  17. Is it weird that I get excited the most looking at the angled connector parts?
  18. Well with Koperncius, you can do anything that Kopernicus allows. I'm not sure what you could implement to such a region specific location at the moment with regards to colouring the terrain... maybe via a LandControl Class.
  19. Kopernicus { Body { PQS { Mods { FlattenArea { flattenTo = float innerRadius = float outerRadius = float position = float,float,float smoothEnd = float smoothStart = float order = int enabled = boolean name = string index = int } } } } }
  20. I am in close contact with Sigma88 on a daily basis and I can communicate with him if there are any issues/bugs/features that need to be fixed or added etc, Sigma Replacements: Skybox is a lightweight plugin that allows me to do everything that TR did but in a way that is very strongly directive (only affects the skybox) and finally I trust Sigma in his direction and decision making and I appreciate the hard work that he commits to the KSP community and therefore I feel as though I want to repay that dedication and generosity by utilizing the great Sigma Replacements pack, in particular, this Skybox module.
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