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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Can you not just align the thrust transform directly in line with the attachment node on the vertical axis and make sure it is angled perpendicular to the attachment node, ergo, no net force will be induced? Please could you elaborate if this is not the case? I am very intrigued in case engine mod devs have been doing something wrong all this time.
  2. Correct, the 'upgrades' are the cost; I derived the 4th level cost from the first 3 costs, and the 'DSNRange' is the output power... but seeing as your antenna is supposed to be a be-all-and-end-all antenna, I am not sure as to why you'd want to remove this new CBK patch from OPM installs. Seeing as the new method that OPM has doesn't change the stock values, all it does it makes the range more extensible which is exactly what the J2X mod does almost as if they are achieving the same thing. Installed and working together at OPM's Level 4 DSN power, they'll just provide an all encompassing solution to comms networks. Here you can see the differences in how far out the different combinations of the end games DSN-Antennas can reach (Imgur embedding of Albums is still broken *sigh*): You can play around with this and see any values for yourself here: https://goo.gl/Wn03VL
  3. @Snark, the recent changes to OPM were to pretty much remove the CommNet and Science multiplier patches that OPM used to include to avoid these issue such as you previously experienced with OPM. With OPM 2.2.0, it currently does not modify any antenna power outputs and it no longer alters the DSN Level 3 power output... all the values of the antennas and DSN Levels 1-3 are purely the stock values, however, what OPM now does is add a Level 4 to the Tracking Station so that toward the end of player's careers, at the cost of a lot of money they can boost the DSN power output to the same value as OPM used to change the Level 3 DSN to. SO, to simplify the above statement, unless you upgrade the Level 3 Tracking Station to Level 4, your antenna mod will work just as if it was operating on vanilla KSP. Does this help at all? I personally pushed for these changes in OPM and wrote the patch for CBK for this release so if you have any further points you'd wish to discuss feel free to tag me.
  4. Maybe not as this time... I haven't spent the time to ensure that's its compatible with the dependencies for KSP 1.4.2. I will try to do this soon though. In the mean time, I believe SVE added in visual support for the OPM bodies that take effect if OPM-VO is not installed; so you may want to try that.
  5. It would rather be KCT"s interoperability with Custom Barn Kit than OPM.
  6. This branch of Outer Planets Mod is becoming the official release branch of OPM, and as such, the version of this recent release is continuing on from where CaptRobau left off with OPM 2.1.0, hence the large jump in versioning. This thread will update to reflect this in due course. The way OPM previously handled antenna/DSN changes was pretty aggressive in forcing changes onto the player. It changed power values not only for the Lvl3 DSN but also mutliplied all antenna power values by a large factor. This was probably not the best implementation of the desired effect as the vanilla KSP game has both an antenna and DSN power slider in the difficultly settings if the user ever wanted to increase or decrease the amount of power in these areas. Instead, what we have implemented now, is to revert these patches to stop OPM affecting the DSN level 3 power output and to stop it affecting any antennas, stock or modded, and instead introduced a Level 4 DSN unlock that gives the same power output as the old OPM level 3 did. With this DSN level 4 and a Comment 88-88/Ra-100, you only just be able to reach Plock when it comes down around its Periapsis so it's quite well balanced in that regard; however, please be aware that the mod Custom Barn Kit is required for this to take effect and it is currently not listed on CKAN as 1.4.2 compatible. With regards to KCT compatibility, I have no idea, I've never used KCT so I don't know what it does, how it affects other parts of the game etc. If it doesn't work, you may want to poke the Dev about it (only if justifiable) to include exitensiblilty in KCT to recognize increased facility levels.
  7. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures Community Terrain Texture Pack has updated (https://github.com/Galileo88/Community-Terrain-Texture-Pack/releases/tag/1.0.3) and the directory structure has changed which means, unfortunately, you will be required to change the terrain texture paths in your configs. The texture paths have changed from: GameData/CTTP/Textures/ to GameData/CTTP/Textures/PluginData The change has been made to ensure further extensibility within the mod and to ensure that Kopernicus does not cache any textures twice that are not specified with a filename extension in a body config. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. EDIT: I know you have discussed this above but just wanted to post in person to make sure you were aware and to say sorry for being a pain.
  8. @jandcando just to let you know the following changes are being made to OPM to resolve some issues with threshold altitudes: Hale: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 7500 Priax: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 50000 Thatmo: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000 The following biome work was also corrected so the bodies now have: Tekto - 22 biomes Wal - 17 biomes Sorry for the work caused.
  9. Well I rounded the altitude figures to the more conservative estimate integer as that is more representative as you say. On the topic of in-game surveying... be my guest. I have also included the Decimal Degree coordinates too as I think mods use these figures to relocate craft.
  10. I would say 'Better Late Than Buggy' but that may be a bit optimistic. ... I jest.
  11. The figures were obtained by the scanning of the body's PQS mesh at a resolution of 0.001 Decimal Degrees. The fact that the figure I posted was within 1.5m is not bad considering the Wiki difference is 3m and KerbalMaps being 6m. Do I have to put a Disclaimer in the OP stating all figures may be subject to a few meters difference?
  12. Eeloo is listed as a moon of Sarnus as per the OPM system, however, the body does not change. With respect to how Gilly's altitude seems high, it's how the PQS system that governs terrain generation works and that the noise systems here work in an additive fashion. Basically, the bodies are formed as perfect sphere then mathematical noise is added on top of this surface (or taken away with negative values on these curves). Specifically, Gilly has a radius of 13,000m but Gilly's first terrain PQS mod (VertexSimplexHeightAltitude) has a deformity amplitude of 8,000m... which is about 60% of its total radius size.
  13. A Comprehensive List of the Lowest & Highest Geographical Locations & Altitudes for Celestial Bodies Below are charts locating the lowest and highest locations with their respective altitudes for bodies regularly featured in KSP in the Lat/Long = Degrees, Minute, Seconds and Decimal Degrees format. Why are these locations useful...? I don't know, it's just interesting, right? This information is not typically listed and/or can sometimes not be readily available so its nice to have it collated in one place. Stock + OPM System Body Lowest Point Highest Point DMS Decimal Altitude DMS Decimal Altitude Moho LAT = 19° 38' 13" S LON = 166° 14' 31" W LAT = -19.637 LON = -166.242 ALT = 29m LAT = 54° 40' 55" N LON = 153° 28' 23" E LAT = 54.682 LON = 153.473 ALT = 6818m Eve LAT = 40° 05' 13" N LON = 14° 44' 20" W LAT = 40.087 LON = -14.739 ALT = -1866m LAT = 24° 59' 42" S LON = 158° 28' 30" W LAT = -24.995 LON = -158.475 ALT = 7541m Gilly LAT = 56° 47' 31" N LON = 7° 15' 00" W LAT = 56.792 LON = -7.25 ALT = 1494m LAT = 29° 14' 35" S LON = 123° 53' 20" W LAT = -29.243 LON = -123.889 ALT = 6401m Kerbin LAT = 27° 04' 30" S LON = 79° 00' 11" W LAT = -27.075 LON = -79.003 ALT = -1393m LAT = 61° 35' 46" N LON = 46° 21' 36" E LAT = 61.596 LON = 46.36 ALT = 6768m Mun LAT = 35° 20' 24" N LON = 76° 38' 17" W LAT = 35.34 LON = -76.638 ALT = -248m LAT = 82° 30' 14" S LON = 152° 18' 00" W LAT = -82.504 LON = -152.3 ALT = 7059m Minmus LAT = 0° 36' 00" S LON = 180° 06' 00" W LAT = -0.6 LON = -180.1 ALT = 0m LAT = 62° 56' 17" S LON = 74° 36' 58" E LAT = -62.938 LON = 74.616 ALT = 5724m Duna LAT = 6° 36' 18" S LON = 50° 12' 58" W LAT = -6.605 LON = -50.216 ALT = 127m LAT = 20° 53' 53" N LON = 106° 48' 04" W LAT = 20.898 LON = -106.801 ALT = 8268m Ike LAT = 14° 21' 40" S LON = 25° 28' 44" E LAT = -14.361 LON = 25.479 ALT = 73m LAT = 25° 15' 25" N LON = 178° 17' 24" E LAT = 25.257 LON = 178.29 ALT = 12738m Dres LAT = 19° 01' 08" N LON = 57° 09' 43" W LAT = 19.019 LON = -57.162 ALT = 25m LAT = 84° 58' 44" S LON = 42° 36' 36" E LAT = -84.979 LON = 42.61 ALT = 5670m Jool Laythe LAT = 29° 18' 50" N LON = 7° 19' 41" E LAT = 29.314 LON = 7.328 ALT = -2800m LAT = 17° 34' 41" S LON = 172° 34' 01" E LAT = -17.578 LON = 172.567 ALT = 6079m Vall LAT = 11° 38' 24" N LON = 145° 28' 52" E LAT = 11.64 LON = 145.481 ALT = -394m LAT = 18° 40' 55" S LON = 84° 12' 14" W LAT = -18.682 LON = -84.204 ALT = 7985m Tylo LAT = 14° 48' 40" N LON = 177° 42' 54" W LAT = 14.811 LON = -177.715 ALT = 1m LAT = 28° 52' 52" S LON = 171° 59' 53" W LAT = -28.881 LON = -171.998 ALT = 12904m Bop LAT = 37° 35' 17" N LON = 139° 16' 19" W LAT = 37.588 LON = -139.272 ALT = 2004m LAT = 23° 52' 52" N LON = 64° 34' 05" W LAT = 23.881 LON = -64.568 ALT = 21757m Pol LAT = 25° 07' 30" S LON = 173° 45' 40" E LAT = -25.125 LON = 173.761 ALT = 83m LAT = 62° 48' 47" S LON = 164° 33' 54" E LAT = -62.813 LON = 164.565 ALT = 4891m Eeloo LAT = 51° 34' 16" N LON = 33° 13' 34" W LAT = 51.571 LON = -33.226 ALT = -608m LAT = 24° 07' 19" N LON = 28° 23' 02" E LAT = 24.122 LON = 28.384 ALT = 3797m Sarnus Hale LAT = 54° 24' 18" N LON = 0° 40' 19" E LAT = 54.405 LON = 0.672 ALT = 1577m LAT = 56° 01' 48" N LON = 164° 05' 02" W LAT = 56.03 LON = -164.084 ALT = 5918m Ovok LAT = 76° 06' 47" S LON = 17° 13' 37" E LAT = -76.113 LON = 17.227 ALT = 0m LAT = 0° 10' 30" S LON = 91° 19' 05" W LAT = -0.175 LON = -91.318 ALT = 14000m Eeloo LAT = 51° 34' 16" N LON = 33° 13' 34" W LAT = 51.571 LON = -33.226 ALT = -608m LAT = 24° 07' 19" N LON = 28° 23' 02" E LAT = 24.122 LON = 28.384 ALT = 3797m Slate LAT = 76° 16' 37" S LON = 163° 20' 38" E LAT = -76.277 LON = 163.344 ALT = -1227m LAT = 3° 52' 01" N LON = 169° 42' 07" W LAT = 3.867 LON = -169.702 ALT = 16559m Tekto LAT = 20° 18' 11" S LON = 104° 34' 55" E LAT = -20.303 LON = 104.582 ALT = -631m LAT = 2° 42' 58" N LON = 143° 20' 13" E LAT = 2.716 LON = 143.337 ALT = 5954m Urlum Polta LAT = 52° 04' 05" S LON = 14° 43' 30" E LAT = -52.068 LON = 14.725 ALT = -466m LAT = 64° 20' 10" N LON = 88° 56' 42" W LAT = 64.336 LON = -88.945 ALT = 8835m Priax LAT = 24° 31' 30" S LON = 166° 12' 58" E LAT = -24.525 LON = 166.216 ALT = 8234m LAT = 4° 44' 10" S LON = 115° 01' 30" E LAT = -4.736 LON = 115.025 ALT = 30485m Wal LAT = 39° 13' 26" N LON = 106° 06' 54" E LAT = 39.224 LON = 106.115 ALT = -542m LAT = 2° 57' 36" S LON = 87° 11' 24" W LAT = -2.96 LON = -87.19 ALT = 20650m Tal LAT = 47° 48' 43" N LON = 152° 34' 41" E LAT = 47.812 LON = 152.578 ALT = -62m LAT = 51° 40' 19" N LON = 32° 13' 44" E LAT = 51.672 LON = 32.229 ALT = 11904m Neidon Thatmo LAT = 11° 14' 35" N LON = 79° 58' 55" W LAT = 11.243 LON = -79.982 ALT = -341m LAT = 50° 34' 59" N LON = 104° 05' 10" W LAT = 50.583 LON = -104.086 ALT = 4981m Nissee LAT = 56° 37' 08" S LON = 127° 21' 00" E LAT = -56.619 LON = 127.35 ALT = 1933m LAT = 9° 03' 43" N LON = 61° 25' 48" E LAT = 9.062 LON = 61.43 ALT = 9113m Plock LAT = 25° 54' 54" N LON = 121° 40' 52" E LAT = 25.915 LON = 121.681 ALT = -461m LAT = 46° 17' 46" N LON = 65° 47' 24" E LAT = 46.296 LON = 65.79 ALT = 3383m Karen LAT = 12° 28' 05" S LON = 34° 15' 18" E LAT = -12.468 LON = 34.255 ALT = -420m LAT = 3° 05' 46" S LON = 151° 50' 20" E LAT = -3.096 LON = 151.839 ALT = 4655m ------------------------ Big thanks to Sigma88 for the help in acquiring this information. If there are any errors, pointers, suggestions etc. please feel free to tell me.
  14. I'd suggest to be able to add it on an Object level so that different layer objects can operate independently from each other... is that possible?
  15. I tend to agree with you on this, however, for artistic license it could be handy to maybe add a toggle to use UT or not and/or a max speed like you have suggested.
  16. Once I've sorted out the biomes I'll look at altitude fixes. I should have something that will sort that out quite well. I'll create an issue about it so I don't forget. Thanks for the heads up. EDIT: Also, with regards to the biome fuzziness at the boundaries, that is unfortunately an inherent problem with DXT1 compression. I have the fixed .psd files for Polta and Wal but I probably should do a while biome map pass to fix all the biome maps to eliminate this and convert them to indexed .png format.
  17. These were issues that were carried through from Outer Planets Mod 2.1 but were unfortunately never picked up on. I'll sort it out over the next day to two. EDIT: @ioresult check out the latest commit here: https://github.com/Galileo88/OPM_Galileo/commit/ab83736ebfbf119891b67a7c2a573451f528ae0f. This has been resolved and will be fixed in the next release. In the time being, you could download those changed files and replace the existing ones in your install. EDITEDIT: Also just starting fixing all of the OPM Science Definitions, thought it was going to take me a few hours... but after a little investigating the localization file and science defs files are quite borked. It'll be a bit.
  18. With the greatest respect to LGG, RealPlume is one of those mods that needs to be actively developed with a sense of artistic license rather than being maintained through code changes.
  19. Its UI popup is much more user friendly when dealing with parts that have a lot of configuration variations that is for sure. IIRC Nertea's parts also made the switch and function much better for it.
  20. The issue is that the mod "creator" here has ripped predominantly all the assets used from KSPRC which operates under a restrictive license. This thread has been reported to the moderation team a couple of times now but since the OP has re-upped the download link nothing has come of it again, unfortunately. (Mods: Please feel free to remove this last sentence when reviewing this thread)
  21. This is pretty awesome. I will test over the next day or two for you. It should be noted though, @blackrack that there are a fair amount of users are reporting issues with KSP 1.4.* when using DX10/11/12 so as much as we should be stepping away from DX9 (Unity is deprecating DX9 from Unity 2017.3 onwards anyway, WHY ARE WE STILL USING IT?!) it is a change that should not be taken lightly.
  22. That's primarily because KSPRC was such an extraordinary mod.
  23. Just thought I'd drop a message in here to say that Environmental Visual Enhancements (Plugin) and Waypoint Manager have been updated against KSP 1.4 but on CKAN they still have the max listed version as 1.3.9 and are therefore coming up as update-able packages for KSP 1.3.1. I'm sure there will be more but those two reared their head for me this morning.
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