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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. I run with a 980Ti too with a 3770k @ 4.3GHz, Seems to cope just fine.
  2. As Waz has said above, if you really tank the min light value but then lower the alpha value of the layer, you'll have something that will constantly be visible throughout the day/night cycle but will be dim during the day due to the almost transparent layer. At night when the light contrast will be higher, it should be more visible.
  3. Well yeah but that's the rub. Not really a better way of doing it manually though. Just a lot of grunt work.
  4. Delete half of them, load KSP, see if the problem persists. If it does, delete another half of the remaining mods, load KSP, see if the problem persists... rinse and repeat until the issue goes away. Then you know the sample of mods that caused the issue and you can investigate further.
  5. Open the biome map in your image editing software, colour pick a biome and then match the ####### colour code up to the one listed against the biome name in the celestial body's config file i.e. EDIT: Put the image in a spoiler tag, not everyone may want to see Slate's biome map.
  6. Is anyone able to create KSPedia entries in Unity 5.4.0? I'm currently using the 1.1.2 Part Tools and when running the asset compiler I am receiving the message that: InvalidOperationException: WebPlayer asset bundles can no longer be built in 5.4+ UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.WebPlayerAssetBundlesAreNoLongerSupported () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/BuildPipelineBindings.gen.cs:274) UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles (System.String outputPath, UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild[] builds, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/BuildPipelineBindings.gen.cs:442) KSPAssets.Editor.AssetCompiler.BuildAssetBundles (Boolean compressAssetBundles, Boolean cleanupDirectory, System.String[] abNames) KSPAssets.Editor.ScreenBundles+<BuildBundle>d__6.MoveNext () KSPAssets.Editor.EditorUtil.UpdateCoroutine () UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/EditorApplicationBindings.gen.cs:222) Guess I should look back into the 1.2 Pre-release forum... It seems not.
  7. Upon further interest I thought I would post the following: Using the base heightmap texture for the terrain altitude generation is probably not sufficient for how you want your body to be in-game. Adjust the deformity value in the required Kopernicus config (tutorials can be found elsewhere on this forum, search "Kopernicus Tutorial") to change the intensity of the difference in terrain altitude i.e. Kopernicus { Body name = *body name* { PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = *texture path* deformity = *value in meters* } } } } } I have posted below in the spoiler, the template config for the body as shown in the tutorial posted above for reference. Finally, if you are having issues creating the normal map correctly, the mod KittopiaTech can be used to generate the normal maps for you in-game. You can also adjust all the values and regenerate PQS mesh on the fly in-game which makes it a very handy and powerful tool to use when 'sculpting' your bodies.
  8. Thank you for letting me know. I've restored the sheet back to a working revision. I don't know how but users accidentally keep screwing up the formulas that I have in cells B7:B26, C7:C26 and F7:27, G7:G26. The cells are locked and should not be able to be changed but the sheets keep breaking when users do something to the antenna selection parts and I cannot for the life of me figure out how its happening. It drives me nuts.
  9. In the EVE GUI you can mouse over some of the parameters and it will show a tool tip as to what their function does.
  10. Woohoo! Congrats to you all, a lot of hard work went into this, it is great to see it come to fruition.
  11. Feel free to raise any issues or create any pull requests to fix issues you have found on the Git repo for further consideration: https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer
  12. I appreciate the transparency and its good to hear the the missing thread issue is taking priority over the forum update as its obviously a much more pertinent issue.
  13. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head; waiting on the next releases of Scatterer and Kopernicus.
  14. Try adding this as a seperate patch after GPP and see if it works. @EVE_CLOUDS:FOR[GPP] @OBJECT:HAS[#body[*insert body name*],#offset[*,*]] { @offset[0] -= *insert inclination* @offset[1] -= *insert inclination* } Add in the body name and desired inclination angle.
  15. That is the process that I deduced when going through updating OPM-VO. Seemed a little laborious and hacky at the time so I didn't continue doing it... I thought this issue had been identified quite a while back though? Wasn't it a part of the whole shader load-sequence problems?
  16. Run the highlighted Application shown in the screenshot below: Navigate to wherever you have KSP installed (I have just shown my default Steam install directory on my F:\ drive) and run the executable. Alternatively, right click on it, and create a shortcut that you can then run from your desktop/taskbar etc. for ease of use.
  17. Looks like you're running KSP in 32-bit mode. Ensure that you open the game using the KSP_x64.exe executable found within KSP's root folder.
  18. Ensure that you're using RangeMachine's updated TextureReplacer that is compatible with KSP 1.2.2 and also if you're using SVE, you may want to change your Distant Object Enhancement settings to reduce Skybox Dimming to your own satisfaction.
  19. I used to host a large forum a few years back that ran the course over about 5-6 years. The SQL backups were totaling out around 4GB towards the end. Hosted profile pictures and signatures can rack up along with all the post data.
  20. For such an important community forum for a worldwide product, wouldn't it be pretty simple and reasonable to run a rolling backup at least once a month via Cron? I appreciate the database at this point will be incredibly large but that is a byproduct of success.
  21. That's your issue. Texture filename paths require a file extension. The same goes with the volumetric particle texture paths too.
  22. Blackrack, thank you so much. This is like... one thing that has really been sorely lacking from KSP when it comes to the visual immersion for some time. I have been watching yourself and Thomas back and forth on the Git over the last few minutes and I am super excited.
  23. Literally 4 posts above yours, there is a link to the new thread with the updated EVE mod.
  24. Feel free to watch @GregroxMun's Gas Giant Texturing Tutorial video on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun/v/86080269 Maybe he can give some tips and tricks.
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