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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. Known for having a neat avatar which I can finally see in all its high-res glory with the new forums.
  2. (Wait, what is this? I like this!) For clarity, I pasted a link to yesterday's Devnotes. The new forum turned it into that. I like it!
  3. You can find a pretty good explanation of why they switched to the new forums in yesterday's Devnotes.
  4. Sorry, that was a little hotheaded. Of course he deserves a place in this community regardless of rep. You guys gave that to me (though I'm not quite sure why), I should return the favor. What I meant is that he shouldn't cast himself as deserving special consideration just because he made an account a while ago.
  5. You can write bad things about SQUAD. However, your expression of those bad things cannot include expletives. If you believe your infraction was unjust, take it up with the moderator Just because you're one of the oldest members of the forum doesn't mean you deserve any more respect. Not to mention, in those four years you've made a grand total of about 200 posts, and amassed about 40 rep in total. In other words, you were getting rep twice a year. I find it hard to believe that you were an active member of the community.
  6. The Mildly Racist Adventures of Tintin (A title for a school project.)
  7. Jesus Christ. If you don't like the new forums, leave for god's sake! Start your own bloody forum! If anyone else agrees with you, they can come over! Just go and stop pestering all of us to come with you.
  8. I'm sorry, but you cannot take your minority opinion then assume everyone agrees with you. I most definitely do not stand with you on your opinions about the new forum software. I think it's great. Am I not part of the KSP community? Because 550 posts says that I am. Or does it not matter, and I'm not part of the community because I don't agree with you? Since when did you get to decide what the community wants? I've never even seen you before you started posting these pretentious rants! Squad made a change, and a change for the better in my opinion. They're not going back. Asking Squad to return now is equivalent to yelling "RETURN TO 0.90!" several days after 1.0 has come out. Sorry, kind of had to get that out of my system.
  9. 10/10 Finally, someone who agrees!
  10. Nope, those are just the threads you've posted in. Which, if you were setup to subscribe to any threads you reply to, also means you had subscribed to them.
  11. My bad as well. Should have thought about your other posts before posting.
  12. I'm sorry, but "its annoys my eyes" is not constructive feedback whatsoever. There are things that you may find sub-optimal with the forums. Try something like "The white is too bright for my tastes, maybe darken it or add screenshots or some such." Was that so hard? Please tell me how you have managed to get through 55 years of your life without ever needing to make a positive impression on someone.
  13. If I remember correctly, there was a limit of 100,000 characters per post (including text in spoilers and the like). I only know this because the writer of the Kold War fanfic ran into the limit when putting the entire story into his OP.
  14. I prefer the narrower layout. The old one was far too wide, I found it impossible to read. Now, all the text is in my field of view, and it's sooooo much easier to read quickly. There's a reason that books are taller than they are wide. Reading the old forums was like trying to read a paper written in PowerPoint.
  15. @ColKlonk KSP is not "the minecraft of space." Ever heard of Space Engineers? Or StarMade? Also, kindly stop using triple periods. It makes you look like the guys who comment on my local newspaper website.
  16. As far as I can tell, there's no resolution restriction-the image just needs to be below 1 MB. Avatars will always appear the same size now, though.
  17. @ColKlonk I'm sorry, what? Also, an ellipsis has three periods, not two.
  18. There may be issues with the new forum. However, it's much better than VBulletin, that much is very true. I've already posted a rant on another thread about the old forums, so I'll just leave this here...
  19. I hated the old forums. I shouldn't have to introduce people to the forums by telling them how to post pictures. The graphic design was ugly (looked like it was from the 1990s) and literally everything to do with quotes was horrid. I hated having to manually check every thread I've posted in to see if that post was an answer to my question or just banter. The mobile site was, to quote John Oliver, "Repurposed Bovine Waste," and when I used desktop on my mobile (as that was the only way I could browse and understand what was going on), I had to constantly zoom out to enter links in weird dialog boxes. When people quoted a wall of text to reply with a one-liner, I always ended up scrolling past the quote. And on the subject of blank space, the old forum was far too wide and annoying to read. There's a reason books are taller than they are wide, people. I also hated having tiny avatars that were impossible to make out. I shouldn't have to upload the same image twice, once for my profile and once for my avatar. And finally, font sizes are in points now, not "KSP Forum Size Units."
  20. Stretching my digital legs in the new forum!

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