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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. I think it did make it. I remember putting in a vote for it. Not against KSP, of course.
  2. @Deddly: Wait, did you adjust Romania and Russia in Construct 2's favor or KSP's? Both of them show vote-spam for C2. Just to clarify.
  3. Don't forget Romania. 154 votes while Ukraine has only about 5. This is like when my Spanish teacher used Google Forms to pick a class name. A class troublemaker took it upon himself to put in about 35 votes for "The Normal Class" Then my Spanish teacher went with "The Pencil Sharpeners." (these names were in spanish, of course.)
  4. And the 680 C2 spam votes from Russia, as well as the 150 spam votes from Romania of all places. KSP is winning handily in almost every non-suspicious region, about 80-20.
  5. Damn, Russia. Back at it again with the vote spam.
  6. There are some websites you can go to to get a good-looking logo. Just make a throwaway email account to use them as they will spam your inbox to kingdom come.
  7. Yes, but not for space. Those were for if everything went wrong during launch/landing. Yes, but IIRC the computer is going "Eject. Eject. Eject." when it should be able to tell that it's in space. (On that note, if the computer knows that the pilot should eject, why doesn't it just eject him? He shouldn't have to pull a handle.)
  8. I know that you can usually interface with a supercomputer through a desktop or laptop, but the scene involves him literally going into the supercomputer room (also, aren't those things usually supercooled?) and plugging a USB-WTF cable into his laptop. Then drama for 10-15 seconds followed by "CALCULATIONS CORRECT" flashing up in giant green letters on his laptop screen. And one final thing. This one is about Interstellar. WHY DOES A SPACESHIP HAVE AN EJECTOR SEAT, AND WHY DOES THE SHIP COMPUTER THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO EJECT AN ASTRONAUT INTO A BLACK-HOLE-INDUCED DEBRIS FIELD?
  9. Even The Martian, a science movie in nearly all respects, screws it up horribly. Why the hell would a NASA supercomputer a) just plug into a laptop and b) have a GUI roughly resembling the menu screen of SUPERHOT?
  10. Two people. There were two states with massive vote spamming.
  11. Please tell me where you get this "tens of thousands" number. Also, there are not "tens of thousands" of bugs to be reported.
  12. Nope. @Whackjob's install would be the Giant Squid edition. Danny2462 has the Kraken edition.
  13. Yes, actually. They do. That's why the pre-release exists.
  14. We won, despite what appears to have been massive vote spamming by people in two states. (500 votes out of Kentucky? Seriously?)
  15. The reason that people do that is to get higher search rankings and more views. I don't fault them for that, if someone told me that if I said three words at the end of each video and magically boost my income, I'd do that.
  16. Note that the rule says "attempt," which is a very vague term. It's mainly meant to discourage leetspeak and other meme-based languages.
  17. Okay. I've read through this thread, and I've got a bit to say to OP. Prepare for a large wall of text. And OP, please do not quote the entire post. Dear @GGKSPMC, I admire your intention to start a mod hosting site. I appreciate your intention to provide a better site for uploading mods for Unturned, KSP, and Minecraft. Considering your age, your knowledge of web design and programming is quite impressive. Your creation of even a rudimentary website is beyond my technological capability. And you seem to be passionate about this project-though I'm not sure whether that passion will continue. However. It may seem to you that the community is being weirdly hostile to the idea of a mod hosting site. As you have said: Have you wondered why that is? Here's why. I just went onto the Minecraft forums, and grabbed a sample post: Now, here's a paragraph I yanked from a recent thread on the KSP forums, one of several paragraphs in that post. Notice the difference. It should be fairly obvious. The issue is that you talk like you're on the Minecraft forums. Now, let me give you some posts from the creator of SpaceDock (apparently temporarily renamed PizzaDock)'s OP. By now I think I've rammed home my point. Most of the forum members talk like they're discussing scientific theory (which, oftentimes, they are). You talk like you're meeting up with a friend on a Minecraft server. I would not entrust files, account credentials, or especially a credit card number to a kid from California whose posts read like a Skype chat I'd have with a friend. If you want people on this thread to be nicer, and you don't want it to be locked like the last two, here's a few tips. First off, don't use boldface and capslock. Boldface is for titles, Capslock is for shouting. You are not shouting. You would not shout at someone when discussing a web server in real life. Don't do it on the internet. Use italics if you want to stress a word. Second off, don't use abbreviations. Nothing says "I'm lazy and I don't really care" like using the letters "IKR" in a sentence. Third, please, please, please use proper English grammar, spelling, and syntax. Also, use commas. It'll help people understand you, it'll get you better grades, and your posts will have an air of "I know what I'm talking about, listen to me" rather than "duh hey guys how ya doing?" Fourth, I know it seems as if it's perfectly fine to rage away in all caps on the evils of Spacedock, or Curse, or "bloddy PHP." Trust me, it's not, and it makes you sound stupid. Just trust me on this. You will look back on that post and wonder "what the hell was I thinking." You get caught up in a popular sentiment, but you perceive it to be more vicious than it is. Just calm down. My guess is nobody will want to work with you, at least if you keep acting like you're acting. However, even if you become , you've gained a bit of a reputation. My advice? Lurk for a while. Learn how it's done on the forums. Perhaps become a little more mature (though don't take that as an insult.) Then come back with a different account and help out the SpaceDock team. That way, you'll be able to contribute to the effort to develop an excellent mod hosting site, and gain some experience too. If you look up while climbing a ladder, you'll slip and fall off. Keep your eyes on the rungs, and get some more experience before you make the next Facebook.
  18. The sad thing about copyright law is that I can see this actually happening.
  19. You don't. (First off, you don't send them to be fixed. This isn't a warranty operation, or a vetrinary office.) You play on 1.0.5, then when the next version of BDA comes out, you update to 1.1 and install the mod again.
  20. I don't mean that the line-item, compact nature isn't visually appealing. I actually like it. I meant that the KER window is ugly, bulky, and horrendous to set up, because the default windows obscure a ton of the screen and the editing system is extremely slow. And the colors make it seem like you're playing a game from 2006. For a stock implementation, I'd keep the general "spreadsheet" design. However, I'd get rid of the windows, and instead put everything in a bar extending from the right side of the screen, which you could customize to your liking. (Also, it would have a couple of different tabs. Maybe autoswitching based on situation.) I want some eye candy. While I don't want big flashy dials and fluctuating bar charts and other useless crap, I do want: 1) The ability to make some readouts bigger than others (I'm not going to need to constantly glance at the inclination readout most of the time) 2) Red, yellow, or green gauges based on value. For example, vertical speed.
  21. Which is exactly why I suggested an "easy mode" where it tells you whether or not you can get to orbit, as well as "advanced mode" exposing all the numbers. I'd probably still use KER for the in-flight readouts. In general, Squad needs to figure out a way to put lots of numbers and readouts onscreen while still making it mesh with existing UI. All respect to KER, but the info windows have about as much visual appeal as an Excel spreadsheet.
  22. @regex, this may be one of the few times I actually agree with you. People seem to think that SQUAD can just type some maths in and it would be done. That's not the case. First, because of difficulty calculating thrust vectors and whatnot, though I'm fairly sure that it can be done given time. Second, because how the hell are you going to implement that in the UI, in a way that's friendly to new players? To those of us who are not enamored with the game enough to go on the forums and post about it, DV is basically a meaningless number. While you may think that sticking a gauge in one corner might be good enough, it's not, especially for a new player who doesn't have the time to read through a zillion pages of tutorial, and might end up just skipping the page on Delta-V because it sounds like some unnecessary advanced concept? Personally, here's how I think it should be done. Have a window that you can open. It contains basic statistics about your craft, L-W-H, mass, crew, etc. (like the Engineer's Report) as well as some info about the performance. By "some info" I mean text, saying "This rocket [will/won't] be able to lift off, [you should be fine/add more engines]." Also, something describing the range, maybe with a nice gauge. Also, account for player skill. "This rocket will easily be able to go to orbit. If you're a good pilot, it'll get to the Mun. It probably won't be able to return, though." Something like that. Then you can click on an "advanced" button (a la From The Depths) to view stage-by-stage dV, TWR, burn time, IsP, thrust, mass, amount of "bits, blips, flops, and fannies," as Yatzhee put it. (Of course you could set this to be default.) The problem is that this requires a lot of dev time, because it needs to be polished and make sense.
  23. As far as I can tell that's just Ven's Stock Revamp. Not sure what those RCS arms are though.
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