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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. While I agree with your first statement, "ridiculous computers" can use a whole lot of power. My computer, a (relatively) modest build with a GTX 960 and 6600K, pulls about 350 watts, with only the CPU overclocked. If you were to ramp up your OC or get a high-end GPU (or two) you could find yourself easily pushing 600W. LinusTechTips built an absolutely stupid system with 7 GPUs and a 28-core Xeon and power draw was in the region of 1530 watts. Obviously somewhat of an edge case, though.
  2. So I have three devices which I browse the forums on-my desktop, my laptop, and my iPhone. Like many people here, sometimes I come across a mod or ship that I want to check out ingame. However, I can't play KSP on my iPhone (for now) and my laptop is not good for KSP, so I do all my KSP-ing on my desktop. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. Using Dropbox from my laptop or phone, I put the files in, and they get downloaded to my desktop basically instantaneously (the desktop is on 24/7). I was wondering if I could somehow make a lightweight script or some such that keeps an eye on two folders in my Dropbox folder on my computer, and if it sees anything, automatically move it over to the GameData or Ships folder. (I have very little programming experience.) If you have any other ideas for how to accomplish this, just tell me-my solution is certainly a convoluted bit of work. Speaking of, relevant xkcd:
  3. That would make a lot of sense. Otherwise you could spam views by just making a landing page full of 1000 youtube embeds, then you'd get 1k views every visit
  4. Huh! Not all that bad. That FPS though... Gotta love that console quality.
  5. I have two AF140s and an AF120 installed (all red LED) and I'm thinking of installing an extra fan on the bottom (I have approximately 12 spare fans of various types, yay for school science fair projects!)
  6. I would use Noctuas... if they weren't calibrated to clash with every color scheme in existence. Also LEDs. LEDs are a must.
  7. I will heartily recommend both of those choices (My new rig is an 6600k with an MSI GTX 960 4G). If you're like me, mainly CPU-bound games like KSP and Cities:Skylines with a few older games thrown in like Planetside 2 (or non-intensive games like Rocket League) that's a great combo to use. I have my i5 purring along at 4.5 Ghz, 70 °C with a Hyper 212 no less. If you're more of a serious AAA gamer, save on the CPU and put the money towards a 970 though. PS: Those temps are running Prime95 Small FFTs. I never get above 55 °C when gaming.
  8. I probably lost an entire year's worth of class programming a crappy Pong program that wasn't even Pong on my calc. It sucked and was really laggy (dat 10Mhz CPU though) but it was 2.5 KB of blood, sweat, and "[Hobbes], put that away, this is social studies class."
  9. You know you're a nerd when you crack up at this:
  10. Not sure that that's really how that works.
  11. A: A so called 'woodchuck' (correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck-that is, throw-as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck (ibid.) if woodchucks in general had the capability-and, presumably, the motivation-to chuck wood. (Thumbs up if you get that reference.) Q:What is your stance on being asked questions?
  12. I wish it would be official. I feel like a lot of people often click "mods" on the KSP menu and never end up seeing the amazing stuff that's only on Kerbalstuff Spacedock. As I understand, servers are currently... Work in progress, so to speak. Give it some time, KS closed down what, two days ago? Websites are hard. I realized this, after making the mistake of right-clicking on the Google home page and selecting "View source." Also, that is a most excellent username. EDIT: hey, 700 posts!
  13. I prefer OSX (trackpad support and generally more pleasant to use, not to mention excellent integration with my smartphone) and Windows 10 (possibly the first actually nice-looking Microsoft OS. I don't know of Windows 8, we don't speak of it here.) *Raises heatshield*
  14. I've done 5v5 battles, AI only. I get about 7 FPS though. Mainly due to the physics (about 400-500 parts in total) but there's also the squillion countermeasures and missile trails being rendered.
  15. I would rep you for that, but you have 2048 rep points and I don't want to upset the balance. EDIT: Well, now you have 2066. Make that 2067, and good luck on your way to the next power of two.
  16. I'm considering making some cinematics and such, possibly using BDArmory. As you may or may not know, BDA has a habit of using the green text that appears in the middle of the screen to indicate a lot of things. The issue is is that this text can't be turned off with the F2 key, which is... less than ideal for videos. So, is there a mod that removes all the text from the screen when the HUD is off?
  17. Hm. I'd guess, judging by the varying colors and sizes of the containers as well as their position on that ridiculously large ship, that it's from some kind of life support mod. (or being used for that purpose, anyway.) I don't see them being used for anything in the video.
  18. Here's mine (somewhat shortened): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/34-add-on-releases
  19. ERMAGHERD IT LOOKS SO GOOD This is awesome. KSP really needed a GUI modernization, a lot of the UI looks downright ugly (especially at low resolution).
  20. I typed a sentence on my phone without making any typoos! ... Goddammit.
  21. "YOU HAD ONE JOB." Also, I don't actually think heat shields occlude from solar heat. Correct me if I am tremendously, horribly wrong.
  22. Favorite: A cool basement or one of the giant conifer forests here in the Northwest. Least favorite: Hot summer nights, open fields when the sun is out, and art museums.
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