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Posts posted by RedParadize

  1. Installed Persistent trust, it change everything really! My new favorite engine was the nuclear salt water, now its the nuclear fragment. Compact, not expensive and not too heat intense. Perfect for my Current project:

    Pegasus Lifeboat/Taxi

    Playing at 6.4 scale and with Life support and failure (kerbalism) can turn a perfectly planned mission to Jool into a disaster. For that reason I made this lifeboat, its light, compact and relatively inexpensive. Idea is to send it unmanned to Jool and serve as a backup return craft in case of failure. With 120k deltaV and its triple redundancy it can bring back 4 astronaut safely home in less than a year and half.  The Engine can be replaced but I doubt it would be worth it as at that point most of the craft will be past its life expectancy. Will see.

  2. I would certainly love to have a LS done by Nertea. His stuff is high quality and easy to work with. Problem is, he is only one guy! If I had to define priority (I don't claim to have that prerogative, obviously!) I would say that a persistent trust would be at the top, Nertea almost have a monopoly on low trust electric engine, kind of make sense to have it handled by him. Below that would be a electric system that has separated loops, like his heat management. Then, a LS mod would use a similar loop system for air and else.

    The heat management could get a tad more sophisticated, a low temperature loop (habitat) can't really use the same loop as a high (say nuclear) one. Not sure how to format that into something that is easily understood by player trough.

    Gonna give a shot at persistent trust mod and see if I can make it work for me. Thanks btw

  3. There is a couple of part failure mod. On my current gameplay I am using Kerbalism. So far I like what it does. Few annoying thing, like part not having this or that feature, I can handle that, but need to restart every time. 

    What I was thinking about is having habitat management using Nertea system. Would be really cool is to also have heat, atmosphere and electric management as well (air filter battery accumulator etc...). Building station and long range spacecraft would become much more fun.

  4. When Nertea decided to redo FFT because he trough it wasn't looking good enough I was thinking that it was completely unnecessary, it was looking great. But now that I seen and played with the new stuff I think it was worth it. The new exhaust FX look amazing and the heat system is really cool. Make me wish we had a life support system that work the same way.

    There is still one obstacle in the way, low trust engine is... unplayable. Who want to accelerate for 18 days right? There was a "on rail" acceleration mod long ago, if I recall correctly it was not working with the engine charge thing. Is there a mod that allow time warp acceleration that work with FFT?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

    In short, the whole game is a piece of $#!^ in a technical perspective. It's only bearable as it's the best game in existence for me from a game-play perspective.

    Exactly. There is hope on that side. The KSP2 trailer probably costed more than KSP game original development. They have more technical resource and fund. I am a bit sad they retained Unity trough...

  6. Given what we see in in game footage floppy Unity rigidBody will be a thing again. Trough it seem that on the second launch was not floppy so they might just do both to show the difference. Anyways, it should be something that can be adjusted. Wheel collider should be fixable.

    As for SSTU, it vastly surpassed its original goal. I would find it hard to play KSP without SSTU even if the part count problem was not a issue. Stretchable tanks looks better and are easier to play with. Engine stack too. All of it make it easier. If anything, I would hope they inspire themself from SSTU.

    Forgot to say, they retained the weird part look of KSP1. Trough not on the new stuff, there is hope.

  7. Hi there!

    In my opinion KSTS is one of the best non part mod around. For veteran player like me its really good to skip the repetitive launch from kerbin. @whitespacekilla You mentioned a newer fork that allow off Kerbin operation. I am really interested into that. You see I am building a refining station around Minmus, I would really like if I could automate the resupply from Minmus mining site. Think its possible?

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