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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. (c) S.P. Korolyov about the N-1 testing. Only first three failed in 2..4 seconds. Other three did it later. On-ground tests don't blow a 1 000 t tank, they can be fed by pipe. A 9 m wall isn't too high. Or a torch blowing up. *** 80' = 24 m, enough to hide the whole stand from rain.
  2. Granted. But the life imprisonment has its own disadvantages. I wish there was Skyrim's NoInsect mod irl.
  3. Trackless tank project by Leshchenko and Balaev.
  4. Though, it's a 1990s fake. https://voenhronika-ru.translate.goog/publ/vtoraja_mirovaja_vojna_sssr_khronika/stala_izvestna_podlinnaja_istorija_sverkhtjazhelogo_tanka_kv_6_begemot_2021/22-1-0-10777?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp The real one was much simpler. *** Jumping tank TPP-2
  5. Too many pictures to copypaste. https://topwar-ru.translate.goog/215414-sochlenennye.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  6. Granted. But you woke up Balrog under the KSC. I wish for Kerbal Eywa-like tree to hop from branch to branch by lander.
  7. Btw, why do they say that some engines were damaged by the pieces of concrete, rather than overheating? Wouldn't the mechanically damaged nozzle go cracking and explode? P.S. Now they have a chance to test an Orion pusher plate by hammering it down on the next launch. Btw, the diameter is similar.
  8. And fly around as concrete slabs, and cover the New Pompeii Port Isabel with dust. Just as planned. The smashed tanks are also looking as they should be.
  9. A comment from pikabu.ru: "The rocketry evolution is moving from the expendable rockets and reusable launchpads to the reusable rockets and expendable launchpads." (c)
  10. Morebans. A lot of them. But all of them are in facebook, so I can't insert the images directly.
  11. It watched the previous launch. Needs a psychological assistance.
  12. @TheSaint Probably, those guys who repaired the submarine reactor with glue, lost it. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22198059/secret-nuclear-submarine-plans-found-wetherspoons-toilet/
  13. Cats have a sense of humor. Vulcanians don't. The cat sense of humor is based on childish imitation of adult activities, like attacking. Ergo, the Vulcanians don't have a model of childish behaviour. Ergo, the Vulcanians have to do mistakes themselves instead of learning the adults' experience. That's why they are having gone. ... Never liked the Vulcanians. The cats are much better.
  14. Who needs the Sun, when the Earthlings are o the Earth. It's a geocentric system. Physical, aligned along the ecliptics, just geocentric. The natal ones are on someone's birth, others are on events or relations. The galactic center longitude. 200 mln year guarantee. P.S. Afaik, if the system language is English, it becomes English. https://astrozet.net
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism Olomouc
  16. The connection between LOTR and SW is getting more obvious. First Yollum, now hobbits.
  17. "wheel bee" = "a silly buzzing person, always ready to quickly change his position, like he is on wheels" (Yoda language). https://cdn3.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/61/72/bee-on-wheels-character-vector-22616172.jpg "You - wheel bee!", said Yoda to Luke.
  18. "In any incomprehensible situation first launch a nuclear torpedo." The first commandment of a Russkies officer.
  19. R-7 Vostok had an additional upper stage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_LV-3B Numerous improvements of SAS, controls, electrics, other systems, and just because the military Atlas D was a frighteningly bad rocket exploding too often. This doesn't affect delta-V. Even if so, the engines origin doesn't play a role. The talk is not about the NK industrial abilities (which still look rather better than the SK propaganda tells). Most of ICBM have ~11 000 km range. 15 000 is significantly greater and closer to the LEO needs..
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